Even with Google translate I'm far too tired to even try to parse those - I will tomorrow though

July 01, 2016 03:00PM
Also you keep on referring to calling Putin a dictator as bullshit. Why is that?
Subject Author Posted

current best offensive forms?

bobbyp June 25, 2016 08:23AM

Shifters are weird. I've grouped with multiple "offensive" shifters, and have yet to be offended. Class is broken. (n/t)

Doof June 28, 2016 05:38AM

id be happy with anything other than jaguar or ram

Rhyaldrin June 25, 2016 09:24AM

Why so much hate on the ram?

zen June 25, 2016 12:20PM

It was great PvE

Quas June 25, 2016 02:14PM

Huh, I was told butt lags one round. (n/t)

Murphy June 26, 2016 03:15AM

Couple o'minutes at least

Kstatida June 26, 2016 03:47AM

A tick (in-game hour) equals 10 rounds on average, so a round must be 6 minutes. (n/t)

Murphy June 28, 2016 06:37AM

I usually go make a bacon sandwich between flurries.

MiyagiYojimbo June 28, 2016 06:58AM

Oh Zidane, you will never live that down. (n/t)

NbM(VIP) June 26, 2016 06:55AM

FWIW, it was one of my favorite moments in WC history. What did Materazzi say?!?!?!?!

Sam June 27, 2016 04:09PM


Kstatida June 28, 2016 10:27AM

Words are just that...words. If you let words lead you to violence well, I'm afraid I've got some bad news. NT

Sam June 28, 2016 02:33PM


Rhyaldrin June 29, 2016 12:26AM


MiyagiYojimbo June 29, 2016 08:09AM

Let's make America America again!

Kstatida June 29, 2016 10:13AM

No! Don't make America Turtle Island again!

MiyagiYojimbo June 29, 2016 11:11AM

Don't out your characters like that please (n/t)

Kstatida June 29, 2016 11:39AM

I'm playing the voice that yells "Death to the defilers!" in the weald.

MiyagiYojimbo June 29, 2016 01:42PM

Says the guy living in a country where verbal harssment is a crime

Kstatida June 28, 2016 09:40PM

I mean, just because I live in a country that has stupid laws doesn't mean I agree with it. Shit until a couple years ago, it was illegal for a black guy to drive with his girlfriend to another state.

Sam June 30, 2016 02:12PM

Total number of journalists murdered by our government : 0. We win. (n/t)

Dalbrin June 30, 2016 12:32AM

Wow that's delusional, like... Frosty-level delusional

Kstatida June 30, 2016 02:47AM

Serious question Boris

Dalbrin June 30, 2016 10:42AM

Bullshit, but hilarious

Kstatida June 30, 2016 11:38AM

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wik i/List_of_journalists_killed_i n_Russia (n/t)

Dalbrin June 30, 2016 11:34PM

Dude, really?

Kstatida July 01, 2016 10:20AM

How are you not getting this? The point isn't that journalists get killed

Dalbrin July 01, 2016 12:34PM

Don't speak bad about the motherland or we'll felonize ya

Dalbrin July 01, 2016 01:06PM

Talking to yourself much?

Kstatida July 01, 2016 01:13PM

In response to my post saying that your government kills journalists

Dalbrin July 01, 2016 01:17PM

Sorry I thought you were more intelligent

Kstatida July 01, 2016 01:27PM


Dalbrin July 01, 2016 01:47PM

Re: Lol

Dalbrin July 01, 2016 02:52PM

Suspicions are just that - suspicions

Kstatida July 02, 2016 01:02AM

Not that I'm sticking up for Russia but...

MiyagiYojimbo July 01, 2016 03:25PM

Re: Not that I'm sticking up for Russia but...

Dalbrin July 01, 2016 04:18PM

It's okay to take the official story in America, but not in Russia

MiyagiYojimbo July 01, 2016 05:41PM

Re: Lol

Kstatida July 01, 2016 01:57PM

PS-I'm interested in seeing those articles critical of Putin (n/t)

Dalbrin July 01, 2016 01:48PM

Quick google scan for you

Kstatida July 01, 2016 02:35PM

Even with Google translate I'm far too tired to even try to parse those - I will tomorrow though

Dalbrin July 01, 2016 03:00PM

Because he doesn't match definition

Kstatida July 02, 2016 12:58AM

Do you know what "slander" means?

Kstatida July 01, 2016 12:54PM

Link to article

Dalbrin July 01, 2016 01:16PM

Thanks for the libel thing

Kstatida July 01, 2016 01:36PM

I hope you don't think that this proves you right. In fact, if you would have read the article, you may have found this:

Stevers July 01, 2016 12:18AM


Dalbrin July 01, 2016 01:54AM

Holy assumptions, Batman!

Stevers July 01, 2016 02:29AM

Bro do you even context?

Dalbrin July 01, 2016 12:31PM

Cool story bro

Kstatida July 01, 2016 12:59PM

That's not Batman.

Rhyaldrin July 01, 2016 02:47AM

Holy hell dude. If you really REALLY want my comeback that badly, go scrape it off your wife's teeth. (n/t)

Frosty June 30, 2016 07:44AM

Thank you, Frosty. I love it how you freak out each time

Kstatida June 30, 2016 09:39AM

Two things.

Frosty June 30, 2016 09:59AM

You spelled three words right here in your response

Kstatida June 30, 2016 12:37PM


Frosty June 30, 2016 03:13PM

That's called "defining", I didn't even call you names (n/t)

Kstatida June 30, 2016 10:50PM

simma (n/t)

Frosty June 30, 2016 11:28PM

I groaned out loud at this post. I guarantee you that nobody wants your comebacks enough that they would actually try to make you respond. Oh, and by the way...

Stevers June 30, 2016 08:47AM

You groan out loud at this post, but then you want more details about it.

Frosty June 30, 2016 09:18AM

Michael Hastings.

Rhyaldrin June 30, 2016 12:46AM

That shit is crazy if you dig around, btw. NT

Sam June 30, 2016 05:34PM

Do you also have to be on drugs while you dig around? Why are you digging, anyway? We already have dirt mountain. n/t

Stevers July 01, 2016 01:08AM

Actually, smoking certain kinds of pot really helps me study/write/read/focus. It's like my version of Ritalin/Adderal.

Sam July 01, 2016 05:47PM

Yup, it was a remark about his sister. (n/t)

Elystan June 28, 2016 11:04AM

I have a pair of combat boots for a Mrs..... Kat Steeda?

MiyagiYojimbo June 28, 2016 10:56AM

When (what's the place you live in) turns into radioactive ashes

Kstatida June 28, 2016 12:44PM

Well, I'm not going to tell you where if you're just going to annihilate it with your discount nukes!

MiyagiYojimbo June 28, 2016 03:34PM

That's exactly how I pictured it, except there should be shovel-wielding spetsnaz riding the bears. (n/t)

Frosty June 28, 2016 07:41PM

Re: That's exactly how I pictured it, except there should be shovel-wielding spetsnaz riding the bears.

Kstatida June 28, 2016 09:41PM

Not enough back flip hatchet attack

MiyagiYojimbo June 28, 2016 08:09PM

Here's video guide for you

Kstatida June 28, 2016 09:44PM

:) It's the thought that counts. (n/t)

Frosty June 28, 2016 08:15PM

Cultural difference

alex June 28, 2016 06:17AM

You aren't using internal logic. You see when a ram butts he uses his butt not his head. That is why all shapeshifters no longer have faces. This should not change gameplay too much, I gave it a couple seconds of thought. n/t

jalim June 26, 2016 04:03AM

Oh right

Kstatida June 26, 2016 06:37AM

Exactly. Unfortunately IMMs read my post and for some reason disagreed and it won't actually be a live change. n/t

jalim June 26, 2016 08:05AM

Yep. NT

Sam June 25, 2016 04:56PM

Seems like it gets parried a lot (n/t)

HairyOrangutan June 25, 2016 12:50PM

Just personal experience.

Rhyaldrin June 25, 2016 12:44PM

I don't get it either. I've seen rams really kick some serious ass. Weaponbreaker on something that can have abs+stoneskin? Yes please.

Frosty June 25, 2016 12:23PM


Zruulg June 25, 2016 08:57AM

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