Fine, but there's nothing fundamentally wrong with respect /nt

May 30, 2010 07:01PM
And I'm not Oprah.
Subject Author Posted

How to quit playing CF:

arzzra May 30, 2010 12:40AM

I can't believe you stole my original nic. I'm AA dammit!

Sam May 30, 2010 05:36PM

Don't put up with shitty social relationships. It takes courage, but if you want to be happier you will have to go against social norms. (n/t)

Bendak May 30, 2010 08:23AM

Do yourself a favor. Dope her up on ambien and put a pillow over her face when she sleeps. Maybe throw in a donkey punch or two for fun. Problem solved. (n/t)

Gaplemo May 30, 2010 08:20AM

That's a man's wife your talking about

MiyagiYojimbo May 30, 2010 09:16AM

look up what donkey punch means before twisting your panties. (n/t)

Artificial May 30, 2010 09:32AM

Learned something new, doesn't matter

MiyagiYojimbo May 30, 2010 09:45AM

CF and most computer game communities are bro/dude fests

HairyOrangutan May 31, 2010 01:03PM

I am home, by the way

MiyagiYojimbo May 31, 2010 01:55PM

Why do you have a computer installed in your kitchen?

Batman May 31, 2010 02:09PM

You drink coffee with a cock up your ass?

MiyagiYojimbo May 31, 2010 02:16PM

Red auras are gross.

Batman May 31, 2010 02:50PM

I thought nerds and bros were natural enemies. What the hell happened? /nt

MiyagiYojimbo May 31, 2010 01:11PM

I'll tell you what happened: A cool frog and a dolphin.

Batman May 31, 2010 01:51PM

What I got out of this was, this is XBOX's fault. /nt

MiyagiYojimbo May 31, 2010 01:58PM

How did I miss this one?

Starscream May 31, 2010 09:18AM

FYI, this is considered assault

MiyagiYojimbo May 31, 2010 12:23PM

As someone who has a bit of familiarity with court cases.

Batman May 31, 2010 01:49PM

I know, I got off the hook easily

MiyagiYojimbo May 31, 2010 02:00PM

A lot of cops do get way too fussy about that. It's annoying. This is why judges make Batman happy. NT

Batman May 31, 2010 02:10PM

Take a step back and look at this

MiyagiYojimbo May 31, 2010 09:56AM

I take a step back when I look at your grizzled snatch

HairyOrangutan May 31, 2010 01:02PM

It's not rape if you can't say "No". I don't see what your issue is. NT

Batman May 31, 2010 10:23AM

Rape Vibe?!?!?

wrathpuppet May 31, 2010 10:17AM

Rofl nt

HairyOrangutan May 30, 2010 08:06PM

Lol. Check out fuckin Oprah over here. nt

Dalbrin May 30, 2010 05:45PM

Fine, but there's nothing fundamentally wrong with respect /nt

MiyagiYojimbo May 30, 2010 07:01PM

Dude, he's asking for advice on a relationship on Dio's. You can't take anything said on these boards seriously ;) NT

Sam May 30, 2010 05:34PM

I guess so, it's kind of sad the way some of these people talk though. I'm not a dude. /nt

MiyagiYojimbo May 30, 2010 07:02PM

No one cares if you're a woman, piss off with this shit. (n/t)

Starscream May 31, 2010 08:07AM

I started out with civility, happy to receive all these insults

MiyagiYojimbo May 31, 2010 08:38AM

Welcome to the internet.

Starscream May 31, 2010 08:47AM

Because anonymity makes it less sad, right? /nt

MiyagiYojimbo May 31, 2010 08:49AM

Pointing out your gender for special attention on the internet is sad. (n/t)

Starscream May 31, 2010 08:50AM

Did point that out until someone posted something that wasn't disrespectful

MiyagiYojimbo May 31, 2010 08:53AM

Yes, but why?

Starscream May 31, 2010 09:01AM

Double standards?

MiyagiYojimbo May 31, 2010 09:49AM

No but they're able to speak to each other without using it as a social crutch. (n/t)

Starscream May 31, 2010 10:19AM

You assume too much

MiyagiYojimbo May 31, 2010 01:05PM

That's too difficult. How else will she feel unique and special unless she posts her gender?

Batman May 31, 2010 09:23AM

Nah, you're supposed to say "I'm not your Dude, guy" and then we can continue this discourse! NT

Sam May 30, 2010 09:03PM

I'm not your guy, man

MiyagiYojimbo May 31, 2010 07:50AM

Why would you marry a woman like that? Did you feel you couldnt do better? Serious question. (n/t)

Artificial May 30, 2010 01:09AM

There's nothing you can get from getting married, that you can't get from a prostitute for cheaper. (n/t)

baekthestorm May 31, 2010 06:03AM

Prostitutes won't take out the trash. nt

Java May 31, 2010 06:16AM

Neither will any other woman. (n/t)

baekthestorm May 31, 2010 09:21AM

After marriage they get their fourth tier bitch forms.

wrathpuppet May 30, 2010 05:01AM

Heh. nt

The Forsaken(VIP) May 30, 2010 04:19PM

And you get put in bloody shackles. nt

istirith May 30, 2010 09:23AM

This is true. (n/t)

daning May 30, 2010 05:51AM

Thank you

Matrik May 30, 2010 12:54AM

Amen (n/t)

kravidian May 30, 2010 10:20AM

Hahah. Ditto. nt

qurdind May 30, 2010 01:14AM

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