Also a question to you and ORB

December 27, 2012 09:04AM
What do you hope to accomplish when you bring up these subjects all the time? Do you think the game will become better if you harass Baer and Daev until they delete? Or what is the goal of the constant whining?
Subject Author Posted

Poll: Which imm will delete next?

kadsuane December 27, 2012 04:54AM

Do you still miss Sebeok?

Tolnum December 27, 2012 07:39PM

never really thpught about it way

kadsuane December 28, 2012 08:02AM

Zulg :) Daevis and Baerhead officially take over. (n/t)

Bendak December 27, 2012 07:11PM

How about taking a more constructive approach?

DurNominator(VIP) December 27, 2012 12:52PM

Freud would point out that kadsuane probably really wants Daevryn's D. (n/t)

sevriis December 27, 2012 06:04PM

Freud also would say the reason Baer is so negative is because she wishes she had a D. So freud is sort of an idiot. (n/t)

tesline December 27, 2012 07:43PM

Or this could be the reason. (n/t)

vladamir December 27, 2012 09:17PM

Again Freud wasn't the best he was just one of the first. (n/t)

tesline December 28, 2012 03:48AM

He had some great writings and great ideas, some were crap. NT

Batman December 28, 2012 04:56AM

Well I was saying those two specific ones were a load of shit. (n/t)

tesline December 28, 2012 05:01AM

Sounds like you just want his cock. NT

Batman December 28, 2012 05:06AM

Definately. Didn't you know freud was hung like a walrus? (n/t)

tesline December 28, 2012 06:54AM

Is this like the old walrus or the new one? (n/t)

DurNominator(VIP) December 28, 2012 06:57AM

Age means nothing to true love. NT

Batman December 28, 2012 08:10AM

But the old walrus was more beastly.

DurNominator(VIP) December 28, 2012 11:48AM

I think this is kind of exactly the issue.

vortexmagus December 27, 2012 03:53PM

'rub people off the wrong way' My sides!

satchmo December 27, 2012 02:23PM

You don't get a second chance to make a first impression.

vladamir December 27, 2012 01:42PM

Re: How about taking a more constructive approach?

Isildur(VIP) December 27, 2012 01:25PM

For me, she needs to think before she acts/posts some times. Other than that, the IMMs need to decide if they want more IMMs to be like Baer or more IMMs to be like Daevryn.

Sam December 27, 2012 12:57PM

Poll: Which forum poster will take the next cheapshot on Raybaer?

vortexmagus December 27, 2012 11:55AM

I would feel worse for her, but she brought the vast majority of it on herself.

vladamir December 27, 2012 01:39PM

"Then you have the accidentally released comments on the role contest. That just made her look even worse."

Rhyaldrin December 28, 2012 06:11AM

This! (n/t)

ORB December 28, 2012 05:40AM

Her, Thrak and Nep perma'd. It is what it is. She knew he was Cabdru, so did Thrak. That's what made Valg so bad on that death thread.

Sam December 27, 2012 01:59PM


Treebeard December 27, 2012 12:55PM

I know... I hate it too :(

kadsuane December 27, 2012 12:07PM

Xancaronis. n/t

jalim December 27, 2012 11:57AM

I love Thror, but Vegas has his odds as the betting favorites.

Sam December 27, 2012 11:27AM

Personally I find it interesting that the Iunna and Padwei forums still appear on officials. I'm sure it's only an oversight but it's funny nonetheless. (n/t)

alansmithee December 27, 2012 07:39AM

So does Pico and Shokai though. (n/t)

ORB December 27, 2012 10:35AM

Actual characters and handles on the forums are two different things. (n/t)

TripHitNdip December 27, 2012 10:28AM

Sadly I think Whiysdan(who is awesome), you could already see her bullying him on one of the PBF imm comments. (n/t)

ORB December 27, 2012 05:43AM

Nah. They are like BFFs

RobDarken December 27, 2012 07:42AM

Stop that shit! It sucks that Iunna deleted, really, it does, it sucks that it was because of RayBaer. But I sure as shit don't want more imms to delete... Posts like this sure doesn't help. (n/t)

deriveh December 27, 2012 05:05AM

At what point is this a discussion worth having?

kadsuane December 27, 2012 05:53AM

Khasotholas had no time to play CF. And eventually, the desire faded. We were pretty tight. (n/t)

BattleCharmed December 27, 2012 11:20AM

I miss ole Chuntog in CF. He's just "alright" on the forums.

Sam December 27, 2012 11:23AM

I'm awesome on the forums.

chuntog December 27, 2012 03:02PM

Touche. Still, damn you to Hades for deleting the first time!

Sam December 27, 2012 03:22PM

Didnt' they drive out Eshval as well? (n/t)

ORB December 27, 2012 10:43AM

Combination of RayBaer/Nepenthe and an interaction which went sour for some players.

Sam December 27, 2012 11:28AM

I missed one. Arvam also departed because of those two. n/t

kadsuane December 27, 2012 10:37AM

Also a question to you and ORB

cenatar December 27, 2012 09:04AM

I think if Baer and Daev stepped down or took a reduced role several ex Imms would return and I think players not in her favorites camp would enjoy the game much more. (n/t)

ORB December 27, 2012 09:52AM

Have they personally told you that they would return?

DurNominator(VIP) December 27, 2012 09:58AM

Yes some of them have said they'd come back, also I think it's pretty clear from her post Iunna would too. (n/t)

ORB December 27, 2012 10:03AM

I'd sure like if Reksah and Baer deleted.

RobDarken December 27, 2012 09:23AM

Re: Also a question to you and ORB

kadsuane December 27, 2012 09:21AM

I am curious....

Welverin December 27, 2012 09:45AM

She zotted me once cause I was RPing with Iklahn

BlkDrgn December 27, 2012 10:42AM

So your butthurt good to know. (n/t)

tesline December 28, 2012 11:41AM


Quas December 27, 2012 09:53AM

Re: I am curious....

kadsuane December 27, 2012 09:52AM

So what you are saying is....

Welverin December 27, 2012 10:56AM

Not quite.

kadsuane December 27, 2012 11:02AM

And yet ....

Welverin December 27, 2012 12:49PM

Re: And yet ....

kadsuane December 27, 2012 01:04PM

Re: And yet...

Welverin December 27, 2012 02:48PM

Name characters that have been rewarded that should not have been (n/t)

cenatar December 27, 2012 10:14AM

Every single one of yours.

kadsuane December 27, 2012 10:17AM

I'm just curious from where you are getting the over rewarded argument from, you must have some characters in mind? (n/t)

cenatar December 27, 2012 10:20AM

It's harder to quantify now. They don't keep track of role contest rewards in the same way anymore.

Sam December 27, 2012 01:08PM

Re: I'm just curious from where you are getting the over rewarded argument from, you must have some characters in mind?

kadsuane December 27, 2012 10:27AM

Re: I'm just curious from where you are getting the over rewarded argument from, you must have some characters in mind?

Isildur(VIP) December 27, 2012 06:29PM

This exactly, there is zero transparency and what few smoking gun ex-staff members are willing to provide are spun or ignored. Hell some morons here still think Cabru was super legit. (n/t)

ORB December 27, 2012 09:58AM

Never, really. txt

Isildur(VIP) December 27, 2012 09:00AM

Why are you offended by the question?

kadsuane December 27, 2012 11:24AM

Re: Why are you offended by the question?

Isildur(VIP) December 27, 2012 04:03PM

Do you have to ask?

vortexmagus December 27, 2012 03:41PM

Re: Do you have to ask?

kadsuane December 28, 2012 08:15AM

[citation needed] (n/t)

cenatar December 27, 2012 08:57AM

Ignoring it hasn't helped either, 5 Imms at least so far.

ORB December 27, 2012 05:47AM

I know several witches that play CF but they don't want any problems so I won't name them. (n/t)

tesline December 27, 2012 06:42AM

I'm not stating that it doesn't need to be discussed. But betting on which IMM is to delete next is bad form in my book at least. (n/t)

deriveh December 27, 2012 05:55AM

Nobody prescribes to the theory of forms anymore, man. NT

Batman December 27, 2012 06:02AM

But JQuery makes them look so much nicer these days! (n/t)

Baroness December 27, 2012 07:00AM

Are we talking about quest forms? I love those!

kadsuane December 27, 2012 06:04AM

I thought it's about application forms! (n/t)

xrus December 27, 2012 09:40AM

+1 n/t

Forsooth December 27, 2012 05:24AM

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