Re: Necro questions

January 27, 2013 08:25AM
In the course of the year or two I've been playing this stupid game, I think necro spells have some of the coolest echoes associated with them. It is time I play a necro.

1. My biggest concern is that I don't often play in chunks of time lasting even an hour interrupted. Is there any point in playing a necro?

It's fine. You normally have decent success with the first zombie, which is enough to start doing stuff. You won't, however, be forcing melee types to run unless you messed them up first. You also won't get to the toughest parts of Thera.

2. Mummies and liches are the dream of most necro players. Are the quests for these strictly in the domain of the social clubs that hog access to certain pieces of gear, or can an outsider get involved in the crap-shoot that is immortality?

Mummies is completely automated. I've had mummy quests now, I think. One, I died despite getting the right things. Second, I died again, despite getting the right things. Third, I found I couldn't play, and deleted. In each case, there was at least one thing I didn't know and had to track down in some very obscure place. With one necro, I did it myself. With another, I asked around until someone knew something.
Subject Author Posted

Necro questions

Quixotic January 27, 2013 07:00AM

Re: Necro questions

ghuljun_thul January 30, 2013 06:50AM

Can people still summon your zombies and kill them?

Splntrd January 27, 2013 02:52PM

Yes they can. Kill them and full loot them.

ghuljun_thul January 30, 2013 07:15AM

I don't think that was ever a deterrent (since if they already nuked your army what threat are you to them?)

Quas January 30, 2013 07:31AM

Necro is one of the most lethal classes if not the most.

ghuljun_thul January 30, 2013 09:07AM

That's the spirit!

Matrik January 30, 2013 07:22AM

Re: That's the spirit!

ghuljun_thul January 30, 2013 07:48AM

I was serious. I wear a badge at work that says "I suppor the Full Loot" (n/t)

Matrik January 30, 2013 07:53AM

There are ways to make is hard for them, and ways to make them give up for awhile. (n/t)

sevriis January 27, 2013 03:29PM

An explanation for the uninitiated

Rade January 27, 2013 05:49PM

As Aucius I did this a lot. The only downside was when they eventually got the right ones I had zero chance of knowing which one ot summon back.

Rhyaldrin January 27, 2013 04:45PM

Yup. With the millions of paladins, expect to get fucked. (n/t)

Artificial January 27, 2013 03:08PM

Believe Ghuljun did it without an army

Tolnum January 27, 2013 12:16PM

Followup: could you play an imperial necro with small armies?

Quixotic January 27, 2013 09:29AM

Generally speaking, as a lowbie necro in Empire

Splntrd January 27, 2013 02:58PM

It's not as hard as it sounds

Rade January 27, 2013 10:19AM

Scar has hinted that he's working on a third option - Wraiths - that don't require item hunts. nt

Yhorian(VIP) January 27, 2013 09:07AM

Wights in February, yep. (n/t)

Quixotic January 27, 2013 09:28AM

I've seen people do very well with just sleep + golem + the right suprise tactics. (n/t)

Frosty January 27, 2013 08:58AM

Zombies are like a bonus.

tesline January 27, 2013 08:25AM

Re: Necro questions

daurwyn(VIP) January 27, 2013 08:25AM

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