If I'm promoting Bats to hubby material, I've got room for a new boyfriend. (n/t)

December 26, 2012 03:40PM
HUEHUEHEUHUEHUE feeeeeeemales.
Subject Author Posted

Alright Raybaer applogists how are you going to spin this one?

ORB December 26, 2012 07:46AM

I give the game a year before she completely drives it into the ground.

Bendak December 27, 2012 12:01AM

People have literally been saying that for years. nt

Java December 27, 2012 12:22AM

Either way, that's not a good thing.

Bendak December 27, 2012 12:27AM

Name one high profile, active Imm that didn't get bitched about.

Java December 27, 2012 12:47AM

Yeah you are delusional, no one rejoiced about Valg.

ORB December 27, 2012 04:35AM

I was happy he returned. He busted perma-groups and cheaters more than anyone else. Yeah he was a dick on the forum, but he did a ton of good for the game. NT

Sam December 27, 2012 11:20AM

Re: Yeah you are delusional, no one rejoiced about Valg.

Isildur(VIP) December 27, 2012 04:51AM

I was starting to think I imagined that he ever came back.

Java December 27, 2012 05:13AM

Zulg coded the black jaguar (n/t)

cenatar December 27, 2012 09:01AM

I think that was me, because he's an asshole and I find that amusing. NT

Batman December 27, 2012 04:55AM

Re: Name one high profile, active Imm that didn't get bitched about.

Isildur(VIP) December 27, 2012 03:42AM

Of course he did, but don't let that get in the way of Java's imagined history. (n/t)

ORB December 27, 2012 04:36AM

You don't think fuckers like you contributed? He got some serious shit thrown his way (n/t)

cenatar December 27, 2012 08:58AM

Stop calling RayBaer as Daev's wife.

shaapa December 26, 2012 01:56PM


Saa December 26, 2012 09:12PM

Re: Pfffff

shaapa December 26, 2012 09:32PM


shaapa December 26, 2012 10:57PM

God this is an awesome role. Did Elhe know he raped someone and had you? :) :) NT

Sam December 26, 2012 11:07PM

I agree with all of this.

vortexmagus December 26, 2012 08:44PM

We miss you. PS I finally got that PM you sent me on officials, will be PMing you here. NT

Sam December 26, 2012 01:59PM

Raybaer is a bit like Galadriel accepting the One Ring from Frodo. (n/t)

Returner December 26, 2012 01:14PM

This reference made my heart happy. NT

Batman December 26, 2012 02:47PM

I find it unironic and sadly typical that a geeky community has such a problem with a woman.

sevriis December 26, 2012 12:48PM

The facts speak for themselves

Tolnum December 26, 2012 01:30PM


Blackbird December 27, 2012 01:23AM

Those evil feeeeeemales! (n/t)

sevriis December 26, 2012 01:50PM

Damned nazi socialists. (n/t)

tesline December 26, 2012 01:37PM

Huh? I don't hate Rayihn, in fact I've defended her many times in the past when I thought people were saying things that weren't true.

Sam December 26, 2012 01:14PM

You're cute. Let's date. (n/t)

sevriis December 26, 2012 02:30PM


RobDarken December 26, 2012 03:35PM


Sam December 26, 2012 04:35PM

If I'm promoting Bats to hubby material, I've got room for a new boyfriend. (n/t)

sevriis December 26, 2012 03:40PM

bak off bub im not gonna letchu break his heart (n/t)

RobDarken December 26, 2012 03:42PM

Do you go Bass-to-mouth? If not, no thanks ;) NT

Sam December 26, 2012 02:33PM

Nobody has ever had these problems with Iunna.

RobDarken December 26, 2012 12:54PM

Re: Nobody has ever had these problems with Iunna.

Isildur(VIP) December 26, 2012 05:33PM

I complained about Iunna once, but I dont matter :P.

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What the fuck are you even saying you fucking racist.

Batman December 26, 2012 12:54PM

I love you. Marry me? (n/t)

sevriis December 26, 2012 01:07PM

Maybe the disagreement was on how shitty Iunna ran Acolytes

cenatar December 26, 2012 09:56AM

No we do know, she outright says it's been 6 years of Raybaer increasingly running carrion baers with an iron fist. Did you not just read the goodbye? (n/t)

ORB December 26, 2012 12:14PM

No, we don't

alex December 26, 2012 10:19AM

Re: No, we don't

cenatar December 26, 2012 10:24AM

I'd add the most awesome Imm I've seen in Cf beside the codding ones - Eshval

alex December 26, 2012 10:33AM

I never saw Eshvals goodbye thread, have a link?

cenatar December 26, 2012 10:52AM

Scion trend lasts just for last half year and I just know knothing about Reksvah and Baer played her alt there too

alex December 26, 2012 11:01AM

But that is not soo much rewards as people wanting to play Fortress

cenatar December 26, 2012 11:13AM


alex December 26, 2012 11:19AM

I don't understand what you are saying

cenatar December 26, 2012 11:22AM

She gives too much PK oriented rewards

alex December 26, 2012 11:25AM

How many are we talking about here?

cenatar December 26, 2012 11:34AM

Re: How many are we talking about here?

alex December 26, 2012 11:41AM

I disagree

vortexmagus December 26, 2012 04:17PM

Name the chars (n/t)

cenatar December 26, 2012 02:48PM

There can never be a goodie lich

Rade December 26, 2012 02:18PM

I miss eshy :/

RobDarken December 26, 2012 10:36AM

Umm, two people didn't like each other. Does it need spin?

Java December 26, 2012 08:10AM

Fine, how many Imps or Imms not married on Daev do we have to loose for you to start to blame Imm married on certain Imp? (n/t)

alex December 26, 2012 11:52AM

They've gotten along fine enough for a very very long time.

RobDarken December 26, 2012 11:27AM

Baer has driven more than one imm off.

RobDarken December 26, 2012 10:32AM

Why don't you go to the source. padwei@gmail.com (n/t)

Demtok December 26, 2012 10:24AM

Because these people aren't going to question their free pounce tat vendor. (n/t)

ORB December 26, 2012 12:17PM

Alright fuck nut. Instead of being a bitchy little piss ant. How about show some proof of something. All you have done is make broad assumptions. Where is the insane complaints saying twist drove of Cydria or whatever?

tesline December 26, 2012 01:23PM

You = A definitely mad bro

Tolnum December 26, 2012 01:29PM

Just woke up to more bitching and whining. Honestly this is what makes me not want to play CF anyone. (n/t)

tesline December 26, 2012 01:31PM

Then don't play. Dio's was built on trolling/bitching/whining/sweet logs. And Batman's raps. NT

Sam December 26, 2012 01:39PM

There is more to dios than that. Once get past the layers of butthurt. There is some mutually enjoyable content. (n/t)

tesline December 26, 2012 01:44PM

I mentioned the sweet logs and Batman's raps. What more do you want?

Sam December 26, 2012 01:46PM

I'd like a dios hat with the TID on it. (n/t)

tesline December 26, 2012 02:23PM

That sounds pretty OP but I am sure Rayihn can hook you up with that (n/t)

RobDarken December 26, 2012 03:35PM

Sadly I'm chaotic evil. (n/t)

tesline December 26, 2012 04:00PM

That would be pretty pimp. NT

Sam December 26, 2012 02:32PM

Re: Umm, two people didn't like each other. Does it need spin?

kanye December 26, 2012 09:58AM

Except CF isn't a job, it's a game. And we've ALL quit playing games because we didn't enjoy who we were playing with. nt

Java December 26, 2012 04:55PM

One no one made that assumption, two this is far from the first person she drove off. (n/t)

ORB December 26, 2012 09:49AM

Let's spin it another way. You are paladin fan and there is nothing more easy than Baer pally

alex December 26, 2012 09:26AM

Let's be fair. Baerinika's paladins are the hardest to make a lot of PK's.

shaapa December 26, 2012 03:41PM

Re: Let's be fair. Baerinika's paladins are the hardest to make a lot of PK's.

alex December 26, 2012 04:46PM

And his latest paladin was an Akresius follower iirc. (n/t)

daning December 26, 2012 10:21AM


alex December 26, 2012 10:25AM

I don't think the assumption is that Iunna is perfect. NT

Batman December 26, 2012 08:10AM

It absolutely is.

Java December 26, 2012 08:19AM

Funny, I somehow fail to name any trouble(besides not perfect codding) besides Baer

alex December 26, 2012 11:15AM

That tends to be true of MOST death threads that aren't Funnyone's or Jerrokar's.

Batman December 26, 2012 08:36AM

I think me and you are the only people that get this :( NT

Sam December 26, 2012 12:36PM

I think some of us accept the game as is and others don't.

zannon December 26, 2012 08:30AM

I haven't seen Graatch make a good argument in years :t (n/t)

RobDarken December 26, 2012 10:33AM

I wish I could agree with you on Graatch. NT

Batman December 26, 2012 08:37AM

I'm tired night. (n/t)

tesline December 26, 2012 08:22AM

I would just like to know what the deal actually is.

ghuljun_thul December 26, 2012 08:08AM

The answer is simple. Daev (n/t)

alex December 26, 2012 09:34AM

This! (n/t)

ORB December 26, 2012 09:48AM

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