Here's two things that I gradually came to realize throughout my (sexually active) years, things that I notice make some people very uncomfortable and/or agitated when they are discussed openly:
1) I was 17 or so when it suddenly hit me that about 8 out of 10 chicks I had previously classified as a "hot blonde" were, in fact, darker-haired girls who bleached or dyed their hair (much) lighter. Moreover, it appeared to be so pervasive (and was so aggressively promoted in media outlets at the time) that society seemed to make it a point to co-opt the bodies of many attractive dark-haired women, and use them to reinforce the notion that... blond women are "inherently better" than darker-haired women. The most famous historical example of that is probably Marilyn Monroe, with most of you likely having never even known she was a dark haired brunette, and not a natural blonde woman.
2) Much of the Western cosmetics industry seems centered around the idea of giving middle class white women opportunities to buy themselves the lips, hips, tits and booties of Latina or black women. White women who buy those "upgrades" (almost universal among white female celebrities, newscasters, etc.) are then subtly presented by Western media as "examples" of how white women are... "inherently more attractive" than Latina/black women. In short, Western society seems have the nasty and disturbing habit of intentionally miscasting attractive non-blond/non-white women as some kind of "evidence" that... blond/white women are "better". Ironically, that begs the question: What kind of validity does the alleged superiority of white/blond women have when it must, quite literally, be lied into existence?
Oh, and on a completely unrelated topic, do you fellows know what the term "doublethink" stands for?
Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 02/09/2020 05:07AM by GoldenApple.