Re: Out of curiousity (related to ping)

December 21, 2016 01:30AM
Windows Key+Run

Ping carrion -t

CMUD is horrendous
Subject Author Posted

What does that say about you if you cheat?

funnyone December 17, 2016 02:31AM

I only know about three kinds of triggers.

shaapa December 19, 2016 05:37AM

Your ping needs to be below 250 ms for your spam trigger to work reliably.

Murphy December 19, 2016 10:02PM

Wow, you can post some competent things.

dhargor December 20, 2016 01:39AM

Out of curiousity (related to ping)

Ultec December 20, 2016 02:13AM

Re: Out of curiousity (related to ping)

Brujah December 21, 2016 01:30AM

Re: Out of curiousity (related to ping)

dhargor December 20, 2016 03:09AM

Re: Out of curiousity (related to ping)

Ultec December 20, 2016 03:34AM

Yeah, and welcome to the Russian cheat ring botnet (n/t)

Kstatida December 20, 2016 08:32AM

Did you play Fijhadjah? :-) (n/t)

starbright December 19, 2016 07:56AM

I often do occasional ones

Kstatida December 19, 2016 07:04AM

I've told you over and over again

NbM(VIP) December 17, 2016 04:24AM

Truth hurts. Read over posts about perma speculating from the past month. Go ahead, I'll wait. (n/t)

funnyone December 17, 2016 06:38AM

You have an extremely small leash right now because of your constant rule breaking, do you really want to push it? (n/t)

NbM(VIP) December 17, 2016 06:43AM

I eat people on small leashes - 1 day ban. (n/t)

torak(VIP) December 17, 2016 08:54AM

Love your new brand of holiday trolling.

jalim December 18, 2016 02:59AM

Don't mention Kek and Torak in the same sentence.

Rhyaldrin December 18, 2016 03:47AM


MiyagiYojimbo December 18, 2016 06:57AM

Whatcha got to say nBm? You just got #rekt. (n/t)

Rhyaldrin December 17, 2016 03:41AM

Re: What does that say about you if you cheat?

TheShamanman December 17, 2016 03:39AM

Re: What does that say about you if you cheat?

Bryntor December 19, 2016 04:54AM

Re: What does that say about you if you cheat?

Brujah December 18, 2016 08:35PM

I don't get why people use them.

Rhyaldrin December 18, 2016 08:41PM

I tested those triggers on my lowbie

dhargor December 18, 2016 09:19PM

I endorse this post. This post mirrors how I feel about triggers. (n/t)

TheShamanman December 18, 2016 10:08PM

I agree. I also know some people don't care how they "win" just as long as they do.

Frosty December 18, 2016 08:45PM

Ksatada wtfpwned me with a trigger on an outlander fire giant. I flee and he dashes and lashes. Booooooooo. Otherwise I love him. n/t

jalim December 17, 2016 06:40AM

You can't deny that I was winning by the time you started to flee :)

Kstatida December 17, 2016 06:51AM

I was in perfect health when you used insects, then I started fleeing and you dash/lashed four rooms for the win. Just admit it was dirty. n/t

jalim December 18, 2016 03:00AM

Insects and not having windwalk is dirty :)

Kstatida December 18, 2016 03:04AM

I'm glad you are mad. To mention my wood elf as being shit is funny. You're not that good no matter what script, or perma you continually use. You brag about that trigger happy felar. Moment u get hurt BS me that flee and instant return trigger saved you  (n/t)

funnyone December 17, 2016 06:36AM

all successful Shamanman chars come when he doesn't play with me or Sam.

The Forsaken(VIP) December 17, 2016 04:40PM

I make too many typos and fuck ups to even remotely appear like I'm using triggers man but think what you want. You're just proving my point. (n/t)

TheShamanman December 17, 2016 10:54AM

He gave you an honest no bullshit response. The least you could do is return the jesture. I thought you were trying to be civil, but apparently not. (n/t)

Frosty December 17, 2016 07:10AM

Bro this is funnyone we're talking about. (n/t)

bloodmoon December 17, 2016 04:24PM

God you're delusional

Kstatida December 17, 2016 03:06AM

Says one of the offenders. (n/t)

funnyone December 17, 2016 06:39AM

Bite my shiny metal ass (n/t)

Kstatida December 17, 2016 06:51AM

This is a valid point, a good example is Tiiga using trigger to assassinate and other things, boosting PK ratio that is not wholely skills :D n/t (n/t)

badboy December 17, 2016 03:29AM

I sense a trend here with those using triggers. (n/t)

funnyone December 17, 2016 06:37AM

We also do doping

Kstatida December 17, 2016 06:52AM

You don't do doping well though. FFS Povetkin got caught on the juice again, 2nd time in 6 months! NT

Sam December 17, 2016 07:14AM

Hey I didn't say we do it well, vortexmagus caught our hackers pants down as well

Kstatida December 17, 2016 07:18AM

Footage of the hacking in progress.

Frosty December 17, 2016 07:23AM

I just feel bad. That being said, Klitschko v Joshua is the only real HW fight I'm interested in, FWIW.

Sam December 17, 2016 07:21AM

There's a big turmoil stirring up around here

Kstatida December 17, 2016 07:25AM

Meh, he's a juicer.

Sam December 17, 2016 07:49AM

I don't defend Povetkin here, but I should repeat it again

dhargor December 17, 2016 07:57AM

Oh no doubt. Floyd Mayweather himself got a TUE for the Pacquiao fight, and tons of other "big names" have been linked to stuff.

Sam December 17, 2016 08:02AM

Hey we're all grownups here

Kstatida December 17, 2016 07:58AM

As I've said, there's a big turmoil now

Kstatida December 17, 2016 07:55AM

And here we go

Kstatida December 28, 2016 02:00AM


Rhyaldrin December 17, 2016 07:22AM

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Briggs was shot years ago, when Wlad pounded him into the dirt :)

Sam December 17, 2016 07:45AM

That was Vitali.

Rhyaldrin December 17, 2016 07:55AM

You're right. Vitali nearly killed him in that fight. NT

Sam December 17, 2016 08:03AM

Wait, there're two? (n/t)

Kstatida December 17, 2016 07:55AM

Successful troll is successful

Murphy December 18, 2016 04:00PM

Vitali was the better fighter.

Rhyaldrin December 17, 2016 08:08AM

To be fair

dhargor December 17, 2016 08:16AM

Lennox is one of the all-time underrated HW champs of all time. I'd put him 7th or 8th best of all-time (yes, that's ahead of Tyson).

Sam December 17, 2016 08:37AM

I agree in terms of career.

Rhyaldrin December 17, 2016 08:45AM

No doubt he was top 3 most destructive (with Louis and Foreman) for a while there. Cus D'amato dying ruined Mike, because then he only had Don King looking out for him. NT

Sam December 17, 2016 12:04PM

Tython. (n/t)

Frosty December 17, 2016 09:35AM

That's harsh

Kstatida December 17, 2016 08:19AM

The weakness in Wladamir was always his chin/heart. Vitali though...he was a crusher.

Sam December 17, 2016 08:39AM


Rhyaldrin December 17, 2016 08:18AM

Yeah he is

Kstatida December 17, 2016 08:15AM

Here's the fight for anyone interested:

Rhyaldrin December 17, 2016 08:17AM

Also: "Dr Ironfist" may be the worst nickname in modern boxing history. (n/t)

Rhyaldrin December 17, 2016 08:18AM

Personally, Roberto Duran's is my favorite. Hands of Stone. I also was always a fan of Juan Lazcano, but he wasn't that great. Still, "The Hispanic Causing Panic" is a dope nick. NT

Sam December 17, 2016 08:44AM

I always envied Thomas Hearns. Had two BADASS nicknames. "Motor City Cobra" and "Hitman". NT

Sam December 17, 2016 08:42AM

Tiiga's example is nice by the way

Kstatida December 17, 2016 03:39AM

Thing is - entering the assassinate command is something like 1-5% of successful assasinate

alex December 17, 2016 09:53AM

I ASSUME that my opponents are using triggers at least for: chasing, initiating, disarm.

Kstatida December 17, 2016 03:35AM

I assume not, because it's always been against the rules in the past.

KoeKhaos December 18, 2016 12:57AM

It's not against the rules to chase very quickly.

Murphy December 18, 2016 10:06AM

I understand many people have different experience but:

Kstatida December 18, 2016 01:30AM

That argument was had a thousand times already

Kstatida December 18, 2016 01:13AM

I said used to be. Things change but my mind is still in the past anti-trigger times.

KoeKhaos December 18, 2016 01:36PM

Well my argument isn't silly

Kstatida December 19, 2016 03:15AM

This goes back to my original comment that you seem to be confused about.

KoeKhaos December 19, 2016 03:56AM

I'm not confused

Kstatida December 19, 2016 06:31AM

Personally, I think you're upper 50% in PK. That said, your attitude holds you back a lot :(

Sam December 17, 2016 02:32AM

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