I'd dare any current player to top this kind of balls to walls attitude, you made this character shine.
BTW i hated fighting you as Von, what a terrible terrible match up.
There are currently 15 characters online, you can see 11 of them.
The most on today was 27.
Unless you are counting max chars in the high 20s as a resurgence, I'm don't think I would.
A lot of add ons in this game are not mechanical, almost every add on requires an immortal to give it to you. The game has organically morphed into players performing for the staff, this isnt something that was a necessarily designed to be that way, it just became an unintended consequence of administrators "playing" characters.
However, when you have game administrators that are
Just because someone with a russian sounding name did something great has no reflection on you. It doesnt make you a better anything.
Stop tribalizing other people's accomplishments to make yourself feel better.
Single dumbest suggestion I've ever heard from an imm in 20+ years of CF. Congrats! I'm sure Scar and the rest of the staff that green light your ridiculous changes are super proud.
youz a maroon
After 5 weeks (40 hours per week) of showing up, doing most of the job, wearing a uniform and not being hired/paid.. prospect says fuck this and moves on to another job.
Boss: Oh boy you were almost there.. I was going to pull the trigger and hire you today. Too bad you didn't stick around ahh well better luck next time.
See I don't always lambaste your posts