He was Trevant. Human Mariner Hunter. NT

April 28, 2008 08:34AM
Subject Author Posted

Hunters stuff - bows and aimed shot/serpent strike affects

ksuga April 28, 2008 12:37AM

Not worth playing until fixed. I'm certain of this. nt

zen April 29, 2008 07:24AM

Been awhile since I've looked for bows, but..

wildgirl April 28, 2008 03:13PM

Re: Been awhile since I've looked for bows, but..

Death_Claw April 28, 2008 03:29PM

Hardened acid is in the Weald. At least I'm almost positive it is. NT

Sam April 28, 2008 06:17PM

I never got to really test out the stats that each skill does.

Death_Claw April 28, 2008 05:27AM

Part of this is false.

zen April 29, 2008 09:27AM

Ok, I'll rephrase. If you're not a newbie you'll tank fine outside of the woods. Better? n/t

Death_Claw April 29, 2008 02:20PM

Have to agree, hunters can take down big mobs with relative ease. nt

Someone Not Special, Esquire April 28, 2008 10:55AM

timed attack can be nice

daurwyn(VIP) April 28, 2008 09:53AM

Dagger is -2 str and staff is -2 dex I believe. They stack as well. NT

Sam April 28, 2008 06:33AM

I've never been able to serpent strike with staffs... you sure? ~

Krilcov April 28, 2008 07:23PM

If you are a hunter you can. n/t

Death_Claw April 29, 2008 09:02AM

Don't play a hunter. None of the affects are as useful as dual wield nt

laearrist April 28, 2008 04:23AM

It's a very neat and different playstyle, but ultimately not very deadly past 40. n/t

Someone Not Special, Esquire April 28, 2008 10:54AM

Honestly, I found them roughly as "bad" as shamans at hero.

Death_Claw April 28, 2008 12:09PM

I agree with Laerrist, but I'm definitely open minded until I see logs of DC's killer Hunter n/t

Balrahd(VIP) April 28, 2008 07:48AM

Re: I agree with Laerrist, but I'm definitely open minded until I see logs of DC's killer Hunter n/t

Death_Claw April 28, 2008 11:51AM

You're on crack. NT

Sam April 28, 2008 06:30AM

Deafen isn't good? What're you smoking? n/t

Death_Claw April 28, 2008 04:32AM

Not as useful as actually being able to kill anyone in pk nt

laearrist April 28, 2008 05:32AM

I went 60 & 9 as an uncaballed. Not fantastic but not as bad as you make it out to be.

Death_Claw April 28, 2008 05:34AM

60-9 as a Hunter *IS* fantastic. I bet that doubles the next best. Who was your hunter?

Balrahd(VIP) April 28, 2008 07:46AM

He was Trevant. Human Mariner Hunter. NT

Sam April 28, 2008 08:34AM

Exactly what I was thinking. Not only that, it may be the most defensive.

Sam April 28, 2008 06:31AM

Yeah the hunter S-strike's kinda own. Even the double damage from sword is nice. nt

shamanman April 28, 2008 05:23AM

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