What was the question? n/t

December 05, 2012 01:28PM
Subject Author Views Posted

Salmt Deleted

TheProphet 482 December 04, 2012 11:05AM

Youch... I didn't realize I would cause such a stir...

TheProphet 378 December 05, 2012 12:35PM

Or you could have like, emailed her or something instead if that's the case.

Johneveryman 256 December 05, 2012 12:52PM

Folk heroes rarely choose their role as one. (n/t)

Matrik 197 December 05, 2012 12:49PM

Hope you enjoyed your time playing Carrion Baers GLWYN

kadsuane 383 December 05, 2012 06:46AM

And one question answered! NT

Sam 177 December 05, 2012 10:10AM

What was the question? n/t

kadsuane 279 December 05, 2012 01:28PM

You and Rosaline were my favorite to hang around

Demtok 215 December 04, 2012 06:26PM

I wanna know who played Rosaline. She was the bomb (n/t)

kanye 221 December 05, 2012 07:36AM

She was alot of fun to play with. nt

TheProphet 178 December 05, 2012 09:21AM

I didn't mind you, but now I like you more after reading your PBF comments. That's awesome. I wonder what kind of person Baer is in real life. Does she go around trying to title everyone she sees? (n/t)

funnyone 186 December 04, 2012 05:29PM

Wow, did you threaten to pillage RayBaer's womb or something? Man is she a total bitch on your immortals comments. NT

Sam 185 December 04, 2012 12:08PM

I want the under on how long before Whiysdan deletes

jegec 343 December 04, 2012 07:25PM

6 months is -100. Who is going to hold the money? NT

Sam 172 December 05, 2012 12:00PM

Sadly, I was thinking the same thing. Sounds like trouble in paradise. (n/t)

Jib 201 December 05, 2012 07:20AM

Me too. Whiysdan is the new Eshval it seems. NT

Sam 181 December 05, 2012 10:09AM

I wonder if she puts a notch in her bed post for every Imm she drives out. That thing must be covered. (n/t)

ORB 173 December 05, 2012 12:20PM

Thinks it's fun and appropriate to call Rayihn a slut and tell her to "get out of my head" (I happened to be csnooping the person he was talking to) so I changed his title.

Batman 302 December 04, 2012 12:13PM

Idk if you called Scar an asspirate I'm sure you'd get worse than a title change. just saiyan nt

tesline 170 December 04, 2012 10:22PM

Re: Idk if you called Scar an asspirate I'm sure you'd get worse than a title change. just saiyan nt

RobDarken 281 December 05, 2012 12:54AM

I'm not defending anyone but the slut thing was sort of against the rules. nt

tesline 180 December 04, 2012 10:27PM


Sam 235 December 05, 2012 02:39PM

Yup, this, imo he should have been denied on the spot.

vortexmagus 246 December 05, 2012 09:51AM

Guess she'd have to deny herself then. The shame :(

Sam 229 December 05, 2012 02:40PM

You mean like Rayihn threatening to cut out his tongue for calling her a slut? When she is the Goddess of Love that has a bathhouse where she meets her followers?

Sam 276 December 05, 2012 10:09AM

And IMO they should have fucked you good and hard for that, too.

vortexmagus 257 December 05, 2012 11:24AM

Also, I called Mergulla stupid and a fool and she cut out my tongue :)

Sam 236 December 05, 2012 11:41AM

I said it right to Enlilth's face. And then he killed me.

Sam 300 December 05, 2012 11:39AM

That's because you are overly sensitive. (n/t)

Matrik 190 December 05, 2012 11:24AM

I'm trying to understand how this applies in any way, shape, or form to my statements.

vortexmagus 230 December 05, 2012 11:46AM

No, no.

Matrik 229 December 05, 2012 11:55AM

Re: Gods smiting...

Sam 268 December 05, 2012 11:58AM


Matrik 198 December 05, 2012 12:03PM

Roleplay wise Enlilth would probably have spam killed the guy until he was con dead. (n/t)

cenatar 178 December 05, 2012 12:01PM

Nah, because then the Gods that oppose Enlilth would move against his forces while he's distracted. Plus, Enlilth is down for humiliation so I doubt he'd con-kill the guy.

Sam 236 December 05, 2012 12:02PM

I disarmed and took Enlilths weapon.

crafteddeception 227 December 05, 2012 04:29PM

Con killing a level 24 warrior would hardly distract an immortal (n/t)

cenatar 183 December 05, 2012 12:14PM

I could kill Enlilth wielding nothing but a mop (n/t)

Matrik 180 December 05, 2012 12:15PM

Or give him anal beads or and STD.

Matrik 229 December 05, 2012 12:04PM

THIS! My only comment is it's so priveleged of Ray to do this to someone, but then thigns like purple anal beads and bathhouse lovin's are IC.

satchmo 219 December 06, 2012 01:40PM

What I have been saying is if Baer felt it was and was offended then it probably wasn't used IC.

tesline 211 December 07, 2012 09:37AM

Well, sure. But ultimately some third party (often HR or a court) gets a final say on whether something is sexist or not.

satchmo 211 December 07, 2012 01:34PM

Very much this. NT

Batman 202 December 07, 2012 01:45PM

Me too! We should form up like Voltron. NT

Sam 187 December 07, 2012 01:47PM

Lions forming giant robots? SIR! I'm offended by the suggestion of beastiality. (n/t)

satchmo 185 December 07, 2012 01:59PM

FWIW Thror also fucked my shifter up :)

Sam 232 December 05, 2012 11:50AM

Never let an angry dwarf near your shitter. (n/t)

Matrik 190 December 05, 2012 12:08PM

"is not something you should get banged on for." - Unless she's a slut, in which case she's banging on everyone already, woooooOOooOoo!

Batman 191 December 05, 2012 11:12AM

Having interacted extensively with Salmt, his words were 100% in character

zen 291 December 05, 2012 09:57AM

She also made him a Maran with 10 pks. It's not like he was punished beyond a playfully negative title.~

ibuki 201 December 04, 2012 07:02PM

Re: She also made him a Maran with 10 pks. It's not like he was punished beyond a playfully negative title.~

TheProphet 223 December 05, 2012 09:20AM

That is hilarious! All I could think about is... "I'm the juggernaut bitch! Aw get out my head Charles! Ah no!"

Demtok 234 December 04, 2012 06:29PM

I think this guy just set a bar that everyone should try to beat.

Matrik 252 December 04, 2012 12:36PM

Rayihn the character kinda is a slut, too heh. NT

Sam 171 December 04, 2012 12:19PM

This, which is why Salmt was totally IC and not out of line.

zen 251 December 05, 2012 05:54AM

Yep. Now, if he called Baer a slut...that's just stupid. She's the Goddess of Purity. THAT would most likely be OOC. But Rayihn?

Sam 215 December 05, 2012 10:11AM

Re: This, which is why Salmt was totally IC and not out of line.

TheProphet 235 December 05, 2012 09:17AM

I care, I care very deeply.

Matrik 379 December 04, 2012 11:17AM

You care deeply about boy love you perv. (n/t)

ORB 163 December 05, 2012 06:55AM

You can do better than that. (n/t)

Matrik 173 December 05, 2012 07:03AM

You're right I'm going back to ignoring you like before you started you're little cry for attention when I took you off my steam list. (n/t)

ORB 196 December 05, 2012 07:12AM

You took me off your steam list? :*( - Hate to break it to you but I have three people on mine and you aren't one of them. (n/t)

Matrik 165 December 05, 2012 07:14AM

I take that back. I have nine. You still aren't any of them. Then again, I don't know who most of them are so maybe you sneaked your way on there. (n/t)

Matrik 167 December 05, 2012 07:19AM

You guys "steam" together. That does sound gay. NT

minyar 196 December 05, 2012 11:31AM

Well, I steam with some guys. Typically they don't know it's happening. NT

Matrik 188 December 05, 2012 11:41AM

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