It wouldn't.

June 07, 2010 12:08PM
Treeform lag is very long and I've never wanted to take the edge to shorten it. Druids aren't really ambush predators. Outlander druids tend to be because most outlanders can't function without chameleon. As such, it's not a very good means to hide in the briars in some plants you grew. However, placing those plants and thorns on a road in the first room and just standing there works great for getting thieves and assassins to come out of hiding. I've killed many a stalker that way.

But here's the rub on treeform. It's a lot like shapeshifter forms. Treat it like a shapeshifter form of duo dimension with a ton of drawbacks and you'll be right on target.

As a tree:
You cannot use tells.
You cannot recieve tells (you're a tree and most people can't see you).
I have no idea about reply though. It might work, might not. I'm betting not.
You can recieve group tells but you cannot send them.
You can hear yells.
You can hear cabal/leader/newbie chatter.
You can use the BOND communication JT to communicate with your bondmate
You can LOOK and WHERE

You cannot eat, drink, sleep, rest, sit, stand, manupulate items, invoke, use, or otherwise interact with the world. I personally feel that a tree should not get thirsty... but that's just me.
You cannot move.
Mana and health regen are at the standing rate (which also sucks)

Extra notes:

At low levels/skill percentage/low wilderness time (I never tested which one it was) you appear visible in the room as "there is something unusual about the foliage in this area" or something like that.
This goes away later. At hero, all my druids have been completely invisble to all except the Emperor. He was the only one that ever found me, but he didn't attack me. He just talked, so he probably couldn't. Not making a promise on that one though.

You CAN be brought out of hiding by area spells and by faerie fog. The lag from this sucks. It's like the lag from duo.
Subject Author Posted

Druid Question

asker June 07, 2010 06:57AM

Re: Druid Question

jafel June 07, 2010 08:42AM

Re: Druid Question

asker June 07, 2010 08:57AM

Re: Druid Question

jafel June 07, 2010 09:51AM

It wouldn't.

trewyn June 07, 2010 12:08PM

Oh Yeah, Wood-Elfs?

asker June 07, 2010 07:14AM

Re: Oh Yeah, Wood-Elfs?

larcat June 10, 2010 04:55PM

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