Applicable, one feels, generally in life as well as in Thera.
Play without expectations: Remember, it's just a ride.
Find joy: Set your heart to living in virtues, principles, the life of the mind.
Delete often: There is no past, no future. Expect to reinvent yourself often, and try not to take it too personally.
Nicely done, kads.
Hey! How ya been, friend?!
Still upright and taking nutrition, myself , so that's a big ol' W for all of existence.
These forums are much like the Fields themselves, these days. They are largely an empty, soulless wasteland where some few befuddled lunatics still wander and some creepy voyeurs still browse regularly .
The startling thing about that is how exceptionally fun
... They're the rare mental case who would play even if the MUD were completely empty. I'd enjoy myself in CF even if every other soul left. It's a beautifully crafted game, and an irreplaceable step in gaming evolution that allows infinite replay value and enjoyment.
Outcry of Steel made a warrior move like a ranger with perfected pathfinding. Your normal movespeed was ridiculously good, and it gave massive +mv regen IIRC. I was a cloud giant with it and even poison/plague/scourged I regenerated movement. Polearm (cutoff) with faster than normal movement can net you a fair number of chase-kills.
A fair number of these have power rankings I would change depending on the race of the warrior, but one that stands out in particular as misplaced is Outcry of Steel. It served me extremely well on a couple of hero warriors. I consider it among the Tier 2 if not Tier 1.
He was simply the most eloquent, exciting Immortal in CF history. His Immteractions were grand affairs, subtle, mysterious, and awe-inspiring. His religion was deep and complex. I feel for any player who missed out on Him- He made CF an epic experience for his followers. Even here, I'm not doing proper justice to the work and the impact He had on the game. His religion set him apart fro