
April 04, 2020 12:56PM
I can't get into Official and I do not want to make another E-mail.

Sorry to make another short character but I played so much I think I burned myself out. Polearm is always a challenge to lead with and I lost my steam. I couldn't come up with the discipline to keep gathering the prep and gold that I needed and a better warrior was surely on his way to overthrow me. My deaths were stupid little mistakes like having potions in bags and the frustration
grew. Minotaur are their own challenges as well and I got tired of seeing nice eq I couldn't wear,
having low giant str and etc. I never could get aura alone and the haste I found is never there. All my warriors are challenging ;)

Special thanks to Gaspare who promoted me twice and gave me enough role recognition to build a solid character, the funnest pole spec I have made.

Thanks to the Emperor , scary badass who showed a lot of support.
Shadow Lord, only person always around, lot of love

your empire looks pretty solid and you guys should have a lot of fun
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zheesus 1202 April 04, 2020 12:56PM

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