Wellagood good. No more Mogok!

November 02, 2015 05:23AM
That was fun and frustrating and interesting, everyone I interacted with-friend, enemy,immortal-- was classy.

Goblins are interesting to play but the new racial resist/vulnerability system makes them Bleh.

20% elemental vulnerabilities across the board is NOT the same thing as "Vulnerable to Magic."

It just translates into warriors and any melee class that can get their hands on elemental attack weapons easily handling you. I'd have to say that's probably a large reason why I didn't even bother ranking to 40 before deleting, really rotten surprise when I figured this out. Score damage is your friend.

Mounts are fun, less buggy than when I played a goblin a few years ago. It would have been 100x cooler if I could have used the order to make my warg emote. (You can't order mounts to do anything.) Archery could have been useful if I wasn't so squishy thanks to the Vulns, even its defense wasn't enough to give me time to work when someone's swinging a flaming/freezing/shocking/rending/magical/etc etc etc weapon at me.

If anyone has any questions about goblins I'll try to answer them.

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