I'm pretty sure there was a Honky. (n/t)

July 02, 2013 05:14AM
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Retro CF Moments: Quest Forms!

Jerrokrar June 30, 2013 08:34AM

I'm pretty sure there was a Honky. (n/t)

TaterPig July 02, 2013 05:14AM

Some kind of dog, I can remember in the isle. (n/t)

xrus July 01, 2013 10:24AM

Displacer Beast!

thinhallen July 01, 2013 09:16AM

Theres a special kind of Fox, a Giant clam, Griffon, Unicorn, Chimera, Nightmare, Massive Falcon, Anaconda, A Black Dragon hatchling. Thats all I remember (n/t)

ilostmycoconut June 30, 2013 09:31PM

Did they ever do a Chimera?

MiyagiYojimbo June 30, 2013 11:01AM

I think Narissorin had Chimera, but it didn't play out like that. (n/t)

Zruulg June 30, 2013 12:19PM

Nah, it was kind of bleh, Lion was a much better form hands down.

NbM(VIP) June 30, 2013 12:30PM

Anaconda is an old defense form.

DurNominator(VIP) June 30, 2013 10:06AM

It could also boneshatter and, I believe, crush gear.

Zruulg June 30, 2013 01:10PM

I miss seeing this form in action. Was fun to read the logs or see live. (n/t)

smashtro June 30, 2013 11:21AM

Didnt constrict work on sleeping foes? So get a necro/ap/bard ally, put them to sleep and kill away. (n/t)

Darbhi June 30, 2013 10:51AM

It did for a while. A thief/anaconda combo rocked this for a while with blackjack and they changed it. (n/t)

AncientNewbie June 30, 2013 03:01PM

then an orc/anaconda did the same thing with spinebreaker (n/t)

Quas July 01, 2013 09:20AM

Anaconda and bashfest sounds like a working group solution, though. (n/t)

DurNominator(VIP) July 01, 2013 09:42AM

It did. (n/t)

hopelessdwarf June 30, 2013 11:17AM

Might be kind of scary if they redid it with an entwine type skill

MiyagiYojimbo June 30, 2013 10:43AM

Someone in nexus had a clam or something. Also, what about Black Jaguar? (n/t)

Darbhi June 30, 2013 09:52AM

WRONG Jack Blaguar. (n/t)

tesline June 30, 2013 10:38AM

Ice and fire drakes I believe. (n/t)

tesline June 30, 2013 09:31AM

Griffon and Nightmare come to mind. nt

Yhorian(VIP) June 30, 2013 09:07AM

Why was my post deleted? n/t

jalim June 30, 2013 09:54AM

We're currently not allowing 'adverts' here. nt

Yhorian(VIP) June 30, 2013 10:01AM

I didn't advertise for the other forum as you know, I said misinformation like this belongs there and he might be taken seriously. In my opinion you are being an overzealous penis with your moderation.

jalim July 01, 2013 10:44AM

Penis is the medical term. Don't try to turn it into a curse word or call name for name calling.

DurNominator(VIP) July 01, 2013 11:39AM

I find your use of the word offensive, but not Jalims. Consider this your mod warning. (n/t)

Matrik July 01, 2013 01:17PM

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