You realise, nobody at all believes this is you. (n/t)

April 11, 2011 01:30AM
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Subject Author Views Posted

I'm going to take my own advice. Ghrimriddor is no more.

Stevers 878 April 10, 2011 07:14PM

Stevers = Oldril. n/t

jalim 417 April 11, 2011 11:45AM

You owe me an apology.

Stevers 448 April 11, 2011 11:46AM

Come on, Sam, we're all waiting to hear who played Ghrimriddor.

Stevers 580 April 11, 2011 08:27AM

PS I waiting for the rest of you to apologize to Thror and Oldril.

Sam 634 April 11, 2011 09:26AM

I hereby openly and humbly state I was wrong about Oldirl.

Batman 566 April 11, 2011 09:41AM

...I don't think we ever claimed to not be wrong. Being wrong wasn't the point of the accusation it was to get Oldril's goat which was gotten multiple times. n/t

jalim 404 April 11, 2011 01:06PM

I think you have enough goats by now. (n/t)

DurNominator(VIP) 372 April 12, 2011 10:10AM

You shouldn't talk about his 'girl' that way (n/t)

Oldril 339 April 12, 2011 11:40AM

lol. Collateral damage. n/t

jalim 405 April 13, 2011 01:10AM

You're not even going to defend her? nt

Splntrd 418 April 16, 2011 06:57PM

I've never seen her he probably knows I'm just being a forum jerk (n/t)

Oldril 404 April 16, 2011 07:49PM

But wasn't it your goat in the beginning? (n/t)

DurNominator(VIP) 401 April 17, 2011 12:25AM

Dude its 3 goats at this point. People are being very easy to troll lately. n/t

jalim 375 April 17, 2011 10:04AM

If you have three, then the biggest one can knock the troll into the river. (n/t)

DurNominator(VIP) 429 April 18, 2011 05:29AM

but the troll wants the goats to believe the only winning move is not to play (n/t)

Scrimbul 403 April 18, 2011 10:21AM

What dur doesnt understand

Stevers 434 April 18, 2011 10:27AM

Russians take goat getting very seriously. Leave him alone.

Stevers 374 April 11, 2011 04:02PM

Kudos to you. I'm sorry we got in such a rambling discussion on Officials. As I said, you want to continue this, PM me.

Sam 401 April 11, 2011 10:08AM

I've never heard of an Oldril until Ghrim.

Starscream 557 April 11, 2011 09:29AM

nice obsession loser (n/t)

Oldril 328 April 11, 2011 10:07AM

I'm inclined to agree that Oldril is a second account of someones. txt

Gabe(VIP) 654 April 11, 2011 11:17AM

I can say without a shadow of a doubt it isn't me.

Sam 450 April 11, 2011 11:20AM

You haven't demonstrated you're not the same person at all.

Starscream 508 April 11, 2011 10:10AM

You would be wrong again. NT

Sam 321 April 11, 2011 10:16AM

I highly doubt it.

Starscream 398 April 11, 2011 10:21AM

You are wrong, please do not persist. nt

The Forsaken(VIP) 392 April 11, 2011 10:25AM

At the threat of a ban I assume?

Starscream 540 April 11, 2011 10:40AM

I do so love my ban stick. It's large. nt

The Forsaken(VIP) 338 April 11, 2011 10:43AM

So it is a banworthy offense in this case?

Starscream 491 April 11, 2011 10:45AM


The Forsaken(VIP) 511 April 11, 2011 10:50AM

He is proving a point and multiple people agree with what he's posting. It's an opinion, this is an online forum, get over yourself. n/t

jalim 364 April 13, 2011 04:15PM

I will say for the final time. I have one CF account.

Sam 439 April 11, 2011 10:24AM

tmns, dabull, sam, ghrim, etc

Quas 420 April 12, 2011 03:57AM

tmns, dabull, and sam were all the same account. (n/t)

ExPaladin(VIP) 406 April 12, 2011 04:03AM

Yep. When I got a new computer I forgot my password and started the KennyPowers account, but I haven't used that in ages. NT

Sam 389 April 12, 2011 06:44PM

Re: I will say for the final time. I have one CF account.

Stevers 468 April 11, 2011 10:33AM

ROFL. I take back the mean things I said about you. Kudos. NT

Sam 373 April 11, 2011 10:35AM

Re: I will say for the final time. I have one CF account.

Starscream 426 April 11, 2011 10:31AM

As far as I know, Oldril is a forum newbie.

DurNominator(VIP) 453 April 11, 2011 09:38AM

Wrong. I only have one qhcf account.

Sam 382 April 11, 2011 09:34AM

Oh no. The jig is up. Bravo. NT

Sam 469 April 11, 2011 09:05AM

What is your advice and what does Ghrimriddor have to do with it?

DurNominator(VIP) 456 April 11, 2011 05:10AM

Re: What is your advice and what does Ghrimriddor have to do with it?

Stevers 510 April 11, 2011 05:53AM

This is really nothing to discuss: crystal pendant, mark of crusader, telenius ring...

zanzarin 586 April 11, 2011 04:12AM

In his defense

daurwyn(VIP) 485 April 12, 2011 10:40AM

My thoughts

Matrik 433 April 12, 2011 11:43AM

Common practice doesnt mean its right.

Stevers 364 April 12, 2011 10:48AM

Huh? None of that stuff was magic.

Sam 526 April 11, 2011 10:18AM

So why not to use steelroots? Orb of travel? (no magic flag)

zanzarin 416 April 11, 2011 05:28PM

Um, orbs are flagged magic. Steelroot gives a magical affect.

Sam 442 April 12, 2011 06:47PM

The same reason they use mercenaries. OH WAIT. n/t

kostyan 381 April 12, 2011 10:15PM

My rager track record is better than yours. Does that upset you? RAAAAAAAAAAAAGE OF DRAGGGGONS!

Sam 474 April 12, 2011 10:51PM

It doesn't upset me, because

kostyan 457 April 12, 2011 11:25PM

So you're better because you got uninducted and reinducted? What about someone who has never been uninducted?

Sam 458 April 13, 2011 02:57PM

Ok, since your iq level doesn't allow you to understand

kostyan 315 April 13, 2011 08:59PM

Disagree with what? That you was shitty ganger? Or

kostyan 432 April 13, 2011 10:29PM

PS Some of us don't roll characters that know everything about a cabal when they pop out at level 1. It's this thing called ARRRRRRR-PEEEEEE.

Sam 363 April 13, 2011 10:38PM

Shame I've never had a Herald. Are you still mad you never assassinated Aeinrez even though your vodka-addled brain told you you did?

Sam 333 April 13, 2011 10:37PM

Got the butthurt? Excellent.

kostyan 467 April 13, 2011 10:43PM

The day you get 200 pks with a healer is the day you're better than Shapa.

Sam 360 April 13, 2011 10:53PM

Nice troll. It's a shame the entirety of the BATTLE cabal IMMs disagree with you. NT

Sam 366 April 13, 2011 09:19PM

Speaking for Battle IMMs now? Dang your RP made you win CF. Not all Battle IMMs chimed in about Suckriddor. Ghrimrisuck. n/t

jalim 354 April 17, 2011 10:07AM

Tsss, it was his rp n/t

kostyan 447 April 11, 2011 08:38PM

LOL n/t

kostyan 325 April 11, 2011 10:25AM

What are you lolling over?

Sam 423 April 11, 2011 10:27AM

Crystal pendant is not too bad.

zannon 495 April 11, 2011 05:51AM

Skull Sword.

Jerrokrar 531 April 12, 2011 11:29PM

Pretty sure it progs remove curse (n/t)

wrathpuppet 389 April 13, 2011 12:49AM

If you have the pair, its more progs. (n/t)

Artificial 423 April 13, 2011 01:36AM

You realise, nobody at all believes this is you. (n/t)

ilostmycoconut 350 April 11, 2011 01:30AM

I want to believe! (n/t)

Murphy 430 April 11, 2011 01:54AM

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