Flep is no more

July 27, 2019 04:53PM
Did the char challenge as an outlier because it seemed like fun after a few years of not playing CF and I knew my playtimes would be severely limited with two kids. I had some fun, but the char itself was so very painful to play. I spent 50% of my time solo ranking with a merc, and the rest messing with Sel and Cexonza.
Was supposed to follow Rashael and try to join Entropy. Hence the whole I tried to just create chaos by any means I could with them.
I had no interest in pursuing loss as a thief since it seemed cliche and I could never bring myself to steal anything from another player, and well, Entropy was almost certainly a dead end.
And the build was complete and utter shit.
My fault for taking shield block and going to acrobatics. Could probably age die without a single PK loss, but the only thing the char could really do was grief people.

CF is still sort of fun, but the whole time I played with each login I just kept thinking.
If I was a w-elf bard, this would be 20x better. Shit I could do at 30 I knew I could never do as a hero thief.
And that is terrible.
When I could not even get into organia at 45 solo, since the elf just beat my ass, I knew the char was dead since I had no ability to PK either, and explore was also a dead end.

Bards rule.
Mystic Thieves suck.
Can anyone tell me the point of glimpse or infiltrate?
Lore of the ages never improved, the veils are sort of pointless though souls might be useful in niche situations, and even with scrolls and arcane perfected I would fail to recite simple enchant weapon scrolls or blow things up when as a bard I had zero issues using scrolls.
And hypnotize. Did not have it long, but I realized it was sort of useless, except maybe for cowardice to make people flee.

Have fun in the fields people, maybe I'll try another char in a few years or with another char challenge.
Subject Author Views Posted

Flep is no more

zannon 1426 July 27, 2019 04:53PM

Thieves are just very lame in pk

Tadam 970 July 27, 2019 10:13PM

Re: Flep is no more

daurwyn 931 July 27, 2019 08:34PM

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