He just wanted a platform

July 30, 2018 01:25PM
To declare how cool he is for not knowing what a Harry Potter is.
Subject Author Views Posted

Dhaudeshia's Farewell

Returner 1345 July 28, 2018 02:14AM

Dhau was the best thing to happen to CF since that time Umiron faked quitting but still stuck around screwing Bemused's characters over from BEHIND THE FAGGOT CURTAIN. (n/t)

Rhyaldrin 637 August 03, 2018 03:17PM

*click* (n/t)

Frosty 633 August 03, 2018 04:02PM

Find another word than faggot. -nt-

physics 646 August 03, 2018 03:24PM

I don't mean to offend you or your boyfriend.

Rhyaldrin 678 August 03, 2018 03:29PM

It's funny cuz it's true.

Frosty 684 August 03, 2018 04:00PM

Normally this would irritate me but it's fully in line with your new duties as outlined on the main forum. (n/t)

Rhyaldrin 655 August 03, 2018 04:01PM

Well the new normal is you're always irritated. I advise gold bond. Or maybe vagisil.

Frosty 669 August 03, 2018 04:03PM

i'm actually pretty chill ur just over reacting and shit. (n/t)

Rhyaldrin 622 August 03, 2018 04:09PM

Haha, yeah the one making jokes is the one overracting. Know how I know you're not chill?

Frosty 665 August 03, 2018 04:33PM

im trying to learn.

Rhyaldrin 672 August 03, 2018 04:44PM


Frosty 665 August 03, 2018 04:48PM

I don't lie.

Rhyaldrin 682 August 03, 2018 04:54PM

Re: I don't lie.

Frosty 661 August 03, 2018 05:09PM

isn't that infi? nt

The Forsaken(VIP) 652 July 31, 2018 02:42PM

Funny, I wondered if physics was Josiah nt

daurwyn 659 August 01, 2018 03:10AM

Pac-Man was Dhaudeshia? (n/t)

funnyone 687 July 31, 2018 09:10AM

You won't fool us

Kstatida 744 July 31, 2018 10:02AM

Who is Slytherin? nt

zanzarin 650 July 29, 2018 06:03PM

You might know it as "Slizerin"

Kstatida 734 July 29, 2018 09:50PM

I'm too old for such books. Still have no ideas what Umiron had talked about on official nt

zanzarin 656 July 30, 2018 12:39AM

Well you have to read books to understand cultural references

Kstatida 807 July 30, 2018 01:27AM

He just wanted a platform

MiyagiYojimbo 761 July 30, 2018 01:25PM

F U, sure i'v heard about cycle of books/movies, just didnt read/watch nt

zanzarin 681 July 30, 2018 11:07PM

Re: F U, sure i'v heard about cycle of books/movies, just didnt read/watch nt

MiyagiYojimbo 663 July 31, 2018 01:06AM

My guess is that it was "physics"; but it's hard to tell b/c I don't have an active char right now

Noone of significance 691 July 29, 2018 05:45PM

Who, Dhau? It was bemused. (n/t)

bloodmoon 658 July 29, 2018 06:16PM


Rhyaldrin 753 July 29, 2018 09:15PM

Shit I like chess....

bloodmoon 685 July 30, 2018 03:30PM

Fuck you for griefing my characters, bloodmoon (n/t)

Kstatida 658 July 30, 2018 11:16PM

You liked it and you know it. (n/t)

bloodmoon 653 July 31, 2018 10:43AM

It was a case study

PacMan 854 July 28, 2018 04:32AM

Perhaps it was but..

Returner 806 July 28, 2018 04:58AM

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