Who was you? (n/t)

July 14, 2013 05:57AM
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Who/where/when was your first PK?

xrus July 13, 2013 02:41AM

All I remember

daurwyn(VIP) July 17, 2013 02:59AM

In the academy, as a giant with bash at level 1.

laearrist July 14, 2013 06:02PM

Some time in 1994. (n/t)

jafel July 14, 2013 08:14AM

I PKed some lower level assassin in Brawling Room of the Inn.

DurNominator(VIP) July 14, 2013 06:25AM

Do you mean landing a killing blow?

Murphy July 14, 2013 02:49AM

No idea... Was SO long ago.

deriveh July 14, 2013 04:19AM

Wait... you started off playing goodies? Well that makes a bit of sense then. (n/t)

NbM(VIP) July 14, 2013 04:31AM

Yes killing blow.

xrus July 14, 2013 03:45AM

I liked Abaxi.

Murphy July 14, 2013 04:08AM

Who was you? (n/t)

xrus July 14, 2013 05:57AM

I don't even remember. Was way too long ago. n/t

Death_Claw July 13, 2013 05:46PM

It was in like, 2004 or 2005 or something, I had a level 15 arial assassin, and someone attacked me, I freaked out, yet I still won.

bloodmoon July 13, 2013 02:44PM

My first pk was while I was taking a shit and left my cloud giant sword spec afk. Had the two black swords. Duergar AP tried to sleep me and I one rounded him. (n/t)

tesline July 13, 2013 02:16PM

With Khargqwzxdds. I assassinated TheAdmiral in the first age...

bored July 13, 2013 02:00PM

My first pk was also Marcus. His duergar rager pirate McGrok, I think?

Dalbrin July 13, 2013 10:24AM

Good thing they changed a lot of how bards work after the Allysia/Kyaltaru episode on Thera. n/t

Jerrokrar July 13, 2013 08:12AM

Those two were in different ages.

zannon July 14, 2013 04:48AM

Bards have not changed in years, jerrofail again (n/t)

Quas July 13, 2013 08:23AM

You are wrong here

alex July 13, 2013 09:46AM

What was changed specifically? (n/t)

Quas July 13, 2013 09:53AM

Hey loser... what you got to say about being wrong? Mr. Know-it-All? n/t

Jerrokrar July 13, 2013 03:18PM

To be fair it's not like you ment what I posted too. (n/t)

alex July 13, 2013 04:06PM

It was rather long ago..

alex July 13, 2013 10:06AM

Some of this is just wrong.

zannon July 14, 2013 04:24AM

Really? Mental vulnerability wasn't changed on giants? Once again, Quas, you prove that you don't know everything you think you do. n/t

Jerrokrar July 13, 2013 08:25AM

When was the last giant bard? And you are talking about 2 races

Quas July 13, 2013 08:28AM

Twisting my words and intention as usual. Done with this convo. n/t

Jerrokrar July 13, 2013 08:30AM

No word twisting at all, and you should give up, your feeble attempts to sound like you know what you are talking about are pitiful/comedic

Quas July 13, 2013 08:35AM

If you look at Allysia and Kyaltaru's PBF... you notice a trend. It's called Giant PKWINS.

Jerrokrar July 13, 2013 08:39AM

So, um.

zannon July 14, 2013 04:39AM

You said you were done with this convo. Liar? (n/t)

Frosty July 13, 2013 09:29AM

My pants are on fire. n/t

Jerrokrar July 13, 2013 09:32AM

So what percent of bard kills were giants before and after the change? If you want your claim to be considered valid that is what you need to prove

Quas July 13, 2013 08:52AM

Oh... and to add... you do know Kyaltaru had a Legacy right? There's another change. n/t

Jerrokrar July 13, 2013 09:15AM

Kylt was a bard, your claim was about bards as a class, and change to role contest rewards is not a change to the bard class

Quas July 13, 2013 09:46AM

Yes, i'm such a failure in life. And you're the winner, Quas. I bow down to your greatness. n/t

Jerrokrar July 13, 2013 12:47PM

Noob (n/t)

Quas July 13, 2013 01:57PM

Ilkrest - level 5 d-elf necromancer with lodestone in Galadon, not sure of their name now. (n/t)

abernyte July 13, 2013 06:42AM

My friend and I were playing Trusty and Grumpy.

loknim July 13, 2013 06:02AM

I remember Trusty.

PaulO July 13, 2013 06:27AM

Re: I remember Trusty.

ghuljun_thul July 13, 2013 07:27AM

The first PK I had was when we were installing a turbine on the outskirts of Tabriz.

TaterPig July 13, 2013 03:08AM

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