Updated Book List as of 01/10/2010

January 10, 2010 03:53PM
Just the list of books in txt format(Uploading it to various locations):


I tried to get a picture of the list as well.....But it would take over 50 screenshots, and that gets boring. If you'd like any of these books, feel free to ask.

I can't paste the whole list here as it is much too long and the forum won't allow it - Which is why, if you'd like to browse through the list, you'll have to download either of the above files(which are ONLY and SIMPLY the list in txt format).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/10/2010 03:56PM by Batman.
Subject Author Posted

Batman's book list

ExPaladin(VIP) October 15, 2009 06:32AM

Random books:

Batman February 05, 2010 01:33AM

Updated Book List as of 01/10/2010

Batman January 10, 2010 03:53PM

Found a way to actually upload the list, visibly, without any downloads. WOW GENIUS ME.

Batman February 26, 2010 12:39PM

I feel that when he is banned this should be taken down. Like..bi-weekly. n/t

jalim December 23, 2009 03:59PM

That's a lot of ban. NT

Batman January 08, 2010 06:58AM

Big Book list

ExPaladin(VIP) October 15, 2009 06:40AM

Weather Warden Series

ExPaladin(VIP) October 15, 2009 06:39AM

No Humans Involved

ExPaladin(VIP) October 15, 2009 06:38AM

Dragon Keeper by Robin Hobb

ExPaladin(VIP) October 15, 2009 06:38AM


ExPaladin(VIP) October 15, 2009 06:35AM

Book of the dead

ExPaladin(VIP) October 15, 2009 06:34AM

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