Need a new book series to read.

September 01, 2011 06:06AM
I just finished the most recent book of the Game of Thrones series.
George RR Martin pisses me off. It's like the last 3 books or so, he's just been biding his time. Bleh.

Anyway, I need a new book series to read. Any suggestions? It doesn't have to be fantasy, necessarily. I just want something that I can read on slow shifts at work and while taking a shit, to help this deployment go by a little quicker. I am a fan of the epic, large-scale stories though.

I'm thinking about starting on the Dark Tower series, but I'm wondering if there are any hidden gems that I'm missing.

Subject Author Posted

Need a new book series to read.

Java September 01, 2011 06:06AM

As a military guy, you'd probably really enjoy the Jack Reacher books written by Lee Child. ~

_Magus_ September 04, 2011 04:24AM

One final addition I remembered last night

alansmithee September 03, 2011 06:23AM

OMG so right :( I can't believe I read those books 10 years ago :(

Sam September 03, 2011 08:05AM

Chaz Bono - "Transition: The Story Of How I Became A Man" (n/t)

HairyOrangutan September 02, 2011 10:44AM

Joe Abercrombie - The first law (n/t)

asthiss September 02, 2011 01:48AM

In conquest born, I cant remember the series name. C.S. Friedman (n/t)

demos September 01, 2011 09:34PM

Buy a Kindle.

Kez September 01, 2011 05:00PM


The Faithful of Nazmorghul September 04, 2011 06:47AM

I usually have three or four books going at once.

Java September 04, 2011 07:06AM

The Hunger Games. You'll read all 3 in two days...

wrathpuppet September 01, 2011 04:15PM

These were excellent. Read the whole thing in 3 days. Reminded me a little of the Tripod trilogy n/t

Lokain September 02, 2011 09:34AM

Of all the books in the entire Dark Tower universe...

Sam September 01, 2011 04:49PM

I liked Insomnia a lot. Also Hearts in Atlantis.

wrathpuppet September 01, 2011 05:19PM

Also, I know I'll get laughed at...

Sam September 01, 2011 03:17PM

Speaking of detectives

TaterPig September 02, 2011 05:05AM

ROFL. Just started on those. I love them.

Sam September 02, 2011 02:00PM

Some more

Flipside Oreo September 01, 2011 03:10PM

Coldfire Trilogy. C.S Friedman. NT

Sam September 01, 2011 02:31PM

Cosign. (n/t)

demos September 02, 2011 04:22AM

Five! We may no longer be a minority! NT

Sam September 02, 2011 01:59PM

Agreed. I liked that trilogy. (n/t)

alansmithee September 01, 2011 03:35PM

Four! And we keep good company! NT

Sam September 01, 2011 03:36PM

My own list

Treebeard September 01, 2011 10:27AM

I'm glad you reminded me of the Davids, more inside (and one disagreement)

alansmithee September 01, 2011 11:25AM

Where are these books? Why is there no Bat-signal yet? (n/t)

TaterPig September 01, 2011 12:46PM

Gotham's police comission took Batman for granted. Now he works for Metropolis cracka' (n/t)

Matrik September 01, 2011 12:48PM

Having studied your tendencies extensively, along with years worth of training in understanding people, I have developed a list of books tailored to your needs.

paulstrack September 01, 2011 08:06AM

Add the mask of command in there and you've got a pretty good little list. (n/t)

demos September 02, 2011 04:25AM

I'll throw the list in, along with my esteemed colleagues:

The Faithful of Nazmorghul September 01, 2011 07:55AM

Pyrdain chronicles sparked my love for fantasy when I was young. (n/t)

Matrik September 01, 2011 08:51AM


Sam September 01, 2011 03:08PM

Absolutely- also contains one of the greatest moral lessons:

The Faithful of Nazmorghul September 01, 2011 11:11AM

Making me want to go back and read it. My first couple Muds I always used the name Taran. (n/t)

Matrik September 01, 2011 11:36AM

I love me some Dirk Gently. Good pick. (n/t)

alansmithee September 01, 2011 07:58AM

*salute* nt

The Faithful of Nazmorghul September 01, 2011 08:38AM

Star Wars

igsoeh September 01, 2011 07:29AM

Re: Need a new book series to read.

Isildur(VIP) September 01, 2011 07:11AM

I agree on the Merlin trilogy.

Sam September 01, 2011 03:19PM

OMGROFL you said Harry Potte... wait those books are incredibly well-written. smtxt

The Faithful of Nazmorghul September 01, 2011 07:18AM

I liked the HP books much more than I did the movies.

zannon September 01, 2011 07:51AM

21 hours of driving followed by two readings cover-to-cover?

Matrik September 01, 2011 07:25AM

Actually it was coffee and dedication, though also fine herbal enjoyment, believe it or not.

The Faithful of Nazmorghul September 01, 2011 08:00AM

Heh fair enough,

Matrik September 01, 2011 08:50AM

Damn you! I was just editing my post to include all these (except Harry Potter, ugh). More inside.

alansmithee September 01, 2011 07:17AM

Faded Sun and Coldfire trilogies. (n/t)

Matrik September 01, 2011 07:10AM


Sam September 01, 2011 02:35PM

A few I forgot but want to mention.

alansmithee September 01, 2011 07:07AM

Dark Tower, DO IT! (n/t)

ORB September 01, 2011 06:45AM

Generally liked these. txt

Isildur(VIP) September 01, 2011 07:05AM

These series will keep you busy for years. Some have several trilogies.

alansmithee September 01, 2011 06:41AM

Stieg Larson is awesome.

Sam September 01, 2011 02:38PM

Re: These series will keep you busy for years. Some have several trilogies.

Isildur(VIP) September 01, 2011 07:03AM

Shannara gets SO much better after the first 3. (Text)

Treebeard September 01, 2011 09:51AM

Some are better than others. The very first, the Sword of Shanarah, was the first fantasy book ever on the NYTimes bestseller list. Nice bit of trivia. (n/t)

alansmithee September 01, 2011 07:07AM

Agree. Disappointing. (n/t)

Artificial September 01, 2011 07:05AM

Hidden gem: The Mars Trilogy. Red Mars Green Mars Blue Mars

morocco September 01, 2011 06:33AM

Sword of Truth. (n/t)

Artificial September 01, 2011 06:27AM

Wasn't there a Sword of Truth TV series for a season or two?

Java September 01, 2011 06:36AM

Definitely my favorite series. Also consider Xanth, a much less serious series, but excellent (n/t)

Artificial September 01, 2011 06:56AM

Actually, if you're going to suggest a Piers Anthony series, I'd go the Blue Adept rather than Xanth, or at least not beyond the first 3 Xanth books. The Blue Adept series rocked. (n/t)

alansmithee September 01, 2011 06:57AM

His Incarnation series was pretty good too.

zannon September 01, 2011 07:47AM

Yah, but On A Pale Horse was by far the best and it went downhill, unfortunately. Worth reading though at least the first two. (n/t)

alansmithee September 01, 2011 07:57AM

I'd have to agree the first book was the best. Evil was pretty good too.

zannon September 01, 2011 08:18AM

Oooooh... I forgot Piers altogether, excellent calls- Xanth and Incarnation are both great in their own right! nt

The Faithful of Nazmorghul September 01, 2011 08:03AM

I'm telling you, try the Blue Adept series. You'll thank me. (n/t)

alansmithee September 01, 2011 08:04AM

Your signal is five by five, I will check it out- thank you in advance!

The Faithful of Nazmorghul September 01, 2011 08:40AM

Upon devoting much time to the Blue Adept series, I have concluded that you will indeed thank alansmithee. (n/t)

paulstrack September 01, 2011 08:10AM

And I thank you as well! nt (n/t)

The Faithful of Nazmorghul September 01, 2011 08:40AM

Yes, and the lead woman, Bridget Regan, is gorgeous. It only lasted 2 seasons.

alansmithee September 01, 2011 06:43AM

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