Seasoned Traveller

January 08, 2012 08:40AM
Is an absolute essential if you want to midbie PK. Finding PK opponents is darned hard work, and you can expect to run all over Thera all the time just for one measly fight, and you might not even seal the kill.

There are no healers about if you want to run from Eastern - Grove - Eregion - Past Maethien - Past Eastern - Osta - Battlefields - Osta - Past Galadon - Troll Forest - Forest of Nowhere, and then back to the present. It's the same for many other stretches.
Subject Author Posted

Its early but I'm awarding troll of the year award to Tongni. A simple troll turned into some sort of doomsday monster.

kanye January 03, 2012 08:13PM

It's not a troll. He made a legitimate point (n/t)

funnyone January 04, 2012 05:52AM

Completely agree..

thinhallen January 04, 2012 03:23PM

Imm exp is worth more than any other kind, edge-wise

daurwyn(VIP) January 05, 2012 10:52AM

You aren't punished, you get edges through RP as well.

Matrik January 04, 2012 06:08PM

There are some amazing edges out there

Coumidin January 04, 2012 11:23PM

Le sigh, what is so hard to understand about what I am saying?

Matrik January 05, 2012 05:10AM

Yes, but when are you getting them?

Coumidin January 06, 2012 05:13AM

Then the problem is with the player(s), not the system.

Matrik January 06, 2012 06:15AM

Not even counting edgepoints for heroing or pking. NT

Batman January 05, 2012 05:25AM

Getting older too, I think nt

daurwyn(VIP) January 05, 2012 10:53AM

Regardless, that was just an aside..

thinhallen January 04, 2012 07:01PM

You can get plenty of obs just from looking at NPCS and objects

zannon January 05, 2012 07:44AM


thinhallen January 06, 2012 03:23AM

People who like to pk

daurwyn(VIP) January 09, 2012 10:55AM

I don't think you get it... But let's leave it as difference of opinion. (n/t)

Matrik January 04, 2012 09:10PM

You're not punished, you're just not rewarded.

Rogue January 04, 2012 03:58PM

Cosign, I was about to post the same but without the horse beating bit (n/t)

abernyte January 04, 2012 10:49PM

Et Tu Brute =)

thinhallen January 06, 2012 03:26AM

It's exactly what it is designed for.

Matrik January 06, 2012 06:20AM


thinhallen January 06, 2012 04:27PM

Funny, that is exactly how it is now.

Matrik January 06, 2012 07:46PM

Some of the awe-inspiring edges seem to have been toned down nt

daurwyn(VIP) January 09, 2012 10:57AM

Think of edges as rewards for longevity only.

zannon January 07, 2012 08:29AM

Very good explanation, but it doesn't work out that well in practice.

Coumidin January 07, 2012 08:53PM

You feel obligated for the same reason people feel like they have to solo level and practice skills. You have Aspergers.~

ibuki January 07, 2012 09:18PM

Assburgers sounds delicious (n/t)

Artificial January 07, 2012 09:23PM

My sentiments exactly, well put. (n/t)

Matrik January 07, 2012 09:18AM

*like* ~

_Magus_ January 07, 2012 08:44AM

Feel free to rebut with a class/build and the list of "needed" edges as an example of why I am wrong. (n/t)

Matrik January 06, 2012 08:01PM

Any assassin or bard, svirf (and maybe elf) warriors, some APs. Too many to list, depends on builds. (n/t)

Coumidin January 06, 2012 08:18PM

So pick one and give me the list of edges "required" (n/t)

Matrik January 06, 2012 08:21PM

Fine, since you're so goddamned stubborn about this

Coumidin January 06, 2012 09:10PM

So we aren't talking about "necessary to be competitive" as has been suggested.

Matrik January 06, 2012 10:09PM

Seasoned Traveller

starbright January 08, 2012 08:40AM

There are free and cheap refresh preps though (n/t)

Matrik January 08, 2012 09:25AM

My qualification is whether or not they will make a significant impact in my pk ability.

Coumidin January 06, 2012 11:13PM

By the way, re: that elf sword build

Coumidin January 06, 2012 11:29PM

So it definitely comes down to the level of value you put on edges is much, much higher than mine and don't see much reason to continue. Just quick fyi: 3 out of 5 of those healing edges only work while calm. (n/t)

Matrik January 07, 2012 09:13AM

Which makes the Battle Tested Edge essential too! :D (n/t)

starbright January 08, 2012 08:52AM

skullcrusher for mace specs, murderous reputation for evil conjurers, steal sight for APs to name a few. (n/t)

Artificial January 06, 2012 08:34PM

Swing and a miss

Matrik January 06, 2012 09:54PM

I wasn't really following the argument. (n/t)

Artificial January 06, 2012 10:21PM

Jesus forgives you (n/t)

Matrik January 06, 2012 10:32PM

I ruined someone's life, but I know Jesus forgives me, so I dont need to bother making reparations to the person I wronged. (n/t)

Artificial January 06, 2012 11:02PM

You're right its a legimate point, god forbid anyone call the imms on it.

kanye January 04, 2012 11:17AM

That it's more fun to piss off the admin and cheat, than to interact in game on a level playing field?

Rogue January 04, 2012 07:09AM

Tongni is better than you'll ever be. nt

crafteddeception January 04, 2012 08:01AM

Get that sand out of your vagina dude, it's making ya a little bit cranky. (n/t)

Frosty January 04, 2012 09:31AM


daurwyn(VIP) January 04, 2012 09:02AM

I think your opinion is wrong. And he is not anymore guilty

crafteddeception January 04, 2012 02:11PM

You just insulted a lot of people.

Rogue January 04, 2012 02:33PM

He's not an alt

daurwyn(VIP) January 05, 2012 10:51AM

Re: He's not an alt

Rogue January 05, 2012 02:17PM

I am both of them nt

Matrik January 05, 2012 02:55PM

God you're clueless. (n/t)

RobDarken January 05, 2012 02:52PM

I still think it's undeniable he's a million times more skilled than Rogue.

RobDarken January 04, 2012 09:41AM

I'm just here to have fun, and I do.

Rogue January 04, 2012 08:16AM

CF isnt for fun

Artificial January 04, 2012 08:34AM

No, that point was made by Jhyrbian. nt

Isildur(VIP) January 04, 2012 07:17AM

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