Sam (n/t)

March 01, 2017 02:56PM
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Subject Author Posted

So....... did Gabe disable PMs or what? (n/t)

Frosty February 28, 2017 08:50PM

Yeah, they aren't so private it seems. So just post your message on the forum. (n/t)

Gabe(VIP) March 01, 2017 08:12AM

PMs aren't gone forever, just for a little bit. (n/t)

Gabe(VIP) March 01, 2017 02:49PM

No worries. I told the twat monkey who posted all of them on info that he's free to post all of mine.

Sam March 01, 2017 03:58PM

You asked him before me?

HairyOrangutan March 02, 2017 10:51AM

Classic defense mechanism. You are pushing this too hard, so as to make me think that I could actually offend you in the future if I brought up your herpes. n/t

Stevers March 01, 2017 09:25PM

Man Terrorists keep getting W's these days. NT

Sam March 01, 2017 01:24PM

Who has the post count these days? I don't remember how to check. (n/t)

Matrik March 01, 2017 01:44PM

Sam (n/t)

Gabe(VIP) March 01, 2017 02:56PM

#winning NT

Sam March 01, 2017 03:56PM

You'll rue the day you little turd burglar. (n/t)

Matrik March 01, 2017 04:01PM

Nah, all I gotta do to cement my title is email the FSB about you and Kstats living situation.

Sam March 01, 2017 04:04PM

Are you married, Same?

Kstatida March 01, 2017 10:14PM

God no. Why would I tie myself to a sinking ship? nt

Sam March 02, 2017 08:45AM

???? n/t

jalim March 02, 2017 11:00AM

Women peak at 20. NT

Sam March 02, 2017 07:54PM

Someone hasn't discovered the joy of GILFs yet. (n/t)

Matrik March 03, 2017 04:53AM

What's your email address? (n/t)

Frosty March 01, 2017 10:26AM (n/t)

Gabe(VIP) March 01, 2017 11:20AM

Check yo inbox. (n/t)

Frosty March 01, 2017 12:29PM

I just checked his inbox, and how dare you. n/t

Stevers March 01, 2017 09:25PM

Hah, he's only the tremmiest of all the miros. Do you even have to ask? n/t

Stevers March 01, 2017 10:27AM

I know someone who would get it too. His initials are PS.

Matrik March 01, 2017 01:39PM

Why are you always trying to make something be about Pernie Sanders? n/t

Stevers March 02, 2017 06:14AM

#NotMyCSRep (n/t)

Matrik March 02, 2017 07:04AM

It's a shame all the patching and recommended settings I applied to the forum software didn't fix it....

NbM(VIP) March 01, 2017 08:17AM

Yes, and you know why. n/t

Stevers February 28, 2017 09:16PM

What exactly does disabling PMs solve? (n/t)

saagkri March 01, 2017 06:57AM

Removes the chance of people hacking them and posting them for drama. n/t

Death_Claw March 01, 2017 08:52AM

Strokes egos. (n/t)

Matrik March 01, 2017 06:58AM

It's not my fault everyone wanted to see it. n/t

Frosty February 28, 2017 09:41PM

No, I meant daurwyn's PMs. n/t

Stevers February 28, 2017 09:43PM

So far the feedback is people really like the one with the cowboy hat. (n/t)

Frosty February 28, 2017 09:51PM

wot in damnation (n/t)

uerlante March 01, 2017 05:19AM

Link inside

Stevers March 01, 2017 06:57AM

:) You sneaky fucker. (n/t)

Frosty March 01, 2017 10:15AM

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