Because it wasnt any of that, or you would have stated it. As if it even justfies your actions at all. Which it doesnt. nt

January 11, 2013 07:23PM
Subject Author Views Posted

Curious as to who played Rahedra...

TripHitNdip 488 January 06, 2013 08:16AM

regardless, i enjoyed the logs. thanks for those! nt

The Forsaken(VIP) 192 January 07, 2013 05:46AM

No Idea but I had them #gagged. n/t (n/t)

Pro 188 January 06, 2013 06:22PM

Haldor? :) nt

crafteddeception 202 January 06, 2013 06:51PM

Hodor! (n/t)

HairyOrangutan 215 January 09, 2013 04:08AM

You like it when I slip into your skin, huh? n/t

Stevers 232 January 09, 2013 05:21AM

Crafted claimed her on officials and here I thought. n/t

jalim 218 January 06, 2013 08:41AM

What post? nt

crafteddeception 213 January 06, 2013 11:55AM

Hey. Knock it off. No talking about Crafted chars, RayBaer said so! NT

Sam 197 January 06, 2013 11:12AM

Probably only defending me because I went Fort.

crafteddeception 309 January 06, 2013 11:56AM

Nah. Just taking a jab at RayBaer ;)

Sam 265 January 06, 2013 12:30PM

responded to the wrong post heh (n/t)

RobDarken 238 January 06, 2013 11:18AM

LOL - Guess i shouldn't be surprised. nt

minyar 169 January 06, 2013 09:29AM

It's always a few selective people who constantly get 'griefed'.

crafteddeception 371 January 06, 2013 10:12AM

I didn't "grief" anyone. Instead, I was trashed in ooc boards with current char logs. nt

minyar 233 January 07, 2013 08:28AM

You cried editting. There was none. You made the shit decision

crafteddeception 330 January 07, 2013 08:41AM

ROFL - Again completely wrong about what went down at the village. moron. nt

minyar 188 January 07, 2013 03:04PM

Based on your responses it looks like he has it exactly right. (n/t)

RobDarken 235 January 07, 2013 10:16PM

Sure..he full loots me to the bread, and I'm the griefer for defending the village against ALL foes. nt

minyar 230 January 08, 2013 09:36AM

He did state what happened though and you told him he had it all wrong.

RobDarken 222 January 08, 2013 06:22PM

He stated what happened to him, he doesnt have a clue what

minyar 190 January 11, 2013 11:48AM

Nothing happened. Minus a few skrimishes between us. nt

crafteddeception 205 January 11, 2013 04:01PM, I couldn't have been fighting other people or the vulture anywhere else?

minyar 226 January 11, 2013 07:10PM

Because it wasnt any of that, or you would have stated it. As if it even justfies your actions at all. Which it doesnt. nt

crafteddeception 247 January 11, 2013 07:23PM

My actions? Killing the weak attacker, then attacking the stronger one? yeah..awful! bad me! nt

minyar 207 January 11, 2013 08:59PM

You're reaching for someone joining the Greatest Warriors of Thera. nt

crafteddeception 232 January 12, 2013 09:25AM

Maybe you should go read the war room and see about tactics. nt

minyar 171 January 12, 2013 10:03PM

I miss you, wanna perma? ntt

Rade 219 January 07, 2013 04:56PM

No, I was there. Remember? nt

crafteddeception 208 January 07, 2013 03:07PM

yeah...with an elemental attacking the giant. lol nt

minyar 172 January 07, 2013 08:17PM

I was fighting the vulture. Elemental was attacking giant.

crafteddeception 337 January 07, 2013 08:37PM

As a defender...the giant and the village are my repsonibility...

minyar 236 January 07, 2013 09:58PM

Why wouldn't you just kill the elemental, wait until the SCION and Maran were both hurt, and killed them both?

Sam 275 January 08, 2013 09:40AM

Why kill the elemental when I can kill the one controlling it and get rid of both? nt

minyar 204 January 08, 2013 11:43AM

You were not defending the principles of your role. At all. How about you start there. nt

crafteddeception 239 January 08, 2013 12:38PM

Did you read my role? did you? So..Lian says something...

minyar 215 January 08, 2013 05:12PM

You're right. And heavily editted goodbye post is cute.

crafteddeception 257 January 08, 2013 05:34PM

PS...Never went out of my way to kill you aside from one time in the inn.

minyar 243 January 09, 2013 07:42AM


crafteddeception 294 January 09, 2013 03:47PM

Inn was the only time..I went out of my way.

minyar 197 January 11, 2013 11:51AM

I have every right to try and grab things that you took. Unforunately, target looting cant happen infront of a gang of 3. nt

crafteddeception 263 January 11, 2013 04:02PM clearly could have said, hey, I'm dropping what i don't need at blah.

minyar 216 January 11, 2013 07:09PM

I like how you still don't know jack shit. None of them were scions. Retard. nt

crafteddeception 251 January 12, 2013 12:05PM

Zhenyen isn't a scion? I thought he was...I guess I could have been wrong htere. nt

minyar 232 January 12, 2013 10:03PM

Zhenyen isnt the one who whacked you. See, you don't know shit of what went on

crafteddeception 241 January 13, 2013 04:20AM

Whoops, yep, it was Meelee or whatever, and pretty sure they are also a Scion. nt

minyar 204 January 14, 2013 01:13PM

Considering I was the Chancellor just prior. No. Good Try. nt

crafteddeception 237 January 14, 2013 02:22PM

As if that matters in the whole scheme of are still a douche. nt

minyar 188 January 14, 2013 07:23PM

I really don't think I am...the douche posted a log on dios with active characters to smear mine. nt

minyar 195 January 08, 2013 11:42AM

You're reaching. nt

crafteddeception 252 January 08, 2013 03:46AM

Leave Jerry out of this! He got so many commander pks. (n/t)

tesline 209 January 06, 2013 10:44AM

Got more then you, chump. n/t

Jerrokrar 233 January 06, 2013 12:00PM

At least he doesn't lie about it, Susan. (n/t)

Frosty 227 January 06, 2013 01:07PM

You got ten more than me with better forms. You must be proud? (n/t)

tesline 269 January 06, 2013 12:50PM

Better forms? I had tiger. The least offensive offense form. I had to be smart with how I fought. Not gorilla smash smash smash pray to win. n/t

Jerrokrar 252 January 07, 2013 04:07PM

By smart do you mean run with multiple paladins to pick off the KB from their work (n/t)

Quas 220 January 13, 2013 04:31AM

I would of killed for the komodo dragon. I had gorilla dire wolf. (n/t)

tesline 228 January 08, 2013 02:27AM

Jaguar and Dire Wolf are both less offensive, IMHO (n/t)

NbM(VIP) 264 January 07, 2013 04:16PM

New jaguar isn't that bad, it's been reworked. Dire wolf is more offensive. It hits more if both are not maledicted. n/t

Jerrokrar 711 January 11, 2013 07:37AM

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