I liked Limdabod. That was one of Leuoa's favorite shifters. Garful also got along with Limdabod. I think you were the one I inducted without talking much to since I'd known you so long and a raid was happening. There was one speed induction I did, but maybe it was someone else.
I thought you got booted from Fort for looting too much. I remember some conversation on the Fort channel with a shifter that was justifying taking a bunch of stuff from enemy corpses. Other Forties were saying we should be better than our enemies and not be so petty and blah, blah, blah. The shifter had more of a win at all costs and show no mercy attitude, which didn't jive with Fort at the time (or maybe ever). However, I wasn't going to kick anyone out over that and I don't know who did.
I don't understand what you're saying about being denied and having a minotaur. What happened?