
January 17, 2009 05:43PM
Unapproved Message
Being as I always keep the offer opened and recently made a list of most of the books in my stash.........I thought I'd go ahead and extend the regular offer here. Below, you'll be presented with a massive list of book names.

Any of the books on this list, and more that I haven't gotten to list yet, are available for you at the hefty price of a 'Hey, Bat-faggot, I want this book'.

Sure, some of you don't want a single one of these, nor do you care.
I don't give a shit about you.
If you do want a book, feel free to request one in a reply.

These are all in digital format.
These are mixed between pdf's, txt's, to lit and html.
Some have pictures, some don't.

Hopefully offering this charity will save me from burning eternally in hell.



! - Defeating Electromagnetic Door Locks.pdf
! - Hidden Street Weapons.pdf
! - Improvised Lock Picks.pdf
(DC Comics) Batman vs Daredevil #1.pdf
(ebook - LIT) - Star Wars - Book 03 - Darth Maul - Shadow Hunter.lit
(ebook - pdf) - Military - US Army Survival Manual FM 21-76.pdf
(eBook - PDF) Complete Idiot's Guide to Linux.pdf
(ebook) - David Blaine's Magic Revealed.pdf
(ebook) - The Eqyptian Book of the Dead.pdf
(ebook) Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf.pdf
(Ebook) Albert Einstein - Relativity.pdf
(ebook) Heinlein, Robert A - The Green Hills of Earth.lit
(ebook) Illustrated Secrets of Lockpicking.pdf
(ebook) Star Wars - New Jedi Order 14 - Destiny's Way.lit
(eBook)Anarchists Cook Book 2000 (1).doc
(e-book)Spider Robinson-Time Travellers Strictly Cash.lit
(ebook-pdf-philosophy) Aristotle - The Athenian Constitution.pdf
(new11-11)Deepak Chopra - Book of Secrets.lit
(new12-02) Mandy M Roth - Misfit in Middle America.lit
(new12-03) Mercedes Lackey - Wizard of Karres.lit
(novel) (ebook - LIT) - Star Trek - Double Helix 1 - Infection.lit
(novel) (ebook - LIT) - Star Wars - Book 050 - X-Wing 8 - Isard's Revenge1.lit
(novel) (ebook - LIT) - Star Wars - Book 051 - The Jedi Academy trilogy Book 1 - Jedi Search.lit
(novel) (ebook - LIT) - Star Wars - Book 101- The New Jedi Order - Force Heretic II - Refugee.lit
(novel) (ebook - LIT) - Star Wars - Book 103- The New Jedi Order - The Final Prophecy.lit
(novel) Mercedes Lackey & Rosemary Edghill (ebook - LIT) - Beyond World's End.lit
(TTC) Consciousness and Its Implications.pdf
(TTC) course guidebook - Great Scientific Ideas That Changed the World.pdf
(TTC) Goldman, Science wars.pdf
(TTC) Jeffrey L. Kasser, Philosophy of Science.PDF
(TTC) Searle, Philosophy of Mind.pdf
[E Book] Gray, John - Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus.lit
[ebook - ita] madame bovary.lit
[e-Book] Jauch J. M. - Foundations Of Quantum Mechanics.djvu
=L'Amour, Louis - Sacketts 01 - Sackett's Land.lit
100 Decisive Battles from Ancient Times to the Present.chm
100% real book 6 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 2005 Full Release.pdf
101 Shortcuts in Math anyone can do.pdf
911 Commission Report.pdf
2003 Playboy Playmate Calendar (Share Me) (ebook - Pdf).pdf
A Beginner's Guide To The World Economy.pdf
A Brief History of Particle Physics.pdf
A Clockwork Orange.pdf
A History of Light and Colour Measurement, Science in the Shadows - Johnston.pdf
A Random Walk in Science.pdf
A Short History of Nearly Everything.pdf
A Wrinkle in Time.pdf
Abel's Proof - Pesic.pdf
About Life, Concepts in Modern Biology - Agutter (2007).pdf
Academic Press - Handbook Medical Imaging Processing Analysis.pdf
ACHA, E. (2002). Power Electronic Control in Electrical Systems.pdf
Acton - Lectures on the French Revolution.pdf
Adams, John Quincy - Orations.pdf
Adams, Richard - Watership Down (4.0).lit
Advanced Mathematical Thinking - Tall.djvu
Advanced Probability Theory for Biomedical Engineers - John D. Enderle.pdf
AGRAWAL, G. P. (2001). Applications of Nonlinear Fiber Optics.pdf
AGRAWAL, G. P. (2001). Nonlinear Fiber Optics (3rd ed.).pdf
AGRAWAL, K. C. (2001). Industrial Power Engineering and Applications Handbook.pdf
Ahern, Jerry - Survivalist 03 - The Quest.lit
AKANSU, A. N. (2001). Multiresolution Signal Decomposition - Transf.pdf
Alan Dean Foster - Aliens Vs Predator - War.lit
Alan Watts - Joyous Cosmology.lit
Alan Watts - Nature of Consciousness.lit
Albom, Mitch - Five People You Meet In Heaven.pdf
Albom, Mitch - Tuesdays With Morrie.lit
Albom, Mitch - Tuesdays With Morrie.pdf
Aldiss, Brian - Greybeard.htm
Alex Jones ebook - 911 - Decent into Tyranny.pdf
Alfred Bester - Demolished Man.lit
Alfred Bester - Fondly Faranheit.lit
Alfred Bester - Hobsons Choice.lit
Alistair Maclean - Way To Dusty Death.lit
Allen, Tim - Dont Stand Too Close To A Naked Man.pdf
Altsheler, Joseph A. - Civil War 02 - Guns of Shiloh.lit
Altsheler, Joseph A. - Civil War 03 - Scouts of Stonewall.lit
Altsheler, Joseph A. - Civil War 04 - Sword of Antietam.lit
Altsheler, Joseph A. - Civil War 05 - Star of Gettysburg.lit
Altsheler, Joseph A. - Civil War 06 - Rock of Chickamauga.lit
Alvin Toffler - Future Shock.pdf
An Encyclopedia of Great Sieges from Ancient Times to the Present.chm
An Introduction To Cybernetics.pdf
An Introduction to the Science of Cosmology.pdf
Analysis and Application of Analog Electronic Circuits to Biomedical Instrumentation - Northrop.pdf
anarchy - ! - Anarchists Cookbook IV 4.14.pdf
anarchy - Jack_the_Rippa - Murder Inc. - The Book.pdf
Andersen, Hans Christian - andersens fairy tales .lit
ANDERSON, H. (2003). Newnes PC Troubleshooting Pocket Book (2nd ed.).pdf
Anderson, Poul - Starfarers.lit
Anderson, Poul - Time Patrolman.lit
Anderson, Poul - Two in Time (With Wilson Tucker).lit
Anderson, Poul - Vault of the Ages.pdf
Anderson,Poul - The Stars Are Also Fire.lit
Andy Clark - Mindware. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Cognitive Science.djvu
Anthology - Sword of Ice - Lackey, Mercedes Editor.lit
Applied BioFluid Mechanics - Lee Waite and Jerry Fine.pdf
Archer, Jeffrey - Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less.lit
Armstrong. Lance - Every Second Counts.lit
Armstrong, Lance - It's Not About The Bike - My Journey Back To Life.lit
ARNOLD, K. (2001). Embedded Controller Hardware Design.pdf
Art and Science.pdf
Arthur R. Butz, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, third, revised and expanded edition.pdf
Artificial Organs - Gerald E. Miller.pdf
Asimov, Isaac - Robots In Time 4 - Dictator.lit
Asser, Bishop of Sherborne - The Life of King Alfred.pdf
Atwood, Margaret - Oryx and Crake.html
Atwood, Margaret - The Blind Assassin.lit
Atwood, Margaret - The Handmaid's Tale.pdf
Auel, Jean - EC1 - Clan Of The Cave Bear.lit
Auletta, G. - Foundations and Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics.djvu
Bach, Richard - Bridge Across Forever.lit
Baldacci, David - Saving Faith.lit
Baldacci, David - The Winner.lit
Ball, Alan - American Beauty.lit
BALL, S. R. (2001). Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors - Real World Design.pdf
BALL, S. R. (2002). Embedded Microprocessor Systems - Real World Design (3rd ed.).pdf
Ballard, J G - The Drowned World.htm
BANKMAN, I. N. (2000). Handbook of Medical Imaging Processing and Analysis.pdf
Barbara Kulaszka, 'Did Six Million Really Die'.pdf
Barker R.A & Co Neuroscience at a Glance (Blackwell,1999).pdf
Barker, Clive - The Damnation Game.LIT
Barker, Clive - The Great and Secret Show.lit
Barker, Clive - Thief of Always.lit
Barker, Clive - Weaveworld.lit
Barrie, James Matthew - Peter Pan.lit
Basic Probability Theory for Biomedical Engineers - JohnD. Enderle.pdf
Batman vs Hulk.pdf
BECKER, P. C. (1997). Erbium-Dope Fiber Amplifiers - Fundamentals and Technology.pdf
Beer Styles Guidelines.lit
Beliefs, A Hidden Variable in Mathematics Education - Leder, Pohkonen & Törner.djvu
Bell John - Speakable And Unspeakable In Quantum Mechanics (Cup, 1987)(K)(T)(225S).pdf
Bellamy, Edward - Looking Backward from 2000 to 1887.lit
Bell's Theorem, utoronto.pdf
Belly of the beast.lit
Benchley, Peter - Jaws.lit
Bennet, Ernest - Apollonius; or, The Present and Future of Psychical Research (19--_).pdf
Bertrand Russell - The Analysis of the Mind.lit
Bertrand Russell - Various Works.lit
Between Necessity and Probability.pdf
Beykont Zeynep F.- English-only Language Policies in the United-States.pdf
Beyond Reason, 8 Great Problems that Reveal the Limits of Science - Dewdney.djvu
Beyond Vietnam.pdf
BIGELOW, S. J. (2001). Understanding Telephone Electronics (4th ed.).pdf
Bill Bryson - A Walk In The Woods.lit
Bill Bryson - I'm A Stranger Here Myself.lit
Bill Bryson - Lost Continent.lit
Bill Bryson - Notes From A Small Island.lit
Bill Bryson - The Lost Continent.lit
Bill of Rights.WRI
Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology - G.D. Najafpour.pdf
Bioinstrumentation - John D. Enderle.pdf
Biology Dictionary.pdf
Biology of Plagues, Evidence from Historical Populations - Scott & Duncan.djvu
Biomechanics Principles and Applications - Donald R. Peterson & Joseph D. Bronzino.pdf
Biomechanics Principles and Applications - Schneck and Bronzino.pdf
Biomedical Engineering Handbook - J.D.Bronzino.pdf
Biomedical EPR Part-B Methodology Instrumentation and Dynamics - Sandra R. Eaton.pdf
Biomedical Information Technology - David D. Feng.pdf
Biomedical Nanotechnology - Neelina H. Malsch.pdf
Biomolecular Sensing Processing and Analysis - Rashid Bashir and Steve Wereley.pdf
Biophotonics-Optical Science and Engineering for the 21st Century - Xun Shen.pdf
Bioreaction Engineering Principles - Jens Nielsen.pdf
Bioregenerative Engineering Principles and Applications - Shu Q. Liu..pdf
Biosignal and Biomedical Image Processing MATLAB based Applications - John L. Semmlow.pdf
Biosolids Engineering - Michael McFarland.pdf
Biotechnology for Biomedical Engineers - Martin L. Yarmush et al.pdf
BIRD, J. (2001). Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology (2nd ed.).pdf
bit torrent for dummies.pdf
Bitch Slapping the Illuminati.pdf
Black Holes and Time Warps, Einstein's Outrageous Legacy - Thorne.djvu
Black, Nikita - The Renegade's Woman.lit
Blackwell - A Companion to Philosophical Logic 2002 ##.djvu
Blackwell - A Companion to the Philosophy of Language.pdf
Blackwell - A companion to the philosophy of science (2001).pdf
Bladerunner 03 - K.W. Jeter - Replicant Night.lit
Blatty, William - The Exorcist.lit
Bloodlines of the Illuminati - By Fritz Springmeier.pdf
Bloodlines of the Illuminati - Li Family Chapter.pdf
Blyton, Enid - Naughtiest Girl 01 - The Naughtiest Girl in the School.lit
Bob Woodward - Plan of Attack.doc
Bob Woodward - Plan Of Attack.lit
Bock, Darrell L. - Breaking the Da Vinci Code.lit
Book - Roberts, Nora - MacGregors 08 - The Perfect Neighbor.lit
Borkin & Welsh - Germany's Master Plan - The Story of an Industrial Offensive (1943).pdf
Boulle, Pierre - Planet Of The Apes.lit
Bourdain, Anthony - Kitchen_Confidential.lit
BOVIK, A. (2000). Handbook of Image and Video Processing.pdf
Bowden, Mark- Blackhawk Down.Lit
BOWICK, C. (1997). RF Circuit Design.pdf
Brackett, Leigh - The Long Tomorrow.html
Brain Facts A Primer on the Brain and Nervous System - The Society for Neuroscience.pdf
Brian Greene - The Elegant Universe.lit
BRICE, R. (2003). Newnes Guide to Digital TV (2nd ed.).pdf
Brin, David - The Postman.htm
Briody - The Iron Triangle - Inside The Secret World Of The Carlyle Group (2003).pdf
Bronte, Charlotte - Jane_Eyre.ShareReactor.lit
Brown, Corey - Handyman.lit
BROWN, G. (2001). Radio and Electronics Cookbook.pdf
BROWN, M. (1990). Practical Switching Power Supply Design.pdf
BROWN, M. (2001). Power Supply Cookbook (2nd ed.).pdf
Bruce Sterling - The Hacker Crackdown.lit
Brunner, John - The Sheep Look Up.htm
Bryson - A Short History of Nearly Everything.lit
Bryson, Bill - In A Sunburned Country.lit
Buchanan, Joseph - Manual of Psychometry - The Dawn of a New Civilization (1893).pdf
BUCHANAN, W. (2000). Computer Busses - Design and Application.pdf
Budrys, Algis - Burning World.pdf
Budrys, Algis - Some Will Not Die.htm
Bunyan, John - Holy War.lit
Burgess, Anthony - A Clockwork Orange.lit
burroughs, william s. - naked lunch.lit
Butler, Octavia - Parable of the Sower.htm
Butler, Octavia - Parable of the Talents.htm
Butler, Octavia E - Patternists 05 - Wild Seed.lit
Butterfield (Herbert) The Whig Interpretation of History.pdf
By David J. Lieberman, Ph.D - Instant Fact How To Get The Tr.Lit
C S Forester - Hh01 - Midshipman Hornblower.lit
C S Forester - Hh03 - Hornblower And The Hotspur.lit
C S Forester - Hh06b - Hornblower's Charitable Offering.lit
C S Forester - Hh08 - Commodore Hornblower.lit
C S Forester - Hh10 - Admiral Hornblower In The West Indies.lit
Cabot, Meg - All American Girl.lit
Cain, James - The Postman Always Rings Twice.lit
Calculus Demystified - Krantz.pdf
Calculus Workbook For Dummies.pdf
Caldwell, Ian - The Rule of Four.lit
Cambridge Self-Scoring IQ Test.pdf
Campbell, Joseph - Myths To Live By (v3.0).lit
Campbell, Joseph - The Power of Myth (non-illus ed) (v3.0).lit
Canada Emergency Measurses Organization - 11 Steps to Survival.pdf
Canada Emergency Measurses Organization - Nuclear Weapons Effects.pdf
Canada Emergency Measurses Organization - Radiological Defense Officers Course Manual.pdf
Capitalism And Its Economics A Critical History - Douglas DOwd.pdf
Capra, Fritjof - The Tao of Physics.pdf
Card, Orson Scott - The Folk of the Fringe.htm
Carington, Whatley - A Theory of the Mechanism of Survival - The Fourth Dimension and its Applications (1920).pdf
Carl Sagan - The Demon-Haunted World.lit
Carl Sagan _Can_We_Know_the_Universe_1979_sec.pdf
Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf, Treblinka. Extermination Camp or Transit Camp.pdf
Carlo Rovelli on Loop Quantum Gravity.pdf
Carlos W Porter, Not Guilty at Nuremberg.pdf
Carnegie, Dale - How To Stop Worrying And Start Living.lit
Carnegie, Dale - How To Win Friends and Influence People.lit
CARR, J. J. (2001). Antenna Toolkit (2nd ed.).pdf
CARR, J. J. (2002). RF Components and Circuits.pdf
Carrington, Hereward - Psychical Phenomena and the War (1920).pdf
Cassandra Eason - A Practical Guide to Witchcraft and Magic Spells.lit
Cassen, H N - The History Of The Telephone.lit
Catherine Coulter - FBI 2 The Maze.lit
Cervantes - Don Quixote - ebook.pdf
Cervantes, Miguel De - Don Quixote.lit
CEVOLI, P. (2002). Embedded FreeBSD Cookbook.pdf
Chaos Theory Tamed-Williams, Garnett.pdf
Chemistry - John McMurry - Robert C. Fay - ISBN 0-13-140208-0 - 4th ed (S-Diox).pdf
Chemistry Demystified - L. Williams (2003) WW.pdf
Chevreuil, Le´on - Proofs of the Spirit World (1920).pdf
Chopin - The Awakening.lit
Chopra, Deepak - How To Know God.lit
Christina Dodd - Governess 1 - Rules Of Surrender.lit
Christina Dodd - Governess 4 - In My Wildest Dreams.Lit
Christopher Reich - Numbered Account.lit
Christopher Reich - The Devil's Banker.lit
Christopher, John - The Death of Grass (AKA No Blade of Grass).htm
Chronological History of The New World Order - By Dennis Cuddy.pdf
Cilliers & Retief - Poisons in ancient Rome.pdf
CIRSTEA, M. N. (2002). Neural and Fuzzy Logic Control of Drives and Power Systemsl.pdf
Clark, Mary Higgins - Definitely, A Crime Of Passion.lit
Clark, Mary Higgins - Let Me Call You Sweetheart.lit
Clark, Mary Higgins - Lottery Winner.lit
Clark, Mary Higgins - You Belong To Me.lit
Clavell, James - Asian Saga 01 - Shogun.lit
Clavell, James - King Rat.lit
Clavell, James - Tai-Pan.lit
CLEIN, D. (1999). CMOS IC Layout - Concepts, Methodologies, and Tools.pdf
Clinton, Bill -My.Life.pdf
Clinton, Bill- My Life.lit
Collected Works of Rudyard Kippling.lit
Colville, William Wilberforce Juvenal - Ancient Mysteries and Modern Revelations (1916).pdf
Common Sense.WRI
Complete Idiots Guide to Amazing Sex.pdf
Complete Idiot's Guide to Fitness.pdf
Complete Idiot's Guide to MBA Basics.pdf
Computational Methods for Protein Structure Prediction & Modeling V1 - Xu Xu and Liang.pdf
Cone, Helen Gray - Woman in American Literature.lit
Consciousness - William G. Lycan.pdf
Constitution Amendments.WRI
Constitution of the US.WRI
Cook, Glen - Garrett 01 - Sweet Silver Blues.lit
Cook, Glen - Garrett 02 - Bitter Gold Hearts.lit
Cook, Glen - Garrett 03 - Cold Copper Tears.lit
Cook, Glen - Garrett 04 - Old Tin Sorrows.lit
Cook, Glen - Garrett 05 - Dread Brass Shadows.lit
Cook, Glen - Garrett 07 - Deadly Quicksilver Lies.lit
Cook, Robin - Chromosome 6.lit
Cosmic Evolution -Rise of Complexity in Nature~(Harvard Univ. Press_2001).djvu
Cosmology, inflation and the physics of nothing.pdf
Coulter, Ann - Slander.lit
Coulter, Ann - Treason.lit
Crace, Jim - The Pesthouse.html
Craven, Wes - Fountain Society.lit
CRC Press - Biomedical Photonics Handbook.pdf
CRC Press - Biomedical Technology and Devices Handbook.pdf
Crichton, Michael - State Of Fear.txt
CRISP, J. (2001). Introduction to Fiber Optics (2nd ed.).pdf
CROMPTON, T. R. (2000). Battery Reference Book (3rd ed.).pdf
Crowe, Catherine - The Night Side of Nature, or, Ghosts and Ghost Seers (1848).pdf
Crowe, Catherine - The Night Side of Nature, or, Ghosts and Ghost Seers (vol. 2) (1848).pdf
Crowley, Aleister - THE LOST CONTINENT.lit
Crowley, Aleister - Meditation.lit
Crowley, John - Engine Summer.htm
Cytoskeletal Mechanics - Mofrad and Kamm.pdf
D C Dennett - Darwin's Dangerous Idea.doc
DA SILVA, E. (2001). High Frequency and Microwave Engineering.pdf
Daisy Miller.lit
Dale Brown - Flight Of The Old Dog.lit
Dan Brown - Angels And Demons.txt
Dan Brown - Digital Fortress (v2.0).txt
David Darling - The Universal Book of Mathematics.pdf
David Hoggan, The Myth of the Six Million.pdf
David Ray Griffin - The New Pearl Harbour.pdf
Davies, Paul - La Mente de Dios.pdf
Davies, Paul - Otros Mundos (Espacio, superespacio y el universo cuantico).pdf
Dawkins, Richard - The Blind Watchmaker.lit
DC & Marvel Comics - Batman Vs Spiderman.pdf
DC Marvel Comics - Superman vs Spiderman(2).pdf
Declaration of the Rights of Man - France.WRI
Decoherence, the Measurement Problem, and Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics 0312059.pdf
DECOURSEY, W. J. (2003). Statistics and Probability for Engineering With Microsoft® Excel.pdf
DECUSATIS, C. (2001). Fiber Optic Data Communication - Technological Trends and Advances.pdf
DECUSATIS, C. (2002). Handbook of Fiber Optic Data Communication (2nd ed.).pdf
Deepak Chopra - The 7 Laws Of Success.pdf
Delightful Decimals and Perfect Percents, Games and Activities That Make Math Easy and Fun - Long.pdf
Demille, Nelson - Plum Island.lit
Demille, Nelson - The General's Daughter.lit
Dendy, Walter Cooper - The Philosophy of Mystery.pdf
DHAMEJA, S. (2001). Electric Vehicle Battery Systems.pdf
DHIR, A. (2004). The Digital Consumer Technology Handbook.pdf
Dick, Philip K - Dr Bloodmoney or How We Got Along After the Bomb.htm
Dickey, James - Deliverance.lit
DICKINSON, Emily - Poems First Series.lit
Dickson, Gordon - Wolf and Iron.html
Dictionar de geografie fizica.pdf
Dictionary of geophysics, astrophysics, and astronomy (CRC, 2001)(524s).pdf
Disch, Thomas - The Genocides.htm
Discourse On Metaphysics.lit
Discourse On Method.lit
Dissecting the Holocaust. The Growing Critique of ‘Truth’ and 'Memory', 2nd., revised paperback edition .pdf
Divine Comedy-Dante.txt
Dixon, Franklin W. - Hardy Boys - The Secret of the Open Grave.lit
Dodd, Christina - My Favorite Bride.lit
Dodd, Christina - One Kiss From You.lit
Dodd, Christina - Someday My Prince.lit
Don Heddesheimer, The First Holocaust. Jewish Fund Raising Campaigns With Holocaust Claims During And After World War One.pdf
Donald J Trump The Way To The Top The Best Business Advice I Ever Received 2004 Lit Ebook-Dementia.lit
Douglas, Fredrick - My Escape from Slavery.WRI
Down In The Bottomlands.lit
Dr Stanley Monteith - Brotherhood of Darkness.lit
drug - ! - Beginners Guide to Growing Marijuana.pdf
drug - ! - How to Grow Psychedelic Mushrooms.pdf
drug - ! - The Beginner's Guide to Hash-Growing.pdf
drug - Uncle Fester - Secrets of Methamphetamine Manufacture (3rd ed).pdf
DUARTE, F. J. (1995). Tunable Lasers Handbook.pdf
DUNCAN, B. (1996). High Performance Audio Power Amplifiers.pdf
DuPrau, Jeanne - The City of Ember.htm
DUTTA, A. K. (2002). WDM Technologies - Active Optical Components.pdf
DYE, N. (2000). Radio Frequency Transistors - Principles and Practical Applicat.pdf
Dynamics of the Vascular System - John K.J. Li.pdf
E coli in Motion - Howard C. Berg.pdf
Earth and Time - Astrology, Astronomy and the Solar System.pdf
Eastman, Charles A - Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains.lit
eBook - DC and Marvel Comics - Batman vs Punisher.pdf
ebook - erotic - Playboy - Playmates 1954-2001.pdf
ebook - Hidden Codes in the Bible.pdf
E-Book - Tom Clancy - Armored Cav.pdf
E-book_US Military Field Manual - Sniper Training.pdf
Eden Press - 100 Ways to Disappear and Live Free.pdf
Edgar Allan Poe.pdf
EDGE Question 2006.pdf
Edith Wharton - Bunner Sisters.lit
Edith Wharton - Summer.lit
Edith Wharton - The Age of Innocence.lit
Edith Wharton - The Early Short Fiction of Edith Wharton.lit
Edith Wharton - The Glimpses Of The Moon.lit
Edith Wharton - The House of Mirth.lit
Edith Wharton - The Reef.lit
Edith Wharton - The Touchstone.lit
Einstein - The Meaning of Relativity 6th ed (Routledge, 1956) WW.pdf
Einstein, 1905-2005.pdf
Einstein, Physics and Reality.pdf
Einstein, Special and General Relativity.pdf
Einstein's Miraculous Year.pdf
EISENREICH, D. (2003). Designing Embedded Internet Devices.pdf
Eli Maor - Trigonometric Delights.pdf
Elizabeth Peters - A P 12 - He Shall Thunder in the Sky.lit
Elizabeth Peters - A P 14 - The Golden One.lit
Elizabeth Peters - A P 15 - Children of the Storm.lit
ELLIOT, B. (2002). Fiber Optic Cabling (2nd ed.).pdf
ELLIOTT, D. F. (1987) Handbook of Digital Signal Processing - Engineering Applications.pdf
ELLIS, G. (2002). Observers in Control Systems - A Practical Guide.pdf
Ellroy, James - Clandestine.lit
Ellroy, James - Crime Wave.lit
Ellroy, James - Hollywood Nocturnes.lit
Ellroy, James - L.A. 01 - The Black Dahlia.lit
Ellroy, James - L.A. 02 - The Big Nowhere.lit
Ellroy, James - L.A. 03 - L.A. Confidential.lit
Ellroy, James - L.A. 04 - White Jazz.lit
Ellroy, James - Underworld USA 01 - American Tabloid.lit
Elmore Leonard - Maximum Bob(1).lit
Emancipation Proclamation.WRI
Empires of Belief - Why We Need More Scepticism and Doubt in the 21th Century.pdf
Encarta Pocket Dictionary.lit
Encyclopedia of Barbarian Europe.chm
Encyclopedia of Philosophy.pdf
Engineering and Manufacturing for Biotechnology - Marcel Hofman & Philippe Thonart.pdf
Enterprise - Surak's Soul.lit
Environmental Biotechnology - Jordening and Winter.pdf
Environmental Biotechnology - Theory and Application - G. M. Evans & J. C. Furlong.pdf
Erich Maria Remarque - All Quiet On The Western Front.lit
Essentials of Meteorology.pdf
Ethan Frome.lit
Fabulous Science Fact And Fiction In The History Of Scientific Discovery.pdf
Facts and mysteries in elementary particle physics.pdf
Famous Freemasons.pdf
Federalist Papers.WRI
FENG, G. (1999). Adaptive Control Systems.pdf
Feynman's Path Integral in Quantum Theory.pdf
Fibonacci Numbers - Vorob'ev.djvu
Fielding, Helen - Bridget Jone's Diary.lit
Figments of Reality - The Evolution of the Curious Mind.pdf
filelist (2).txt
Finney Patrick - The Romance of Decline The Historiography of Appeasement .pdf
firearms - Hayduke, George - Silent but Deadly - More Homemade Silencers from Hayduke the Master.pdf
FISCHER-CRIPPS, A. C. (2002). Newnes Interfacing Companion.pdf
Fiske (John) The Critical Period of American History (1783-1789).pdf
Florman, Samuel - The Aftermath.htm
FLYNN, Vince - Memorial Day.lit
Focus On Photon Mapping.chm
Follett, Ken - Jackdaws.lit
Follett, Ken - Paper Money.lit
Follett, Ken - Pillars of the Earth.lit
Follett,Ken - The Key to Rebecca.txt
Forester, C.S. - Hornblower 01 - The Happy Return.lit
Forester, C.S. - Hornblower 02 - A Ship of the Line.lit
Forging Democracy The History Of The Left In Europe 1850-2000 - Geof Eley.pdf
Forsyth, Frederick - Icon (1).lit
Forsythe, Frederick - The Dogs Of War.lit
Four Days In Dixie.pdf
Fractal Geometry Mathematical Foundations and Applications 2nd Edition.pdf
Frank, Pat - Alas, Babylon.htm
Franken, Al - Lies & The Lying Liars Who Tell Them.pdf
Franklin W Dixon - Hardy Boys - Hidden Harbor.lit
Freemason Bluebook.pdf
Freemasonry and Judaism.pdf
Freud, Sigmund - The Interpretation of Dreams.pdf
Fritjof Capra - The Tao of Physics.pdf
From Certainty To Uncertainty The Story Of Science And Ideas In The 20th Century - David Peat.pdf
From Certainty To Uncertainty, The Story of Science and Ideas in the Twentieth Century.pdf
From Classical to Quantum Mechanics.pdf
from Scientific American aug. 1993 - Mastering chaos.pdf
Funk, Isaac K. - The Widow's Mite and Other Psychic Phenomena (1904).pdf
Galouye, Daniel - Dark Universe.htm
GANSSLE, J. G. (1999). The Art of Designing Embedded Systems.pdf
Garwood, Julie - B1 The Bride.lit
Garwood, Julie - Saving Grace.lit
Garwood, Julie - The Gift.lit
Garwood, Julie - The Prize.lit
Gary Kasparov - Kasparov Teaches Chess.pdf
Genomics and Proteomics Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Metin Akay.pdf
George G. Szpiro - Kepler's Conjecture.pdf
George G. Szpiro - The Secret Life of Numbers 50 Easy Pieces on How Mathematicians Work and Think.pdf
George H. W. Bush - The Unauthorised Biography.jpg
George H. W. Bush - The Unauthorised Biography.pdf
German Surrender Doc.WRI
Germar Rudolf, The Rudolf Report. Expert Report on Chemical and Technical Aspects of the Gas Chambers of Auschwitz .pdf
GIBSON J.D. Multimedia_Communications.pdf
Gibson William - Pattern Recognition.pdf
Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death.WRI
Glossary of Biotechnology Terms - Kimball Nill.pdf
Godara, Lal Chand - CRC Handbook of Antennas in Wireless Communications [2002].pdf
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Stuart Woods - Dead Eyes.txt
Swift, Jonathan - Proposal for Correcting.lit
Tan, Amy - The Bonesetter's Daughter.lit
Tan, Amy - The Joy Luck Club.lit
Teaching About Evolution and the Nature of Science.pdf
TERASHIMA, N. (2001). Intelligent Communication Systems.pdf
TERRELL, D. L. (1996). Op Amps - Design, Application, and Troubleshooting (2nd ed.).pdf
Terry Pratchett - Turntables Of The Night.lit
Tesla, Nickola- My Inventions.lit
The 1st degree of freemasonry watch.pdf
The 2nd degree of freemasonry watch.pdf
The 3rd degree of freemasonry watch.pdf
The A to Z of Mathematics, A Basic Guide - Sidebotham.pdf
The Art of the Infinite - The Pleasures of Math.pdf
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy - By Greg Palast.pdf
The Best Enemy Money Can Buy - By Antony Sutton.pdf
The Bible Code - The Genesis of Equidistant Letter Sequences.pdf
The Big Bang Never Happened - serious alternative science.pdf
The Big Sleep.lit
The Blackwell Companion To Criminology.pdf
The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Political Thought.chm
The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Computing and Information-(ALL, but no chp 10, 21, 22).pdf
The Book of Numbers - Conway & Guy.djvu
The complete book of intelligence tests.pdf
The Complete Idiot's Guide to American History.lit
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Astronomy, Second Edition.pdf
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Learning American Sign Language.pdf
The Complete Idiots Guide to Learning French.pdf
The Cosmic Clocks, From Astrology to a Modern Science - Gauquelin.djvu
The Da Vinci Code.txt
The Da Vinci Code By Dan Brown.txt
The Dancing Wu Li Masters.pdf
The Deadbeat Universe - Wahlin.djvu
The Deceiver.pdf
The Declaration of Independence.WRI
The Devil's Alternative.pdf
The Dream Drugstore.pdf
The Economic Consequences of the Peace.pdf
The Elegant Universe.pdf
The Encyclopedia of World History, 6th Ed - Houghton Mifflin Company, 2001.chm
The Essential Tao.lit
The Fabric of the Cosmos - Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality (Brian Greene).pdf
The First Computers History and Architectures - Raul Rojas.pdf
The First Three Minutes, A Modern View of the Origin of the Universe - Weinberg.pdf
The Fist of God.pdf
The Fourth Protocol.pdf
The Fourth State of Matter An Introduction to Plasma Science 2nd ed.pdf
The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money.pdf
The History Of Tom Jones.lit
The Hitch-hikers guide to Star Trek TNG - funny.pdf
The Holographic Universe.pdf
The house on the Borderland.pdf
The Importance Of Being Earnest.lit
The Incredible 9-11 Evidence We've All been Overlooking.pdf
The Innocence Of Father Brown.lit
The Koran.pdf
The Little Book of Bigger Primes - Ribenboim.pdf
The Magna Carta.lit
The Meaning Of It All - Feynman.pdf
The Metamorphosis.lit
The Mind at Night - The New Science of How and Why We Dream.pdf
The Moral Discourses.lit
The New Book of Prime Number Records - Ribenboim.djvu
The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci.lit
The Nothing That Is, A Natural History Of Zero - Robert Kaplan.pdf
The Oklahoma City Bombing and the Politics of Terror.lit
The Origin and Evolution of the Solar System.pdf
The Oxford Handbook of Epistemology.pdf
The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Religion.pdf
The Oxford Handbook of Rationality.pdf
The Paradox of Self-Consciousness - José Bermúdez.pdf
The Philosophy of Mind.pdf
The Physics of Coronory Blood Flow - M. Zamir.pdf
The Picture Of Dorian Gray.lit
The Principle Of Economics - Some Lies My Teachers Told Me (2002 Routledge).pdf
The Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field - Hadamard.djvu
The Quantum World - Polkinghorne.djvu
The Race for Consciousness.pdf
The Reality of Islam - Sam Harris - secure.pdf
The Religio Medici.lit
The Road to Reality.pdf
The Rockefeller Files - By Gary Allen.pdf
The Secret Garden.lit
The Secret Team - By Fletcher Prouty.pdf
The Sentinel-Stargate SG1.lit
The Shape of Space - Weeks.djvu
The Spirit Of Laws.lit
The Structure OF Scientific Revolutions 3rd ed - Thomas Kuhn.pdf
The Taking of America - Richard Sprague.pdf
The Timeline Book Of Science - George Ochoa.pdf
The Times Book of IQ Tests.pdf
The Travels Of Marco Polo.lit
The Varieties Of Religious Experience.lit
THEODORIDIS, S. (2002). Pattern Recognition (2nd ed.).pdf
Therapeutic Micro-Nano Technology BioMEMs - Tejlal Desai & Sangeeta Bhatia.pdf
Think, A Compelling Intro To Philosophy.pdf
Thomas Jefferson's First Inaugural.WRI
Thompson, Hunter S. - Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas (v1.0).lit
Thompson, Hunter S. - Screwjack.lit
THOMPSON, Hunter S - Hell's Angels.lit
Thompson, Jim - The Grifters.lit
Three Hundred Years of Gravitation - Hawking & Israel.djvu
TINDER, R. F. (2000). Engineering Digital Design (2nd ed.).pdf
Tissue Engineering - John P. Fisher.pdf
TNG 60 - Tooth And Claw.lit
Toffler, Alvin - Future Shock.lit
Tom Clancy - The Sum of All Fears.pdf
Tony Cleaver - Economics - The Basics - (Routledge 2004).pdf
Tony Hillerman - The Sinister Pig.lit
TOOLEY, M. (2002). Newnes Data Communications Pocket Book (4th ed.).pdf
Tout T.F. - History of England from Henry III to Edward III.pdf
Trachtenberg speed system of math.pdf
TRICKER, R. (2000). CE Conformity Marking and New Approach Directives.pdf
Trigonometric Delights.pdf
Trigonometry Workbook For Dummies.pdf
TRUNDLE, E. (2001). Newnes Guide to Television and Video Technology (3rd ed.).pdf
Tucker, Wilson - The Long Loud Silence.htm
Tucker, Wilson - The Year of The Quiet Sun.htm
Tucket, Ivor Lloyd - The Evidence for the Supernatural - A Critical Study Made with Uncommon Sense (1911).pdf
Turow, Scott - Personal Injuries.lit
Turow, Scott - Personal Injuries.pdf
Turtledove, Harry - Alternate Generals 2.lit
UFO documents - FBI Top Secret Files.pdf
Understanding Biotechnology.chm
Understanding the Human Machine - A Primer for Bioengineering - Max E. Valentinuzzi.pdf
Unknown Quantity A Real And Imaginary History Of Algebra - John Derbyshire.pdf
US ARMY - 6 Nuclear Weapons Effects Technology.pdf
US ARMY - Basics Electronics Course.pdf
US ARMY - Majestic 12 - UFO Official Manual.pdf
US Army Physical Fitness Training.pdf
US History Guide.pdf
US Marine Corps Sniper Manual FMFM 1-3B.pdf
Us Navy Seal Sniper Training Program - Manual Military Elite Doctrine Guide.pdf
VAN SICKLE, T. (2001). Programming Microcontrollers in C (2nd ed.).pdf
Varley, John - Millennium.htm
Varley, John - Titan.lit
VARTERESIAN, J. (2002). Fabricating Printed Circuit Boards.pdf
Vedic Mathematics - Jagadguru.djvu
VINCENT COURTILLOT - Evolutionary Catastrophes - The Science of Mass Extinction.pdf
Volney - The Ruins, Or, Meditation On The Revolutions Of Empires.lit
Volovik G.E. The universe in a helium droplet (Oxford, 2003)(T)(526s).djvu
Wall Street and The Rise of Hitler - By Antony Sutton.pdf
WANHAMMER, L. (1999). DSP Integrated Circuits.pdf
WARNE, D. F. (2000). Newnes Electrical Engineer's Handbook.pdf
Warren, Rick - The Purpose Driven Life.lit
Warren, Rick - The Purpose Driven Life.pdf
Washington's Farewall Address (1796).WRI
Wells - A Short History of the World.lit
Wells, H. G. - The Time Machine.lit
West, Cameron - Medici Dagger, The.lit
Western Civilization - History Of European Society - Stephen Hause.pdf
What Do You Care What Other People Think - Feynman.djvu
What is Mathematics - Courant & Robbins.djvu
White, James - Sector General 01 - Hospital Station.lit
White, James - Sector General 02 - Star Surgeon.lit
Why Sex Matters - A Darwinian Look At Human Behavior.pdf
wilder laura ingalls 02 little house on the prairie.lit
Wiley - Encyclopedia of Biomedical Engineering - 6 Vol. Set.pdf
Wiley - Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation - Vol. 1.pdf
Wiley - Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation - Vol. 2.pdf
Wiley - Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation - Vol. 3.pdf
Wiley - Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation - Vol. 4.pdf
Wiley - Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation - Vol. 5.pdf
Wiley - Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation - Vol. 6.pdf
Wiley - Genetics For Dummies - Tara Rodden Robinson.pdf
Wiley Mathematical Journeys.pdf
Wilhelm, Kate - Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang.htm
William Gibson - Neuromancer.Pdf
William Makepeace Thackeray - Vanity Fair.lit
WILLIAMS, J. (1991). Analog Circuit Design - Art, Science, and Personalities.pdf
WILLIAMS, J. (1998). The Art and Science of Analog Circuit Design.pdf
WILLIAMS, T. (2001). EMC for Product Designers (3rd ed.).pdf
Wilson, Colin - The Criminal History of Mankind.lit
Wilson, Robert Anton - Prometheus Rising.lit
WINDER, S. (2002). Analog and Digital Filter Design (2nd ed.).pdf
WINDER, S. (2002). Newnes Radio and RF Engineering Pocket Book (3rd ed.).pdf
Winston Churchill - The Crossing.lit
Witten, E. - Duality, Spacetime and Quantum Mechanics.pdf
Wolfe, Tom - The Right Stuff.lit
Wolfram Research - Encyclopedia Of Mathematics (p3236).djvu
Woods, Stuart - Holly Barker 03 - Blood Orchid.lit
Woods, Stuart - Stone Barrington 09 - Dirty Work.lit
Woodward, Bob - Bush At War.lit
Wylie, Philip & Balmer, Edwin - After Worlds Collide.htm
Wylie, Philip & Balmer, Edwin - When Worlds Collide.htm
Wyndham, John - The Chrysalids.htm
YU, F. T. S. (2001). Introduction to Information Optics.pdf
Zelazny, Roger - Damnation Alley.htm


    !Pizza Hut
    !Taoist And Buddhist Books
    (TTC) Goldman, Science in the Twentieth Century Guidebook 1-3
    20,000 Leagues Under the Seas -- Jules Verne
    31 Ebooks related to the Illuminati and the NWO
    50 things you're not supposed to know -- Russ Kick
    2001 A Space Odyssey -- Arthur C Clarke
    2010 Odyssey Two -- Arthur C Clarke
    2061 Odyssey Three -- Arthur C Clarke
    3001 The Final Odyssey -- Arthur C Clarke
    A brief history of time
    A Confederacy of Dunces -- John Kennedy Toole
    A matter for men -- David Gerrold -- The war against the chtorr
    A murder of quality -- John LeCarre
    A Rage for Revenge -- David Gerrold
    A season for Slaughter -- David Gerrold
    A small town in Germany -- John le Carre
    A song of stone -- Iain Banks
    abdul-baha on-divine-philosophy
    Accelerated C++ -- Andrew koenig --Programming
    Adams, Douglas
    Adams, Douglas - The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy
    Agatha Christie
    Aghora - At the Left Hand of God - 180-186
    Aghora - At the Left Hand of God - Chapter 1
    Agrippa - Occult Philosophy Book 1
    Agrippa - Occult Philosophy Book 2
    Agrippa - Of Occult Philosophy Book1
    Agrippa - Of Occult Philosophy Book2
    Agrippa - Of Occult Philosophy Book3
    Agrippa - Of Occult Philosophy Book4
    Agrippa - Three books of occult philosophy-book 3
    Agrippa, Cornelius - Of Occult Philosophy & Magickal Ceremonies - 4
    Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius-Of Occult Philosophy, or Of Magical Ceremonies; Book I, II & III
    Alain - Eléments de Philosophie
    Albert Einstein collection (incomplete)
    Alcott, Louisa May
    Aldiss, Brian
    Alice's Adventures in Wonderland -- Lewis Carrol
    Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll
    All books regarding quran or koran
    All families are psychotic -- Douglas Coupland
    All tomorrow's parties -- William Gibson
    Altheler, Jospeh
    Ambrose, Stephen
    American Pyscho -- Bret Easton Ellis
    Amis, Martin
    Among the enemy -- Margaret Peterson Haddix
    Among the Free -- Margaret Peterson Haddizx
    An evolutionist deconstructs creationism -- Arndt Von Hippel
    Anansi Boys -- Neil Gaiman
    Anarchy Cookbook
    Anderson, Charles D
    Angels and Demons -- Dan Brown
    Animal Farm
    Anonymous - Beowulf, A New Verse Translation by Seamus Heaney
    Apocalypse Of Moses
    aristotle - categories-79
    aristotle - history-78
    Aristotle - Metaphysics
    aristotle - metaphysics-77
    aristotle - meteorology-80
    aristotle - nicomachean-81
    Aristotle - Nicomachean Ethics
    aristotle - on-82
    aristotle - on-83
    aristotle - on-84
    aristotle - on-263
    aristotle - on-264
    aristotle - on-265
    aristotle - on-266
    aristotle - on-267
    aristotle - on-268
    aristotle - on-269
    aristotle - on-270
    aristotle - on-271
    aristotle - on-272
    aristotle - on-273
    aristotle - on-274
    aristotle - on-275
    Aristotle - On Sleep & Sleeplessness
    Aristotle - On Youth and Old Age
    aristotle - physics-88
    aristotle - poetics-87
    aristotle - politics-89
    aristotle - posterior-91
    aristotle - prior-90
    aristotle - rhetoric-86
    Aristotle - The Athenian Constitution
    Aristotle - The Categories
    aristotle - topics-85
    Armageddon's Children -- Terry brooks
    Armor -- John Steakley
    Arrows of the queen -- Mercedes Lackey
    Arthur C. Clarke
    Artificial Intelligence and Philosophy
    As I lay Dying -- William Faulkner
    Asimov, Isaac
    Asprin, Robert
    Assassin's Apprentice -- Robin Hobb--Farseer trilogy
    Assorted religious or anti religious books
    Assorted Zombie Novels
    augustine - confessions-276
    Austen, Jane
    Averroes - The Incoherence of the Incoherence
    B M Bower
    bacon - essays-92
    bacon - new-98
    Baldacci, David
    Barack Obama_ the New Face of American Politics -- Martin Dupuis
    Bardic Voices -- Mercedes Lackey
    Barraux, Roland - Die Geschichte Der Dalai Lamas (Patmos Verlag 1995, Buddhismus, German-Deutsch)
    Basic Skills for Homeschooling -- Lee Wherry Brainerd
    Battle Circle -- Piers Anthony
    Baudolino -- Umberto Eco
    BeauSeigneur, James - Christ Clone Trilogy
    Being and Nothingness by Jean-Paul Sartre
    Bell's theorem
    Berkeley, George - A defence of free-thinking in mathematics
    Berkeley, George - Abhandlungen über die Principien der menschlichen Erkenntnis
    Berkeley, George - three-745
    Berkeley, George - treatise-177
    Betty Crocker Recipes
    Bhagavad Gita in English
    Bickle Philosophy Neuroscience
    Bike Scooter and Chopper Projects for the Evil Genius
    Blace -- Richard Bachman
    Blackburn, Simon - Think, A Compelling Intro To Philosophy v3.0
    Body Language -- Sheldon Press
    Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy
    Book Of The Samurai
    Bradbury, Ray
    Braun, Lillian Jackson
    Brave new world
    Brave New World -- Aldous Huxley
    Brenchley, Chaz
    Brent Weeks
    Brent Weeks Night Angel Trilogy
    Brown, Sandra
    Buck, Doris P
    Buddhism - The Treasury Of Truth - Dhammapada Illustrated
    Buddhism Mahayana Texts
    Buddhism, Suzuki, Daisetz T. - Wesen und Sein des Buddhismus
    Budrys, Algis
    Burning Chrome -- William Gibson
    Cadigan, Pat
    Camus, Albert - Der Fremde
    Camus, Albert - Der glückliche Tod
    Camus, Albert - extranjero
    Capra, Fritjof - The Tao of Physics
    Card, Orson Scott
    Carr, Charles
    Casino Royale -- James Bond
    Castaneda, Carlos
    Castle of Wizardry -- David Eddings Book four of the Belgariad
    Catch 22
    Catch me if you can -- Frank W. abagnale
    Chapterhouse Dune -- Frank herbert
    Cherryh, C J
    Child, Lee
    Children of Dune -- Frank Herbert
    Choke -- Chuck Palahniuk
    Chomsky, Noam - On Kosovo, Vietnam & Media Manipulation [1999]
    Chomsky, Noam - Philosophers and Public Philosophy
    Christie, Agatha
    CIA and Mind power
    Citizen of the Galaxy - Robert A Heinlein
    Clancy, Tom
    Clarke, Arthur C
    Cliff Notes
    Clockword Orange
    Cluster -- Piers Anthony
    Coalescent - Stephen Baxter
    Cognitive Ethology And Philosophy Of Mind
    Cold Mountain -- Charles Frazier
    Coldheart Canyon -- Clive Barker
    Comte, Auguste - The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte
    Comte, Auguste - The Positive Philosophy Vol II
    Confucian Analects
    Confucius - Great Learning
    Conquest of Armageddon -- Jonathan Green
    Cook, Robin
    Cooking - Food
    Cornwell, Bernard
    Cornwell, Patricia
    Coulter, Catherine
    Crichton, Michael
    Crime and Punishment -- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
    Crowley collected works, Volume I, Part 1
    Crowley, Aleister - Gilles De Rais
    Crowley, Aleister - The Banned Lecture
    Cussler, Clive
    D.H. Lawrence
    Daemonologie -- King James I
    Dahl, Roald
    dalai lama - das.buch.der.menschlichkeit
    Dalai Lama - Der Weg zum Glück
    Dalai Lama - Tod Und Unsterblichkeit Im Buddhismus - Ãœber Die Buddha-Natur )
    Das Achte Und Neunte Buch Moses
    Deaver, Jeffery
    Deconstruction, Postmodernism and Philosophy of Science
    Defoe, Daniel
    Denton, Bradley
    Descartes - Abhandlung über die Methode richtig zu denken
    descartes - discourse-124
    Descartes, Rene - Meditations of First Philosophy
    Descartes, Rene - The Principles of Philosophy
    Desperation -- Stephen King
    Destiny Doll -- Clifford D simak
    Dianetics -- L Ron Hubbard
    Diary -- Chuck Palahniuk
    Dick, Philip K
    Dickens, Charles
    Die Bibel, Elberfelder Ãœbersetzung, revidierte Fassung von 1993
    Die Wahrheit über die Illuminaten
    DIrk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
    Discordianism, Robert Anton Wilson - Principia Discordia - Deutsch
    Discordianism, The Principia Discordia
    Divine Comedy -- Dante
    Do Andriods dream of electric sheep -- Philip K Dick
    Do androids dream of electric sheep -- Philip K Dick
    Don Quixote -- Miguel de Cervantes
    Dostoevsky, Fyodor
    Douglas Adams
    Douglas Adams Collection
    Doyle, Arthur Conan
    Dracula -- Bram Stoker
    Drake, David
    Dune 1 - Dune - Frank Herbert
    Dune 2 - Dune Messiah - Frank Herbert
    Dune 3 - Children of Dune - Frank Herbert
    Dune 4 - God Emporer of Dune - Frank Herbert
    Dune 5 - Heretics of Dune - Frank Herbert
    Dune 6 - Chapterhouse Dune - Frank Herbert
    Dune - House Atreides - Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson
    Dune - House Harkonnen - Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson
    Dune group
    Dune Messiah -- Frank Herbert
    Dunsay, Lord
    Ecce Homo -- Friedrich Nietzsche
    Eco, Umberto - Baudolino
    Eco, Umberto - Foucault's Pendulum
    Eco, Umberto - The Island of the Day Before
    Eco, Umberto - The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana
    Eco, Umberto - The Name of the Rose
    Edouard le Roy - A New Philosophy Henri Bergson
    Egypt Gods - Isis
    Einstein, Albert
    einstein, albert - the world as i see it
    Ellroy, James
    Empire of Ancient Egypt--Wendy Christensen
    Emshwiller, Carol
    Enchanter's End Game -- David Eddings Book five of the Belgariad
    Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition,
    Encyclopedia of forbidden secrets
    Encyclopedia of Philosophy
    epictetus - discourses-568
    epictetus - enchiridion-747
    epictetus - letter-748
    epicurus - principal-749
    Erle Stanley Gardner
    Ernest Nagel and James R. Newman - Godel's Proof
    Evanovich, Janet
    Exercise and weight control
    Exultant -- Stephen Baxter
    Fahrenheight 451 -- Ray Bradbury
    Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Anderson
    Farewell my lovely -- Raymond Chandler
    Farmer in the Sky -- Robert A. Heinlein
    Faust among equals -- Tom Holt
    Fear and loathing in las vegas
    Feynman Lectures on Physics
    Fight Club
    Fight Club -- Chuck Palanhniuk
    Fleming, Ian
    Food of the gods
    Forrest Gump -- Winston Groom
    Forsyth, Frederick
    Franz Kafka
    Freaknomics - A rogue economis explores the hidden side of everything -- Steven D Levitt, Stephen J. Dubner
    freud - young-763
    From the Dust Returned -- Ray Bradbury
    Fugitives and Refugees -- Chuck Palahniuk
    Gaiman, Neal
    Gaiman, Neil
    Galilee -- Clive Barker
    Games People PLay - The pyschology of human relationships -- Eric Berne MD
    Garth Nix assorted
    Gibran, Kahlil - Excerpt from The Madman
    Gibson, Sterling
    Gibson, William
    Giles, Herbert A. - Religions of Ancient China
    Gilles Deleuze - Kant'S Critical Philosophy
    Gilman, Carolyn Ives
    Girlfriend in a coma -- Douglas Coupland
    Glagau, Erich - Der Babylonische Talmud
    Glory Road -- Robert Heinlein
    God Emperor of Dune -- Frank Herbert
    God Game -- Andrew M Creeley
    God of Tarot -- Piers Anthony
    God's Debris -- Scott Adams
    Goldman, Emma - The Philosophy of Atheism
    Good omens
    Goonan, Kathleen Ann - Nanotech Series
    Grafton, Sue
    Grammar and Punctuation_ Grade 3
    Grant, Charles L
    Gravitys Rainbow -- Thomas Pynchon
    Gravity's Rainbow -- Thomas Pynchon
    Gravity's Rainbow --Thomas Pynchon
    Greg Bear -- Darwin's radio, Darwin's children
    Grey, Zane
    Grimms Fairy Tales
    Grimm's Fairy Tales
    Grisham, John
    Guerrila Warfare
    Guns, Germs, and Steel -- Jared Diamond
    Hacking eBooks Collection
    Hammett, Dashiel
    Hardy Boys
    Harris, Thomas - Hannibal
    Harris, Thomas - Red Dragon
    Harris, Thomas - The Silence of the Lambs
    Harrison, Harry
    Harry Potter
    Hawking, Stephen
    Hawking, Stephen - a brief history of time
    Hawking, Stephen - Public Lectures - Space And Time Warps
    Heart of Darkness
    Heart of darkness -- Joseph Conrad
    Hegel, Georg - Philosophy of Mind
    Hegel, Georg - Philosophy Of Mind (Summary Of)
    Hegel, Georg - Philosophy of Nature
    hegel, Georg - philosophy of right
    hegel, georg - physics - science of logic
    Hegel, Georg - The Philosophy Of History
    Hegel, Georg - The Philosophy Of History.lit
    Hegel, Georg - The Philosophy of History.pdf
    Hegel, Georg - The Philosophy of Spirit.lit
    Hegel, Georg - The Philosophy Of Spirit.pdf
    Hegel, Georg Friedrich Wilhelm - Phänomenologie des Geistes
    Hegel, Georg Friedrich Wilhelm - Wer denkt abstrakt
    Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich - Wissenschaft der Logik
    Hegel's Logic_ an Essay in Interpretation
    Heidegger - Dilucidacion de la introduccion de la Fenomenologia del Espiritu de Hegel
    heidegger - The End of Philosophy and the Task of Thinking
    Heinlein, Robert A
    Helen Fielding
    Herbert, Frank
    Heretics of Dune -- Frank Herbert
    Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha
    Hesse, Hermann - Steppenwolf
    HG wells
    Hiaason, Carl
    Hickey, History of Twentieth-Century Philosophy of Science
    Higgins, Jack
    Hinduism - knowledge, reason, meditation - What we believe
    History of the United States
    Hit man
    Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy -- Douglas Adams
    hobbes - leviathan-66
    Hogan, James
    Holes -- Louis Sachar
    Hornby, Nick
    House of leaves
    How to Be a Couple and Still Be Free -- Tina Tessina and Riley Smith
    How to Know God -- Deepak Chopra
    How to Talk to A Liberal -- Ann Coulter
    How to win friends and influence people -- Dale Carnegie
    How to write science fiction and fantasy -- Orson Scott Card
    hume - dialogues-732
    hume - enquiry-65
    hume - essays-733
    hume - letter-741
    hume - my-731
    hume - natural-730
    hume - of-734
    hume - of-735
    hume - of-736
    hume - of-737
    hume - of-738
    hume - of-739
    hume - of-740
    Huxley, Aldous
    huxley, aldous - the doors of perception
    I am Legend -- Richard Matheson
    I, Robot --- Isaac Asimov
    Ian Fleming
    If chins could Kill -- Bruce Campbell
    Iliad --Homer
    Instant Princess- Fostering a healthy self esteem in girls
    Intensity-- Dean Koontz
    interview with the vampire -- Anne Rice
    Introduction to Superstring Theory
    Inventions You can Build - Maxine Anderson
    Islam - Ebook - The Noble Quran - Full Text Arabic And English - Best Translation
    It -- Stephen King
    J.K. Rowlings
    Jack London
    james - essays-136
    james - will-751
    James Clavell
    James Dickey
    James Ellroy
    James, William - The Principles of Psychology Vol. II
    Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte
    Jeffery Deaver
    Jitterbug perfume -- Tom Robbins
    John Le Carre
    John MacFarlane - Frege, Kant and the Logic in Logicism
    Jonathan Livingstone Seagull -- Richard Bach
    Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrel -- Susanna Clarke
    Joseph Heller
    Journal of the Society for Psychical Research
    Junkie -- William Burroughs
    Kali - The Feminine Force - 25-26
    Kali - The Feminine Force - 61-68
    Kali - The Feminine Force - 238-241
    Kama Sutra
    kant - critique-140
    kant - critique-141
    kant - critique-142
    kant - fundamental-143
    kant - introduction-144
    Kant - Kritik der reinen Vernunft
    kant - metaphysical-145
    kant - prolegomena-752
    kant - science-146
    KANT, Immanuel
    Kant, Immanuel - Logica
    Kant, Immanuel - Sobre la paz perpetua (Colección Clásicos del Pensamiento, tecnos)
    Kant, Immanuel - The Critique Of Pure Reason
    Karl Marx - FreeTrade
    Karl Marx - Poverty of Philosophy
    Kellerman, Jonathon
    Kenneth Robeson
    Kesey, Ken - One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest
    Key Concepts in Eastern Philosophy - Oliver Leaman
    Kierkegaard, Soren -
    King John --Shakespeare
    King Rat -- Uncut James Clavell
    King Rat --James Clavell
    King, Stephen
    Koontz, Dean
    Krishna's Pranks - Srimad Bhagavatam
    la ciudad de las bestias
    LaCarre, John
    LaHaye, Tim
    Lama Ole Nydahl - Die Vier Grunduebungen - Tibet - Ebooks - Buddhismus
    Lamont, Corliss - The Philosophy of Humanism
    L'Amour, Loius
    Left behind
    leibniz - monadology-201
    Leonardo da Vinci, by Maurice W. Brockwell
    Lerner, Edward
    Les Miserables -- Victor Hugo
    lewis - philosophy of atheism
    Lewis, C.S
    Lewis, Carroll
    Liberal Lies About the American Right -- Slander
    Live and let Die -- James Bond
    Live, the universe and everything -- Douglas adams
    Locke, John - Human Understanding
    Lois McMaster Bujold
    London, Jack
    Longyear, Barry
    Lord Arthur Savile's Crime -- Oscar Wilde
    Lord of the Flies
    Love is a dog from hell -- Charles Bukowski
    Love Song of the Dark Lord - Jayadeva's Gitagovinda
    Lovecraft collection
    Lovecraft, H P
    Ludlum, Robert
    Machiavelli, Niccolo
    Machiavelli, Nicolo - The Prince
    Madame Bovary -- Gustave Flaubert
    Magician's Gambit -- David Eddings Book three of the Belgariad
    Magick in theory and practice -- Aleister Crowley
    Make Room Make ROom -- Harry Harrison
    Malloreon -- David Eddings
    Manners, Custom and Dress During the Middle
    Manual of Surgery, by Alexis Thomson and Alexander Miles
    Manual of Zen Buddhism
    Margaret Mitchell
    Martial Arts Series 2 -- Jason Striker
    Martial Arts Series 3 -- Piers Anthony
    Martial Arts Series -- Jason Striker
    Marx - Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right
    Marx, Karl - Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right
    Mathematic Principals Of Natural Philosophy
    Matheson, Richard
    Matrix philosophy #1
    Matrix philosophy #2
    Matrix philosophy #3
    Maxwell Grant
    McCaffrey, Anne
    Mein Kampf -- Hitler
    Memoirs of the court of queen Elizabeth
    Men are from mars, women are from venus -- John Gray
    Metaphors for God's Time in Science and Religion -- Stephen Happel
    Michael Crichton
    Michael Moore is a big fat stupid white man -- David T Hardy and Jason Clarke
    Microserfs -- Douglas Coupland
    Miller, Arthur - Death of a Salesman
    Miller, Walter - A Canticle for Leibowitz
    Mind Design II -- Philosophy, Psychology, Artificial Intelligence
    MIT Press - Words Without Meaning (philosophy linguistics)
    Mona Lisa Overdrive -- William Gibson
    Moore, C. L
    More Moral Than God _ Taking Responsibility for Religious Violence -- Charlene Burns
    More than human
    Mort -- Terry Pratchett
    My Personal Philosophy of Teaching and Learning
    Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome, by
    Myths to live by -- Joseh Campbell
    Napalm and silly putty -- George Carlin
    Nebula Award Stories
    Necronomicon - Die Satanische Bibel
    Neil gaiman Assorted
    Neil Stephenson
    Nelson Demille
    Nero Wolfe
    Neuromancer -- William Gibson
    New Discoveries at Jamestown
    New Latin Grammar -- JB Greendough and others
    Nietzsche - Also sprach Zarathustra
    Nietzsche - Philosophy and Truth
    Nietzsche, Friedrich - asi_hablo_zaratustra
    Nietzsche, Friedrich - De Cinco prefacios para cinco libros no escritos
    Nietzsche, Friedrich - Der Antichrist
    Nietzsche, Friedrich - Die fröhliche Wissenschaft
    Nietzsche, Friedrich - Die Geburt der Tragödie
    Nietzsche, Friedrich - Götzen-Dämmerung
    Nightfall -- Isaac Asimov, Robert Silverberg
    Niven, Larry
    Noam Chomsky collection
    Norman Vincent Peale - The Power Of Positive Thinking(txt)
    Norman, John
    Norton, Andre
    Norwegian Wood
    Notebooks of da Vinci
    Notes from a small island -- Bill Bryson
    Notes from Underground -- Fyodor Dostoevsky
    Nydahl, Lama Ole -- Dharma-Belehrungen (Octopus Verlag 1989, Buddhismus, Mind, Spirit, german-deutsch)
    O'Brian, Patrick
    Occult Philosophy - Agrippa Book 2
    Occult Philosophy Book 1
    of occult philosophy - astrological geomancy (cremonensis)
    Of Occult Philosophy - The Rosicrucian Manifestos
    Oltion, Jerry
    On a Pale Horse -- Piers Anthony
    One flew over the cuckoos nest
    One Hundred Years of solitude -- Gabriel Garcia Marquez
    Ooguri - What string theory has taught us (notes)
    O'Reilly, Bill
    Orwell, George
    Over the Edge- 101 sex jokes and comix -- Lisa Shoemaker
    Palahniuk, Chuck
    Palm Pilot Files
    Pawn of Prophecy -- David Eddings Book One of the Belgariad
    Pearl S Buck -- The Good Earth
    Persoenlichkeitstest des Dalai Lama - pdf
    Phaze Doubt --Piers Anthony
    Philo Philosophie Philosophe Psychanalyse - Guattari 19821123 La Quantification Analytique
    Philosophie - Sartre - Les Mots
    Philosophie - Sartre - L'etre et le néant (4)
    Philosophie - Sartre - L'etre et le néant (5)
    Philosophy - A H Maslow - A Theory Of Human Motivation (Share Me) (Self Help Ebook - Pdf)
    Philosophy - Anarchism - From Theory To Practice
    Philosophy Essay - plato n aristotle
    Philosophy - Fundamentals of Buddhism
    Philosophy and The Matrix
    Philosophy Jokes
    Philosophy of Bruce lee
    Philosophy of film and motion pictures - An Anthology - Noel carrol
    Philosophy of Science Handout - The Problem of Induction
    Philosophy of Science, Practice of Science (a collection of quotes)
    Philosophy Then And Now
    philosophy_(ebook - occult) henry cornelius agrippa - occult philosophy book 3
    Physical Interpretation of the 26 Dimensions of Bosonic String Theory
    Physics - Black Holes in Supergravity and String Theory
    Physics - Introduction to String Field Theory
    Physics - Introduction To String Theory
    Physics - Introduction to Superstring Theory (Schwarz)
    Physics - Quantum Mechanics for Undergraduates
    Physics - Quantum Mechanics Textbook
    Physics - Vol 3 - Quantum Mechanics
    Physics Complete
    Plante, Brian
    Plath, Sylvia
    Plato - Apology
    Plato -- Apology
    Plato - Charmides
    Plato -- Charmides
    plato - charmides-337
    Plato - Cratylus
    Plato -- Cratylus
    plato - cratylus-338
    Plato - Critias
    plato - critias-339
    Plato - Crito
    Plato -- Crito
    plato - crito-340
    Plato - Euthydemus
    Plato - Euthyphro
    Plato - Gorgias
    Plato - Ion
    Plato - Laches
    Plato - Laws
    Plato - Lysis
    Plato - Meno
    Plato - Parmenides
    Plato - Phaedo
    Plato - Phaedrus
    Plato - Philebus
    Plato - Protagoras
    Plato - Republic
    Plato - Sophist
    Plato - Statesman
    Plato - Symposium
    Plato - The Republic
    Plato - The Seventh Letter
    Plato - Theaethetus
    Plato - Timaeus
    Platonov, Andrei
    Plato--The Republic
    Plato--The Republic - Rationalist Philosophy
    Poe, Edgar Allan
    Poems by Allen Ginsberg
    Pop Annual 1955-1999 Complete Listing of 22,000+ Charted Songs [pdf]
    Poul Anderson
    Pratchett, Terry
    Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen
    Principles of Modern Physics
    Quantum Theory And The Brain
    Queen of Sorcery -- David Eddings Book Two of the Belgariad
    R.A. Salvatore Drizzt Collection
    Rage -- Richard Bachman
    Rand, Ayn
    Rand, Ayn - For The New Intellectual
    Rasalila Dance
    Raymond Chandler
    Raymond E Feist
    Red Alert -- Peter Bryant
    Red Storm Rising -- Tom Clancy
    Remarks on the History and Philosophy of Mathematics
    Rester, Alfred
    Rice, Anne
    Richard Bach
    Richard Dawkins Collection
    Richerson, Carrie
    Richmond H. Thomason - exact philosophy, linguistics, & artificial intelligence
    Riddley Walker -- Russel Hobal
    Robb, JD
    Robert A. Heinlein
    Roberts, Nora
    Robot City Cyborg -- Isaac Asimov, William F Wu
    robot city odyssey -- isaac asimov , michael p kube-mcdowell
    Robot City Perihelion -- Isaac Asimov, Wililiam F Wu
    Robot City Prodigy -- isaac asimov, Arthur Byron Cover
    Robot City Refuge -- Isaac Asimov, Rob Chilson
    robot city suspicion -- Issac Asimov, Mike Mcquay
    Robot Visions -- Isaac Asimov
    robots and empire -- isaac asimov
    rousseau - confessions-119
    Routledge History Of Philosophy
    Running Man -- Stephen King
    Russell, Bertrand - 1967
    Russell, Bertrand - A.Free.Man's.Worship
    Russell, Bertrand - A.Liberal.Decalogue
    Russell, Bertrand - Am I An Atheist Or An Agnostic
    Russell, Bertrand - Analysis of the Mind
    Russell, Bertrand - Collection of Seven Essays
    Russell, Bertrand - Columns for the Hearst Newspapers
    Russell, Bertrand - Education.and.Discipline
    russell, bertrand - education and discipline
    Russell, Bertrand -
    Russell, Bertrand - How.I.Write
    Russell, Bertrand - Icarus, or The Future of Science
    Russell, Bertrand - Ideas.that.have.helped.Mankind
    Russell, Bertrand - Ideas that have harmed Mankind ( Philosophy )
    Russell, Bertrand - In Praise of Idleness
    Russell, Bertrand - is.there.a.god
    Russell, Bertrand - Knowledge.and.Wisdom
    Russell, Bertrand - Mysticism
    Russell, Bertrand - On Modern Uncertainty
    Russell, Bertrand - On The Value Of Scepticism
    Russell, Bertrand - On Youthful Cynicism
    Russell, Bertrand - Philosophical.Consequences.of.Relativity
    Russell, Bertrand - Philosophy.for.Laymen
    Russell, Bertrand - Philosophy For Laymen
    Russell, Bertrand - Political Ideals
    Russell, Bertrand - Problems of Philosophy
    Russell, Bertrand - Prologue.-.What.I.Have.Lived.For
    Russell, Bertrand - Proposed.Roads.To.Freedom
    russell, bertrand - science and ethics
    Russell, Bertrand - The.Analysis.of.Mind
    Russell, Bertrand - The.Bomb.and.Civilization
    Russell, Bertrand - The.Doctrine.of.Extermination
    Russell, Bertrand - The.Philosophical.Importance.of.Mathematical.Logic
    Russell, Bertrand - The.Philosophy.of.Logical.Analysis
    Russell, Bertrand - The Divorce Between Science And Culture
    Russell, Bertrand - The Metaphysician's Nightmare
    russell, bertrand - the problems of philosophy
    Russell, Bertrand - The Problems Of Philosophy - ebook
    Russell, Bertrand - Vagueness
    Russell, Bertrand - What is an Agnostic
    Russell, Bertrand - What is the Soul
    russell, bertrand - why i am a rationalist
    Russell, Bertrand - Why I Am Not A Christian
    Sade, Marquis de - Philosophy in the Boudoir
    Sagan, Carl
    Salinger, J.D. - Out of Print Publications (22 stories)
    Salinger, J.D. - The Catcher in the Rye
    Sartre's Being and Nothingness, Class Lecture Note by pf. Spade
    Satan Burger -- Carlton Mellick III
    Scanner Darkly
    Schrodinger's Cat -- Robert Anton Wilson
    Science Fiction
    Secrets of the ninja
    Secrets to Lock Picking
    Shakespeare, William
    Shaw, Bob
    Sheckley, Robert
    Short stories collection -- Charles Bukowksi
    Shute, Nevil - On The Beach
    Simak, Cliffard D
    Smith, Adam - The Wealth Of Nations
    Smith, Clark Ashton
    Smith, Mitchell - Snowfall Trilogy
    Snicket, Lemony
    Snow Crash-- Neal Stephens
    Socrates, Xenophon, Plato
    Song of Susannah -- Stephen King
    Sourcery -- Terry Pratchett
    Stanford Encylopedia of Philosophy
    Star Smashers of the Galaxy Rangers -- Harry Harrison
    Star Trek
    Steiner, Rudolf - Cosmology Religion and Philosophy
    Stirling, SM - Change Series
    Strugatsky, Arkady and Boris
    Sure you're joking, Mr. Feynman -- Richard P. Feynman
    Survivor -- Chuck Palahniuk
    Swami Omkarananda - Methoden der Gotterfahrung in der Bibel
    Tai Chi Chuan - 2
    Tao Te King (Wilhelm - German)
    The Adolescent -- Fyodor Dostoevsky
    The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Complete
    The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes -- A. Conan Doyle
    The amazing maurice and his educated rodents -- Terry Pratchett
    The Analysis of Mind -- Russel
    The Andromeda Strain -- Michael Crichton
    The Arabian Nights, tales from a thousand and one nights
    The art of oral sex
    The Art of Public Speaking -- Dale Carnegie
    The Art of War -- Sun Tzu
    The battle of Corrin - Herbert
    The Beginner's Guide to Computers and the Internet-- Susan Holden
    The Bell Jar -- Sylvia Plath
    The Bicentennial Man -- Isaac Asimov
    The Book of Lies -- Aleister Crowley
    The Book of Secrets- Unlocking the hidden dimensions of your -- Deepak Chopra
    The Book of the law Liber al vel legis
    The bridge-- Iaian Banks
    The Cardinal of the Kremlin -- Tom Clancy
    The carnal prayer matt
    The Catcher in the Rye -- JD Salinger
    The Caterpillar Question -- Piers Anthony
    the caves of steel -- isaac asimov
    The Cheater's Handbook
    The Children of Hurin -- JRR Tolkien
    The Color of Magic -- Terry Pratchett
    The Complete Idiot's Guide to Astrology
    The Count of Monte Cristo -- Alexandre Dumas
    The crying of lot 49 -- Thomas Pynchon
    The Da Vinci Code -- Dan Brown
    The Dance of Shiva in the Sky
    The Dark Tower VII -- Stephen King
    The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated
    The Devil's Dictionary
    The Divine Comedy
    The Door to December -- Dean koontz
    The End of eternity -- Isaac Asimov
    The Enlightened Man's Book Collection
    THe Face -- Dean Koontz
    The First Man -- Albert Camus
    The Game - Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup artists -- Neil Strauss
    The Giver -- Lois Lowry
    The Gods Themselves -- Isaac asimov
    The Golden Bough
    The good earth -- Pearl S Buck
    The grammar of English Grammars
    The grapes of Wrath
    The Gunslinger -- Stephen King
    THe Handmaid's tail -- Margaret Atwood
    The Handmaid's Tale -- Margaret Atwood
    The hEro with a Thousand Faces
    The Hero with a thousand faces -- Joseh Campbell
    The History and Philosophy of Wing Chun Kung Fu
    The History Of Ancient Egypt
    The History of Julius Caesar -- Jacob Abbott
    The History Of Philosophy - Chapter 1, Do We Need Philosophy
    The History Of Philosophy - Chapter 2, The First Dialecticians
    The History Of Philosophy - Chapter 3, Aristotle and the End of Classical Greek Philosophy
    The History Of Philosophy - Chapter 7, Indian and Islamic philosophy
    THe Hunt for Red October -- Tom Clancy
    The Hunter and the Sage - Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty
    The idiot -- Fyodor Dostoevsky
    The Illuminatus Trilogy
    The Illusions of Shiva
    The Inheritors -- Joseph Conrad, Ford Madox Ford
    The Island of the Day Before -- Umberto Eco
    The Lathe of Heaven -- Ursula K Le Guin
    The Little Prince -- Antione de Saint Exupery
    The Long Walk -- Stephen King
    The Lost Continent -- Bill Bryson
    The Machine Crusade -- Herbert
    The Man in the High Castle
    The Meaning of Life -- Douglas Adams
    The Mothman Prophecies
    The Myth of Sisyphus -- Albert camus
    The Naked Ape
    the naked sun -- isaac asimov
    The Nigger of the Narcissus -- Joseph Conrad
    The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci, Complete
    The Number of the Beast -- Robert A Heinlein
    The Origin of Species
    The perks of being a wallflower -- Stephen Chbosky
    The Picture of Dorian Gray -- Oscar Wilde
    The Poetic Edda
    The Principles Of Psychology Vol I
    The private life of genghis Khan -- Douglas Adams
    The Professional Pizza Guide
    The Quantum Physics of Black Holes and String Theory
    The Rabbi from Cracow - Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty
    The Republic -- Plato
    The Restaurant at the end of the universe
    The Roominghouse Madrigals -- Charles Bukowski
    The Rules of the Game - Raimundo Panikkar
    The Science of Discworld -- Terry Pratchett
    The Science of Influence -- Kevin Hogan
    The secrets of David Blaine revealed pdf
    The Selfish Gene -- Richard Dawkins
    The Sorrows of Young Wether -- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
    The Sound and the Fury -- William Faulkner
    The Starts My Destination
    The Sun also Rises -- Ernest Hemingway
    The Tale of Peter Rabbit -- Beatrix Potter
    The Tao Te Ching
    The Thief of Always -- Clive Barker
    The Tragedy of COriolanus -- Shakespeare
    The tragedy of Julias Shakespeare
    The Treason of Isengard -- JRR Tolkien
    The Vampire Lestat -- Anne Rice
    The Virgin Suicides -- Jeffrey Eugenides
    The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook -- Joshua Piven and David BOrgenicht
    The Zahir -- Paulo Coelho
    The_Talmud_ZION_israel_in english
    Thomas Paine -- Common Sense
    Thomas Taylor - Introduction To The Philosophy And Writings Of Plato
    Through the looking glass -- Lewis Carrol
    Thy Brother's Wife -- Andrew M. Greeley
    Time's Arrow -- Martin Amis
    Tolkien, J.R.R
    Tolkien, J.R.R. - The Hobbit
    Tolkien, J.R.R. - The Lord of the Rings
    Tolkien, J.R.R. - The Silmarillion
    Tolkien, JRR
    Tom Clancy
    Transcendent -- Stephen Baxter
    Treason -- Ann Coulter
    TTC - Chinese History
    Twain, Mark
    Umberto Eco
    Various .txt files
    Vatsyayana - The Kama Sutra
    Velocity --Dean Koontz
    Vergleich Kant, Hegel, Heidegger
    Vidal, Gore
    Virtual Death -- Shale Aaron
    Voltaire - Free Will
    Voltaire - Free Will ( Philosophy, Anarchy )
    Waiting for Godot -- Samuel Beckett
    Watts, Alan - Nature of Consciousness
    Watts, Alan - The Philosopies of Asia
    What is String Theory
    Who Rules the Net -Internet governance and jurisdiction
    Why Do Men Have Nipples -- Mark Leyner
    William Gibson Assorted
    Wittgenstein, Ludwig - Lectures On Philosophy
    Wittgenstein's Lectures on Philosophy
    Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Logic
    Wodehouse, P G
    Wolfe, Tom - The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
    World Atlas
    Wyrd Sisters -- Terry Pratchett
    You shall know our velocity -- Dave Eggers
    Zeno of Elea - philosophy
    Zizek, Slavoj
    Zombie Survival Guide
    Zorro -- Isabel Allende


    Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/17/2009 05:52PM by Batman.
Subject Author Posted


Batman January 17, 2009 05:43PM

Re: Books.

Stinker February 03, 2009 07:08AM

The Economic Consequences of the Peace - John Maynard Keynes

Batman February 05, 2009 04:25AM

Timely I suppose considering the attention Keynesian economic theory is getting~

ExPaladin(VIP) February 03, 2009 07:46AM

PM and IM'ed requests:

Batman January 22, 2009 04:34PM

Neil Gaimen assorted: (I very much recommend these)

Batman January 25, 2009 06:15AM

Ken kesey -- One flew over the cuckoo's nest

Batman January 25, 2009 06:00AM


Batman January 25, 2009 05:49AM

Judaism and the Vatican

Batman January 25, 2009 05:44AM

Huxley, Aldous - Ape and Essence

Batman January 25, 2009 05:41AM

Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain? nt

Someone Not Special, Esquire January 20, 2009 11:20PM

Thanks, great read. nt

Someone Not Special, Esquire January 22, 2009 04:01PM

This was a good one.~

Treebeard January 21, 2009 08:50AM

Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain:

Batman January 21, 2009 04:28AM

if you're offering...

Blackbird January 20, 2009 01:02PM

Translated Sartre works:

Batman January 22, 2009 04:23PM

Oh holy sweet Testicle Tuesday, Batman! How my unholy love for you grows! Srsly, thanks man. This fucking rocks.~

Blackbird January 22, 2009 08:43AM

Atwood, Margaret - Oryx and Crake.html Atwood, Margaret - The Blind Assassin.lit Atwood, Margaret - The Handmaid's Tale.pdf :

Batman January 22, 2009 04:44AM

Chomsky, Noam - On Kosovo, Vietnam & Media Manipulation [1999] (Audio file included):

Batman January 22, 2009 04:36AM

Chomsky, Noam - Philosophers and Public Philosophy (I used an unrelated image)

Batman January 22, 2009 04:27AM

Noam Chomsky Collection of 5 papers:

Batman January 22, 2009 04:23AM

Short stories collection -- Charles Bukowksi

Batman January 22, 2009 04:16AM

The Roominghouse Madrigals -- Charles Bukowski

Batman January 22, 2009 04:15AM

Love is a dog from hell -- Charles Bukowski

Batman January 22, 2009 04:14AM

heidegger - The End of Philosophy and the Task of Thinking

Batman January 22, 2009 04:09AM

Fugitives and Refugees -- Chuck Palahniuk :

Batman January 22, 2009 04:04AM

Ernest Hemingway Assorted:

Batman January 22, 2009 03:58AM

The Myth of Sisyphus

Batman January 21, 2009 03:34PM

The Complete Idiots Guide to Fitness

Batman January 21, 2009 01:04PM

Freaknomics - A rogue economist explores the hidden side of everything -- Steven D Levitt, Stephen J. Dubner

Batman January 21, 2009 04:50AM

Freakonomics in PDF format, as requested:

Batman January 24, 2009 09:46AM

The Crying of Lot 49 -- Pynchon :

Batman January 21, 2009 04:46AM

Gravity's Rainbow -- Thomas Pynchon

Batman January 21, 2009 04:41AM

Philosophy of film and motion pictures - An Anthology - Noel carrol

Batman January 21, 2009 04:35AM


Batman January 21, 2009 04:31AM

George H. W. Bush - The Unauthorised Biography

Batman January 20, 2009 05:19PM

Waiting for Godot --- For anyone who wants a nice, querky read in play format, this is astounding. It's up there with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern:

Batman January 20, 2009 05:13PM

Well played, sir. Well played indeed.~

Blackbird January 20, 2009 11:21PM

The Selfish Gene -- Richard Dawkins

Batman January 20, 2009 05:10PM

First thing I'll post out of this enormous request......My favorite author....Umberto Eco--Assorted:

Batman January 20, 2009 05:00PM

Mine too, but I like Name of the Rose over Foucault's Pendulum

WraithOfLight January 21, 2009 07:32AM

Blasphemy. NT

Batman January 22, 2009 04:16AM

I wubs yew long tyme.~

Blackbird January 20, 2009 11:12PM

Re: Books.

EXB January 20, 2009 08:43AM

Salvatore Drizzt series: (Sorry about the unrelated images, I get bored having to look each books thumbnail up, so I decided to use a few from my collection)

Batman January 20, 2009 04:46PM

LOTS of assorted pot/drug books:

Batman January 20, 2009 04:39PM

Any chance you could get the Lloyd Alexander "High King" set? Had Black Cauldron (which Disney made into a movie), etc. NT

Sam January 19, 2009 08:38PM

High King -- Chronicles of Prydain -- Done and dunner : Lloyd Alexander

Batman January 20, 2009 04:14AM

I don't ever regret dying at the Island with you! NT

Sam January 20, 2009 02:32PM


Batman January 21, 2009 04:42AM

I think I read those in 4th grade. I remember liking them. txt

Isildur(VIP) January 19, 2009 08:51PM

The Frank Herbert Dune series is exceptionally good nt

WraithOfLight January 20, 2009 11:59AM


Batman January 20, 2009 04:03PM

You are me. NT

Batman January 20, 2009 03:46AM

Most people mean avoidant personality when they say anti-social. Not sure which applies in your case.

ExPaladin(VIP) January 20, 2009 04:17AM

Trolled. NT

Batman January 20, 2009 10:43AM

My name's RobDarken, not RobDarkened. :P

Krilcov January 20, 2009 11:48AM

To settle it then: I meant antisocial. NT

Batman January 20, 2009 11:57AM

Ever read the Redwall books?

Java January 19, 2009 09:13PM

Nope, sorry. txt

Isildur(VIP) January 19, 2009 09:40PM

CIA and Mind power ? thanks, I may hit you up for more

NbM January 19, 2009 05:53PM

CIA and Mind Powers

Batman January 20, 2009 03:52AM

Wow, I am just curious how you went about gathering all of these, impressive nt

NbM January 19, 2009 10:39AM

Countless hours searching for them, bartering for them, buying them, and typing them up. Reading is my guilty pleasure when Gotham is calm. NT

Batman January 19, 2009 03:12PM

Beginners guide to hash growing? Ha/ n/t

lightmage January 19, 2009 09:56AM

drug - ! - The Beginner's Guide to Hash-Growing

Batman January 19, 2009 03:11PM

A Few requests

Treebeard January 19, 2009 07:38AM

Eaters of the Dead: The Manuscript of Ibn Fadlan Relating His Experiences with the Northmen in A.D. 922

Batman January 19, 2009 03:08PM

Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Batman January 19, 2009 03:04PM

Complete Idiot's Guide to Astronomy

Batman January 19, 2009 02:29PM

Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas

Batman January 19, 2009 02:08PM

Yo, can you find this book?

Flipside Oreo January 19, 2009 12:41AM

Nevermind I found it myself :) nt

Flipside Oreo January 19, 2009 01:31AM

Re: Books.

katistrofik January 18, 2009 07:00AM

How to learn any language:

Batman January 18, 2009 07:22AM

A short list, and a request

WraithOfLight January 18, 2009 06:41AM

You fucking owe me. Desert Dust in the Global System -- Nick Middleton:

Batman January 18, 2009 08:00AM

Re: You fucking owe me. Desert Dust in the Global System -- Nick Middleton:

WraithOfLight January 18, 2009 08:26AM

The Encyclopedia of World History, 6th Ed

Batman January 18, 2009 07:18AM

The Complete Idiots Guide to Learning French

Batman January 18, 2009 07:13AM

Stranger than Fiction An Independant Investigation of 9/11

Batman January 18, 2009 07:10AM

An Encyclopedia of Great Sieges from Ancient Times to the Present

Batman January 18, 2009 07:06AM

Divine Comedy -- Dante

Batman January 18, 2009 06:54AM

I have to ask...

qurdind January 17, 2009 11:50PM

I haven't read all of them. I've read a lot of them, but with the number of books I have jumping by at least thirty a week....

Batman January 19, 2009 03:13PM

Do you watch all the pron you download? n/t

Lokain January 17, 2009 11:53PM

Yes. Ritualistically. NT

Batman January 19, 2009 03:14PM

Nah, don't download porn.

qurdind January 18, 2009 11:06AM

Why do men have nipples.............. why? nt.

Hobotora January 17, 2009 09:24PM

Why Do Men Have Nipples? Hundreds of Questions You'd Only Ask a Doctor After Your Third Martini :

Batman January 18, 2009 06:44AM

Stephen King - Dark Tower V - The Little Sisters of Eluria.lit, please n/t

naddok January 17, 2009 08:36PM

Dark Tower-- Little Sisters of Eluria -- Stephen King

Batman January 18, 2009 06:36AM

Re: Books.

Artificial January 17, 2009 08:01PM

Philosophy - A H Maslow - A Theory Of Human Motivation (Share Me) (Self Help Ebook - Pdf)

Batman January 18, 2009 06:08AM

The Art of Public Speaking -- Dale Carnegie

Batman January 18, 2009 06:04AM

How to win friends and influence ppl as well, plz?

Yhorian(VIP) January 18, 2009 06:09AM

Didnt like it. txt

Artificial January 18, 2009 07:19AM

I don't think it will help you. nt

jhyrbian January 18, 2009 07:00AM

How to win friends and influence people -- Dale Carnegie

Batman January 18, 2009 06:28AM

The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money

Batman January 18, 2009 05:57AM

Daybreak 2250 AD -- Andre Norton

Batman January 18, 2009 05:54AM

No Night Without Stars -- Andre Norton

Batman January 18, 2009 05:49AM

21 Techniques of Silent Killing --Long, Hei Master

Batman January 18, 2009 05:45AM

Elvenbane 1 and 2 -- Andre Norton with Mercedes Lackey

Batman January 18, 2009 05:33AM

Calculus Demystified - Krantz:

Batman January 18, 2009 05:12AM

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