Re: My understanding was

March 10, 2015 06:42AM
I meant

You come to guildmaster and ask for aura wand i.e.

He gives you three tips - for three locations. One tip - one location

You choose one that suits you more. And go there.

"In Akan a dwarf with eyebrows.."
"In udgaard a dark-elf in purple robe..."
"And in dragon tower the Great Magic Immune Horrible Dragon Named "Your Death!""

You choose to visit udgaard. And when you find a drow in purple robes there and get your aura rod - all three locations reset.
Subject Author Posted

New wand system..

ekvilibr March 09, 2015 08:14PM

All I know is mages were my favourite class before the change and now I am never playing one. (n/t)

Returner March 10, 2015 02:38AM

i like the change. definitely has more flavor. but i also hate the change sometimes too : ) nt

The Forsaken March 10, 2015 07:30AM

When guildmaster told me to go to the Ancient white dragon for my rod I knew it was delete;delete (n/t)

Zheeser March 12, 2015 12:22AM

Shit...that's only marginally worse than Cyndrial IMHO. Let's just say there are a lot of shitty spots. NT

Sam March 12, 2015 11:34AM

I've gotten that rod. My last character never got his sleek black once in 350 hours but still managed a better than 2:1 ratio

Elystan March 12, 2015 01:03AM

This is a terrible statement, especially if you ever once got the desk as your spot.

NbM(VIP) March 12, 2015 12:47PM

I did. I got better spots than the desk too. But I had more characters that never found their black. At least with this last one I knew it was impossible, because I knew where it was. (n/t)

Elystan March 12, 2015 01:51PM

Having had every spot in the game there are only two I don't like

Bemus-ed March 12, 2015 02:08PM

Cyndrial is brutal because unless you have an herb of cleansing you're eating insanity/deafen and don't want to flee there.

Sam March 13, 2015 11:06AM

Necromancer in the coral head? Druid of Hardan wood? The lich Xoltrindar? (n/t)

Elystan March 12, 2015 02:19PM

Last 3aps I played before the change

daurwyn(VIP) March 13, 2015 10:22AM

I'm still mad I deleted my 4 path invoker. Was a goodie with the old Mortorn Black set (back when they were still in sets).

Sam March 13, 2015 11:09AM

My invoker and conjurer found them trivial

Bemus-ed March 12, 2015 02:23PM

I got members of groups of 3 killed in two of those places and never found the third. None of us were invoker or conjurer though. (n/t)

Elystan March 13, 2015 10:41AM

That is one of the easier spots. Now compare it to the lich in Barovia. (n/t)

Murphy March 12, 2015 12:54AM

The lich has low HPs and has barely any resistance. Drops fast, just ensure you have high svs for the walk in. I have no issues at all with that rod. Plus you may get some nice gear out of it :P (n/t)

Bemus-ed March 12, 2015 02:09PM

Kharghurln had that black her whole life. NT

Sam March 12, 2015 11:33AM

Its simple

ilostmycoconut March 09, 2015 08:50PM

Re: Its simple

emptyhat March 14, 2015 12:23AM

Re: Its simple

ekvilibr March 09, 2015 09:00PM

You reset it by making the "impossible solo" wand gathering a fun little RP group quest for you and your IC friends.

DurNominator(VIP) March 10, 2015 02:01AM

My experience was begging Herald's shamelessly. Great RP for a dread lord. (n/t)

Zruulg March 10, 2015 09:31PM

GOOD THING MY SCARAB MAGE HAS LOTS OF FRIENDS WHO WANT TO GO SCAMPER IN THE WOODS AND GET WANDS WITH ME. Go blow a goat you dumb robot. New system sucks, eventually you get boned with a terrible spot. The easy fix it for imms to address black rods in awfu (n/t)

kanye March 10, 2015 07:42PM

How did you interact with people long enough to learn writing? (n/t)

MiyagiYojimbo March 10, 2015 08:42PM

Nope. I asked for christmas, but all I got was a spat in the face.

Frosty March 09, 2015 10:26PM

Re: Nope. I asked for christmas, but all I got was a spat in the face.

ekvilibr March 09, 2015 11:53PM

The new wand system is as fun as ranking, except better because you get to do it over the entire character's life. (n/t)

Zruulg March 10, 2015 12:15AM

Old system: You might get screwed. New system: It's a matter of time until you get screwed. (n/t)

Falstaff March 10, 2015 09:43AM

Old system: If you're screwed, you're screwed for life. New system: When you're screwed, it's a hurdle you only have to leap once. (n/t)

Matrik March 10, 2015 10:30AM

No, you have to leap it each time that shitty location comes up, unless you delete the second time you get it, then you only have to leap it once.

Zruulg March 10, 2015 11:03AM

My point stands. Unless you are using 50 wands an hour or something, you only have to leap it once in a blue moon.

Matrik March 10, 2015 11:12AM

I don't think you realize how much Stupid spots there are for black rods. It's quite possible to get boned a few times in a row. (n/t)

kanye March 10, 2015 07:44PM

I will concede the new system is better for new players and characters under say 150 hours.....

Zruulg March 10, 2015 12:21PM

Now that starts to sound like a good argument.

Matrik March 10, 2015 12:28PM

Re: Now that starts to sound like a good argument.

Zruulg March 10, 2015 09:07PM

Absolutely this. (n/t)

Artificial March 10, 2015 10:35AM

Three different wants, one location for each. Unless I have it wrong, which I might.

Frosty March 09, 2015 11:59PM

This is correct, however I believe it's been said you will only get one hint at a time (n/t)

ilostmycoconut March 10, 2015 12:34AM

My understanding was

daurwyn(VIP) March 10, 2015 04:26AM

Re: My understanding was

ekvilibr March 10, 2015 06:42AM

I would like this system. (n/t)

Artificial March 10, 2015 10:35AM

Re: New wand system..

MiyagiYojimbo March 09, 2015 08:26PM

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