Because they're totally not going to close those areas. n/t

July 08, 2017 06:35AM
Subject Author Posted

Timeline of Events - Because people seem to be getting more wrong ends of the stick than anything else.

wishore July 08, 2017 03:54AM

It's the other way around

Kstatida July 09, 2017 11:53PM

Different option - play a different game.

Death_Claw July 08, 2017 08:34PM

I am just dropped in for a visit (n/t)

wishore July 08, 2017 10:48PM

I do have to wonder at all the hostility, thats quite a few people with imm cheating buddies it seems :D (n/t)

wishore July 08, 2017 05:41PM

Delusions of grandeur. (n/t)

Frosty July 08, 2017 05:59PM

wishore is out of the office right now, he will return on the 14th of July (n/t)

wishore July 08, 2017 10:40PM

Someone please hit this idiot with a ban-hammer and be done with it. (n/t)

wasted July 08, 2017 05:06PM

There's no reason for him to be banned yet. n/t

Stevers July 08, 2017 08:48PM

Have I broken a forum rule? (n/t)

wishore July 08, 2017 05:06PM

You're threatening to.

wasted July 08, 2017 05:34PM

How is threatening to release my maps/ids/preps against the rules? If it was posted on this forum some how sure? But other than that no, I dont think so (n/t)

wishore July 08, 2017 05:36PM

They like to ban anyone that says something they don't like.

Matrik July 08, 2017 05:22PM

Well if that is a rule, and they do not like what I say, they must surely ban me. (n/t)

wishore July 08, 2017 05:24PM

Why even have moderators if posts like this are allowed? Ban this player permanently from the forum and game.~

ibuki July 08, 2017 04:46PM

Why? (n/t)

wishore July 08, 2017 04:47PM

Being delusional isn't normal....

Stevers July 08, 2017 03:34PM

To be clear, I'm giving a grace period until the 14th for them to sort it out. (n/t)

wishore July 08, 2017 04:07PM

Don't even joke about posting Hell maps in retaliation

PacMan July 08, 2017 01:42PM

Why not? Shouldnt everyone have access to maps? (n/t)

wishore July 08, 2017 01:46PM

He said why. Because it's not cool. Why is this concept SO FUCKING HARD for *some* people to grasp?

Frosty July 08, 2017 04:40PM

Yo if everyone is cool with Imm cheating, I wont post it. (n/t)

wishore July 08, 2017 04:43PM

Imms have been cheating since the game was first up, and Scar has been awesome the whole time. Is it really, REALLY, that much to ask to leave his(the awesome non-cheating still codes for the game imm) stuff alone?

Frosty July 08, 2017 04:49PM

Not sure its me you have to be asking if I respect Sacer enough. (n/t)

wishore July 08, 2017 04:51PM

Ohh so you're NOT threatening to post information that he would rather you didn't? (n/t)

Frosty July 08, 2017 04:55PM

Oh ok, how about I just leave out Hell? maybe not (n/t)

wishore July 08, 2017 04:56PM

That's what I said. The fuck is wrong with you? (n/t)

Frosty July 08, 2017 04:58PM

I considered it, but I think its better to have a complete set. (n/t)

wishore July 08, 2017 04:59PM

LOL, you're being pretty pathetic here man. I think you and your extra chromosome should go take a vacation or something. (n/t)

Frosty July 08, 2017 05:12PM

I agree, see you on the 14th (n/t)

wishore July 08, 2017 05:14PM

They do, if they want to put in the work and go figure stuff out they're entitled to it.

jalim July 08, 2017 01:48PM

IF they want to figure stuff out thats fine

wishore July 08, 2017 02:29PM

They are not yours to give. (n/t)

PacMan July 08, 2017 01:47PM

In what way are they not mine to give? (n/t)

wishore July 08, 2017 01:54PM

You didn't make them yourself? (n/t)

PacMan July 08, 2017 01:57PM

I made my hell maps in 1996 :D Edit : This is a lie it was 2001, sorry (n/t)

wishore July 08, 2017 01:57PM

Sacer is one of the good guys

PacMan July 08, 2017 02:03PM

This not about cunt Imms and Sacer is a great guy

wishore July 08, 2017 02:08PM

How are the Immortals cheating?

Stevers July 08, 2017 02:18PM

I am not about to post anything, thats on them if/what they wish to reveal. (n/t)

wishore July 08, 2017 02:23PM

Exactly what I thought. You don't have proof of anything except that you're a big stinky liar. n/t

Stevers July 08, 2017 03:04PM

Holy shit dude! You're psychic! (n/t)

Frosty July 08, 2017 04:51PM

I dont understand pretty sure if I post what I have the Imms involved will delete?

wishore July 08, 2017 04:55PM

Look Stevers! He did it again!

Frosty July 08, 2017 04:56PM

???? (n/t)

wishore July 08, 2017 04:03PM

All I'm going to say is...

sleepy July 08, 2017 11:33AM

Shouldn't you be in bed resting? n/t

Stevers July 08, 2017 11:48AM

I hope he's not driving. n/t

jalim July 08, 2017 11:55AM

*CORRECTED* Timeline of Events

Stevers July 08, 2017 11:18AM

Re: *CORRECTED* Timeline of Events

wishore July 08, 2017 01:17PM

Re: *CORRECTED* Timeline of Events

wishore July 08, 2017 01:17PM

"^^ Yeah, I'd really rather not have had any of these conversations over the last few days. "

jalim July 08, 2017 01:35PM

No Jalim is this classic Trolling

wishore July 08, 2017 01:39PM

QUIZ TIME: What does wishore love more?

Stevers July 08, 2017 11:05AM

In summary: Everyone but me agrees I am a cheater, I had the opportunity to explore cool areas so I will ruin it for everyone now, I am Krilcov. Monkey says I'm autistic and I just might be. Gotcha. n/t

jalim July 08, 2017 05:57AM

Ruin what? If people dont want to look at the maps they dont have to? If people dont want to look at equip lists, they dont have to (n/t)

wishore July 08, 2017 06:33AM

Because they're totally not going to close those areas. n/t

jalim July 08, 2017 06:35AM

How about I just release the stuff now, and we all can just pretend I didnt? (n/t)

wishore July 08, 2017 06:47AM

Whatever makes your penis feel bigger man. n/t

jalim July 08, 2017 06:49AM

*gasp* Why would they do that? Its just a game

wishore July 08, 2017 06:37AM

Spoken like someone who was handed all his information to begin with. n/t

jalim July 08, 2017 06:54AM

Huh? I was solo exploring Hell with Mundanathnor, so I kinda think I'm entitled to release what ever I like - Not that any of that area stuff is new/secret to anyone who is a vet (n/t)

wishore July 08, 2017 07:03AM

The only part of Hell I've seen is the prison. Deck of Fate sent me. (n/t)

Matrik July 08, 2017 09:32AM

In the beginning there were 9 Cheat Rings to rule them all (n/t)

wishore July 08, 2017 10:31AM

Probably not in the right cheat rings mate (n/t)

wishore July 08, 2017 09:37AM

I know. I don't make a very good cheat ring by myself.

Matrik July 08, 2017 09:45AM

Its not unfortunate, normally all my area explore characters are solo

wishore July 08, 2017 09:55AM

Because you were playing the whole group? n/t

jalim July 08, 2017 10:01AM

No because there was an Imperial Perma I could just tag on to. (n/t)

wishore July 08, 2017 10:20AM

What are some of your picks?

Matrik July 08, 2017 09:57AM

Nah, I fucking hate conjies :D

wishore July 08, 2017 10:05AM

Re: Nah, I fucking hate conjies :D

demos July 08, 2017 10:47AM

Would depend on the align/cabal

wishore July 08, 2017 10:55AM

That is some great sportsmanship on your part. n/t

jalim July 08, 2017 09:48AM

Matrik killed CF. (n/t)

Matrik July 08, 2017 09:54AM

Got denied and tried. n/t

jalim July 08, 2017 10:13AM

Nope. That's an incorrect assumption.

Matrik July 08, 2017 11:46AM

All your inane posts make me wonder

HairyOrangutan July 08, 2017 05:34AM

Re: All your inane posts make me wonder

wishore July 08, 2017 10:27AM

Holy shit. I'm super autist. (n/t)

Matrik July 08, 2017 09:31AM

You are fake news. (n/t)

MiyagiYojimbo July 08, 2017 04:08AM

Continuous assaults by CF Playerbase, about how I'm crazy or Krilkov or what ever (n/t)

wishore July 08, 2017 05:15AM

Re: Wishore, just settle down!

bufu July 08, 2017 06:37AM

Re: Wishore, just settle down!

wishore July 08, 2017 06:42AM

What's funny is you think you're providing something new.

zannon July 10, 2017 03:48AM

Side note : Detailed maps and solutions of all 9 circles of Hell

wishore July 10, 2017 04:00AM

Hell stuff

lightmage July 10, 2017 06:52AM

Yeah they sent me their Hell maps

wishore July 10, 2017 06:56AM

So the people you don't know, talk to, or cheat with sent you their hell maps. The plot thickens. n/t

jalim July 10, 2017 07:20AM

Brilliant is it not Jalim - Is anyone arguing that I dont have these Maps?

wishore July 10, 2017 07:25AM

I love how you just act like an idiot when people point out your plotholes. It's almost as funny as one. (n/t)

Frosty July 10, 2017 11:34AM

I'm not sure what the plot hole is here, care to elaborate? (n/t)

wishore July 10, 2017 01:19PM

Re: Yeah they sent me their Hell maps

lightmage July 10, 2017 07:03AM

Re: Yeah they sent me their Hell maps

wishore July 10, 2017 07:05AM

9 years and still double posting (n/t)

wishore July 10, 2017 04:00AM

Right its not a big deal 95% of the playerbase already have this, so whats the problem? (n/t)

wishore July 10, 2017 03:54AM

Do you understand the gravity of the situation?

Stevers July 08, 2017 11:21AM

Sorry, you do not have permission to post/reply in this forum.