No more secrets!: Knights of Thera

February 29, 2016 11:39AM
Books from the Knights of Thera

As the others preoccupied themselves with the war between the
magics...the Darkness selected it forces from the dark, strengthening
them. The mighty shadow warriors were cradled by the dark one's
hand. Sensing the growing darkness the evilness, and corruption that
spread through out the lands, one of the master magicians decided
something needed to be done. With help from the Light he was able to
forge a suit of golden armor and a might golden sword. Returning to
his keep, high above the Citadel in Ofcol, he sent out messengers to
seek those who would follow the Light, and seek to uphold it.
Soon a handful of warriors and Paladins arrived before the castle..and
seeking refuge from the plague of darkness...rested in it halls. Sensing
his chance...the master called to them...and after speaking with them
at length..and finding them worthy, sent them out under his protection
battle the growing darkness. With bravery, brotherhood, and fierce
honor they fought...upon thier return the Lord of Honor revealed to
them the gleaming armor and weapons. Taking up thier armor...all
marked with the symbol of a great golden dragon...they were dubbed the
Knights of Thera, and so went the cry as they marched through out the
towns of Thera...fighting back the Legions of Darkness...and spreading
the golden light.
As they brought light to Thera, they became it's guardians, and
protectors. They also penned a code, that they and all who walked in
thier footsteps would follow, until the land itself exsisted no more,
or the Knights finally met with defeat at the hands of the darkness.
Sensing the change in power..the Darkness marshalled it's forces, and
it's shadows...and sent them to defeat the "Knights" was at the
castle itself that the first strike of the eternal war landed. As the
shadows charged the castle gates, they were met by a great golden dragon
...and several golden clad warriors. Even now, the war rages between Light
and Darkness and thier warriors the Shadows, and the Knights of Thera.

. Humility: The Forgotten Virtue
by Maia Storme

Of all the virtue and honor we uphold proudly as the Knights of Thera,
there is one virtue that is often left forgotten in the dust. For in all
our glory and triumph, it is easy to forget what simple creatures we are.
Most scramble to reach immortality, and in turn forget that they are mortal.

Thus I have created this text in the hopes that many knights will perhaps
put some of the devotion that was once aimed towards Valor and give
Humility it's long overdue consideration.

To be Humble...

1) Next time you are faced with Death, look at your naked self before you
seek to clothe it again. This is the True You. Much of your glory
really belong to your faithful sword and plate - do not forget it.

2) Show respect to the Gods that respect you. Even if they are casual,
do not assume that you may be. Bow deeply to the ground and address them
formally. Break this demeanor only if given direct permission or if
religious fervor drives you to weeping.

3) Fast occasionally. If you are incredibly pious, til near death even.
Even if you do not wait so long, you will really notice how time can tick
away at your very life and mortality if need be.

4) Sacrifice a prized possession occasionally to someone more in need of it
than you. A cabaless mage of Twist is more likey to die at the hand of
evil for lack of that nice weapon than you are... and your life is no
more supperior to theirs.

5) Donate to your causes, be they the cabal, your guild, your shrine, or
your temple. Even a few gold coins will be appreciated by some soul,
just as you were.

6) Each time you need to bestow the title of Knight upon you, take a
moment to thank Cador and your brothers and sisters. Remember where you
would be without them.

7) Visit the Mirrored Hallway. Perhaps this is a bias because of my
religious affilitation, but it is an excellent sacred place to view the
true you. Much can be learned there.. your roots, and your faults as well
as your glories. Take your squires there to learn.

8) When sending notes off with messengers, especially to younger ones, do
not always sign with a long signature that bears an air of arrogance.
Besides forsaking humility it might make a worthwhile young one feel

9) Live to live. Do not live to become all-knowing and powerful. If it
is destined, it will be so. Until then you are mortal, and live as a
mortal, knowing that you are mortal.

10) Bow deeply, be courteous to all, and shall your cheeks burn if you
are given great kudos. You are special, know you are special. Hold it
in your heart.. do not wave it in the air.

Take what little wisdom I offer, my brothers and sisters, and follow it
as you see fit.

Yours as always,

. The Powers of the Golden Light

As a knight you are granted certain powers to call upon..and certain
skills to help you as you bring the golden light of honor and truth to
the land of Thera...these as well as the creed of all Knights is
listed below

first...the spells:

1- "golden aura"...this spell of protection, calls upon the Lords of
Ladies of light and honor and grants a nimbus of golden light that
surrounds the Knight and the groupmates of the will grant
more acuracy to those well as warding off blows of evil ones
...since it calls upon such great and mighty will not work if
similar blessings have been bestowed

2- "dragonplate"...the land of Thera itself is called upon in this
spell...through an extreme magical process..that even I just barely
understand it will forge a breastplate of pure woven gold, embossed
with the symbol of the Knights...a great golden dragon. It's powers
increase with the levels risen in ones guild. As well as armorment, it
will help the Knight to see things with more wisdom and understanding.
As well as strike with greater skill and force. Due to the nature of this
spell...eventually the magic will unravel leaving the Knight with
golden be wary.

3- "dragonsword"...similar to dragonplate, this will forge a weapon of
pure gold in the shape of either a mace, a dagger or a sword. Due to
the unusal bond with the earth...and the blessings of light and honor,
the blade will glow with a blue nimbus, and heal the Knight while engaged in
combat. To proprly cast this spell...speak the name of the weapon
after reciting the spell. As with dragonplate...eventually it will
disolve into golden dust.

4- "squire"...Hearing the cry of his Knight, a faithful squire will be
called forth, to serve the Knight. Remember he will serve faithfully,
and without not ask him to foolishly squander his life,
though for a noble is allowed, or you may find his call
unanswered at some point. To allow him to return to his home..simply
release him from your service.

5- "guard"...this skill taught to all Knights, will allow you to jump in
front of the groupmate you take thier blows for them.
Perhaps the warrior knights greatest skill, even clerics and
mage-knights have been known to take great pleasure in this skill.

6- "shadowbane"...calling forth the power of the the knight's heart,
this will unleash a brilliant holy light against any evil foe in the
knight's path. It's name should give you some knowledge of it's

the Final note in this text reads:

" With honor, steel...and blood of foes,
the golden light will spread
To help the weak, to serve the meek
to strive for peace
with brotherhood, and honor embraced "

My final words in this tome are merely this reminder...

Even in the darkest night, wrapped in the darkest of shadows...the
smallest point of light will pierce and destroy what is there.

Take care my brethren...and walk in the golden light that soon we will
spread throughout this darkening land. Even should you find yourself
alone against the darkness...never abandon your path, never betray
your as pure as the light that grants your power.

Shokai the Skyborn

The Guardians of Thera
scripted by the Skyborn

Although it is widely known that we fight against the Shadows of
this land...many think that they are our enemy. They are merely the
warriors of our enemy...the footmen of his dreaded army. We are the
Warriors of the Light...just as they are the warriors of the Dark.
The path of light is both stronger and harder to follow, as the
trail is narrower. Many have fallen from it...and more will fall
before the light and dark clash for the final time. Perhaps these
pages will prevent to many of our sacred order from falling.
The way of a Knight is thought to be widely known...there are many
shades of subtlety that are unknown in our code of honor.

1- Knights fight with honor..and for honor
they also fight with not let your blade fall from your
side because you foolishly wish to hastily defeat an enemy. Strike
without fear...but do not lose your head..or lose patience

2- Knights will not leave a wounded comrade behind
this rule is never to be broken..never abandon a comrade. There
are few honors more worthy..than dieing while saving a friend

3- Knights will not join with evil
as we fight the can we fight them and help them? We
can not. Simple answer. This is one of the ways that I have seen many
fall from the path of Light..into the abyss of darkness.

4- Knights do not attack with uneven odds.
This does not include defending...nor does it include being jumped
if someone attacks a knight...or attacks our holy ground. Any blade,
and all blades that can touch his flesh should be touching...and
slashing that flesh.

The most important thing that we have in this fight with the Darkness
is our honor..never sacrifice it...nor allow any to take it away from
you. The second weapon we have is each other...teamwork, compassion
and brotherhood..these things will propel the Knights forward..and make
our golden swords shine...and bring Light to the last corners of Thera.
Subject Author Posted

No more secrets!: Knights of Thera

saagkri February 29, 2016 11:39AM

Can't do requests, all I have is knights, Arbiter, and Battle from back in the day (And tablet really hasn't changed except portals) (n/t)

saagkri February 29, 2016 07:05PM

The 'change the tablet on a whim' because it is the current flavor of the week complaint is funny to me.

jalim March 03, 2016 02:24AM

Good idea

Elystan March 03, 2016 02:43AM

People who make that their main MO get the boot. Stop acting like anytime a rager does it that it means it's ALL they ever do. (n/t)

Frosty March 03, 2016 07:54AM


Elystan March 03, 2016 08:02AM

You're wrong about two things in your reply.

Frosty March 03, 2016 08:13AM

None new one (n/t)

Elystan March 03, 2016 08:20AM

Lol just nuke the cabal. (n/t)

Murphy March 03, 2016 02:48AM

Fucking russians... (n/t)

Frosty March 03, 2016 07:55AM

I have to admit

Kstatida March 03, 2016 11:24AM

Okay. Someone ELSE please post Scion stuff! (n/t)

Murphy February 29, 2016 07:06PM

I wish they'd change up cabals more often.

Rhyaldrin February 29, 2016 05:49PM

Can you post Scion info?

Murphy February 29, 2016 05:06PM

I fucked up my scion. #triggered (n/t)

wrathpuppet February 29, 2016 05:19PM

Be glad you weren't a felar fighting a porc. (n/t)

Murphy February 29, 2016 05:26PM


wrathpuppet February 29, 2016 07:10PM

I know right? (n/t)

Murphy February 29, 2016 07:14PM

Same for me as Azhelak.

Rhyaldrin February 29, 2016 07:12PM

None of this was any secret. You're just posting old shit now because you got defeated when you tried to break the forum rules.

Gaplemo February 29, 2016 03:07PM

I don't think he's trying to be a rebel. He's probably just doing it for fun.

Frosty February 29, 2016 03:23PM

I suspect he is the returning player that had the meltdowns in game that Umi called out.

Gaplemo February 29, 2016 03:58PM

Dude, It is all tounge in cheek. I have no axe to grind. I post notalgia all the time. (n/t)

saagkri February 29, 2016 07:02PM

Sounds good to me then. The tattoo thing sounded like you just wanted to piss in imm cheerios. If not, the nostalgia is fun to see. (n/t)

Gaplemo February 29, 2016 07:53PM

I'm curious as to what pissy cheerios tastes like. If the milk is yellow, is that why it's called "honey nut"? n/t

Stevers February 29, 2016 09:13PM

It never crossed my mind that it would be a problem. Live and learn. (n/t)

saagkri February 29, 2016 08:47PM

Sadly, there are a lot of spiteful dicks out there that actually want to give the staff as hard of a time as they can.

Gaplemo March 01, 2016 12:43AM

I think "a lot of" does not apply currently :) (n/t)

Kstatida March 01, 2016 04:25AM

And as a bonus, here is a pic that comes to mind when I read "a lot of dicks" :)

Kstatida March 01, 2016 04:28AM

100% agree, new staff rocks. (n/t)

NbM(VIP) March 01, 2016 03:55AM

Most of them. (n/t)

Murphy March 01, 2016 11:58AM

Don't stop either. That stuff (especially the pk logs) is really interesting.

Rhyaldrin February 29, 2016 07:09PM

I wonder what would happen if I switched in 1999?

Kstatida March 01, 2016 12:35AM

I agree the tattoo stuff should have been removed, as it was, because they still do sometimes give those to very well RPed characters.

Frosty February 29, 2016 04:15PM

Honestly Tattoo stats for dead gods are like.. nothing at all

Elystan February 29, 2016 04:02PM

It did list some powers. Plus gods don't really die, they just leave(and sometimes come back).

Frosty February 29, 2016 04:16PM

Don't mention fun, you'll get called "poisonous."

wrathpuppet February 29, 2016 03:38PM

He's not poisonous, he's just cold-hearted. (n/t)

Murphy February 29, 2016 05:08PM

Frosty? The Snowman? You don't say. (n/t)

wrathpuppet February 29, 2016 05:17PM

Stop explaining my jokes! (n/t)

Murphy February 29, 2016 05:20PM

Do Masters!~ (n/t)

ekirhal February 29, 2016 01:20PM

Do Entropy next! (n/t)

wrathpuppet February 29, 2016 12:15PM

Nice Throwback! (n/t)

dubs February 29, 2016 11:41AM

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