I had ward of blades with two giants, Vershelt and Aemelius.

May 14, 2013 08:34AM
Vershelt was a sword and hth spec and Aemelius was axe/mace. Ward helped quite a bit on both. Lightmage always said that for some reason Vershelt was harder to fight for him than any other giant sword spec (or most anyone else at all) and the only thing that accounts for that is ward of blades (vershelt's other was whispers for regen). I riposted very well, and on hth it seemed to combine with ironhands well.

On Aemelius it was incredibly noticeable both with axe and mace, making me defensible far beyond what I had just the day before I picked the legacy.

I think it's a very useful legacy, with the caveats that (1) it hasn't changed since then, and (2) the changes to dexyness and other warrior builds doesn't somehow impact how it works on non-dexy warriors like giants.
Subject Author Posted

Ward of blades?

xrus May 13, 2013 11:45PM

I had ward of blades with two giants, Vershelt and Aemelius.

alansmithee May 14, 2013 08:34AM

Edited: I got it backwards in my example

PaulO May 14, 2013 05:00AM

This is one of those legacies that's good for improving a strength and meh at covering a weakness Buuuuuut!

Pro May 14, 2013 05:14AM

If you are a dexy sword spec you are already riposting plenty. I'd be more worried about that low hp you have. (n/t)

Startyre May 14, 2013 05:35AM

You can never ave too many Riposte (n/t)

Pro May 14, 2013 08:49AM

you can have not enough hp (n/t)

sez May 14, 2013 10:12AM

Both, I'd think.

MiyagiYojimbo May 14, 2013 12:47AM

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