
April 29, 2015 06:56AM
Whenever an output from CF causes your mudclient to trigger a command that sends an input to CF, that is botting. Hotkeys and Macros are just shortcuts that you can define to do certain things, there is still human intervention necessary to make that happen. With triggers (unless it is a trigger to highlight something or echo something to the user for easier detection) there is no human interaction, it is the mud clients predefined rules that are playing the character.

That is cheating.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2015 06:57AM by NbM.
Subject Author Views Posted

Deleted Delaed.

shaapa 898 April 28, 2015 05:22PM

So it was in your role to kill imperials, but then you join them to gang down a villager AND you sac his shit? Come on dude, even you are better than that. (n/t)

Frosty 354 May 01, 2015 05:43AM

'Parently not. (n/t)

vladamir 332 May 08, 2015 08:23PM

No (n/t)

NbM(VIP) 320 May 01, 2015 06:01AM

Shit character.

Rhyaldrin 498 April 30, 2015 02:31AM

I've always kinda assumed your playing something in the Imperial Hoarde...

Zruulg 406 April 30, 2015 03:49PM

I'm actually playing three members of the imperial horde. (n/t)

Rhyaldrin 351 April 30, 2015 07:43PM

I am 'perial Hordz. NT

Sam 337 April 30, 2015 08:35PM

I run the other two on triggers. Just using my mudclient to it's full power. (n/t)

Rhyaldrin 360 April 30, 2015 09:26PM

In light of this, Baelen's tactics make much more sense now. (n/t)

Zruulg 343 May 01, 2015 07:49AM

**********************BURN CITY************************** n/t

jalim 316 May 05, 2015 02:09AM

Perial Hordz. I know the name of my next character now. (n/t)

Murphy 328 April 30, 2015 08:48PM

You're welcome :) NT

Sam 321 May 02, 2015 07:09AM

Don't confuse hatred of empire

daurwyn(VIP) 459 April 30, 2015 06:52AM

So he was good for the game then. He killed imperials after all :) (n/t)

Murphy 303 April 30, 2015 02:33AM

In that sense sure.

Rhyaldrin 413 April 30, 2015 02:35AM


merf 506 April 29, 2015 02:58PM

I enjoyed speaking with you. It's really sad someone in imm lands hates me so much that uninducted also you :( (n/t)

shaapa 340 May 01, 2015 04:00AM

Gee wiz, I wonder why. It's a great mystery. mmm hmmm.

Frosty 386 May 01, 2015 05:24AM

You'r the the fourth piece of shit here. Demtok, funnyone and jalim were always here. Now you too? (n/t)

shaapa 332 May 01, 2015 05:42AM

Demtok, Jalim, and I are not pieces of shit. Once again your information is fucked.

Frosty 376 May 01, 2015 05:46AM

actually all three of you are assholes

Tolnum 373 May 04, 2015 08:30AM

Not remotely the same as being a piece of shit.

vladamir 326 May 08, 2015 08:28PM

I wasn't aware that you suffer from dyslexia

Demtok 369 May 08, 2015 10:28AM

Once again you have diarrhea coming out your mouth. (n/t)

Frosty 368 May 06, 2015 02:31PM

Oh yeah, Funnyone can PK circles around me all day. You nailed that one. n/t

jalim 280 May 06, 2015 02:02PM

So, here's what we know so far.

Demtok 549 April 29, 2015 03:20PM

Here's how

daurwyn(VIP) 471 April 29, 2015 11:11PM

Totally the second part (which is how you really become a legendary lowbie looter) ....makes me wonder who Erbe was now....NT

Sam 354 April 30, 2015 12:53PM

lol, quite a hatred festival you're having here :)))

Kstatida 369 April 29, 2015 08:47PM

'ats about right. Stands up to scrut'ny. (n/t)

Frosty 355 April 29, 2015 03:51PM

I think Kstatida is too new to the game to be caught up in permaing/cheating etc. Considering Merf approaches everyone via PM with his alternate account to arrange IC playing, yeah, that part is likely. n/t

jalim 345 April 29, 2015 03:22PM

Kstatida's only job was to tell which outlanders were on. Merf was most likely to see who was hidden.

Demtok 396 April 29, 2015 03:32PM

Kstatida is a brand new player

NbM(VIP) 376 April 29, 2015 03:33PM

Brand new - outlander reaver frost giant ranger?

Demtok 434 April 29, 2015 03:39PM

counter-point, he went evil-neutral as outlander. nt

The Forsaken 345 April 30, 2015 04:38AM

Well, to be honest

Kstatida 435 April 30, 2015 05:04AM

I appreciate that play style. You're no longer in the axis of evil

Demtok 381 April 30, 2015 08:35AM

This means a lot to me, I cannot find words to express the proper level of gratitude :) (n/t)

Kstatida 325 May 01, 2015 04:20AM

That is the correct way to play. Well done. Sometimes you are forced into bad decisions. (n/t)

Artificial 350 April 30, 2015 06:16AM

It's simple -- he's not new to mudding, PK and RP. Just new to CF. (n/t)

Murphy 368 April 29, 2015 07:25PM

Pretty sure they do. n/t

jalim 322 April 29, 2015 03:45PM

Did they add a pay to play feature I don't know about?

Demtok 364 April 29, 2015 03:52PM

No Mesozoic Precambrians allowed butthole. n/t

jalim 348 April 29, 2015 04:06PM

What about 8 story tall crustaceans from the cenozoic era? (n/t)

Demtok 338 April 29, 2015 04:14PM

I gave 'em a doller. n/t

jalim 337 April 29, 2015 04:27PM

She^ gave 'em a doller! (n/t)

Frosty 321 April 29, 2015 05:17PM

Please try to be a better human being

Tadam 450 April 29, 2015 02:29PM


wrathpuppet 452 April 29, 2015 02:40PM

I have to admit I enjoy seeing liberals being shamed for a poor choice of words.

Rhyaldrin 364 April 30, 2015 08:46AM


wrathpuppet 397 April 30, 2015 10:08AM

Your privilege is showing. Check it.

Rhyaldrin 364 April 30, 2015 10:29AM

I'm still confused. (n/t)

wrathpuppet 329 April 30, 2015 10:35AM

If he wasn't crazy he wouldn't be a conservative. (n/t)

Artificial 359 April 30, 2015 10:37AM

Even worse: libertarian.

Rhyaldrin 358 April 30, 2015 11:33AM

Oh, I get it now.

wrathpuppet 350 April 30, 2015 11:59AM

Mostly off something you said in Elystan's feminist thread.

Rhyaldrin 374 April 30, 2015 12:07PM

No, it probably was.

wrathpuppet 342 April 30, 2015 12:10PM

What I do on public transport is not the government's business. (n/t)

Rhyaldrin 352 April 30, 2015 12:11PM

Unless the government (city) owns that transport :P (n/t)

NbM(VIP) 319 April 30, 2015 12:19PM


Rhyaldrin 389 April 30, 2015 12:21PM

You never can tell on this site... (n/t)

NbM(VIP) 349 April 30, 2015 12:22PM

As someone with an autistic sibling, you ooze ignorance. Embarrassing.

faristil 365 April 30, 2015 06:56AM

Grow up and stop using autism like that (n/t)

torak 308 April 29, 2015 02:56PM

"Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, and restricted and repetitive behavior. "

wrathpuppet 374 April 29, 2015 03:00PM

By the way, we don't have that kind of diagnosys in Russia

Kstatida 389 April 29, 2015 09:30PM

Not really. n/t

jalim 304 April 29, 2015 03:19PM

It's not really applicable?

wrathpuppet 384 April 29, 2015 03:25PM

You really can't judge social cues in normal society from internet behavior. You are doing autism a disservice by comparing it to random trolling and internet tough guy syndrome. n/t

jalim 328 April 29, 2015 03:26PM


torak 392 April 29, 2015 04:44PM

There's no agenda.

wrathpuppet 376 April 29, 2015 04:52PM

These are your issues then. I am an asshole at times on the internet but that doesn't mean I have a mental illness. It means at times I'm an asshole. n/t

jalim 345 April 30, 2015 07:08AM

I'd agree with you most of the time.

wrathpuppet 348 April 29, 2015 03:30PM

I'm just saying emotional disorders and narcissism don't necessarily have anything to do with autism. n/t

jalim 309 April 29, 2015 03:33PM

I'm saying all three are present. (n/t)

wrathpuppet 314 April 29, 2015 03:36PM

Bleh. This isn't work. You can have it. =P n/t

jalim 349 April 29, 2015 03:38PM

Booo! Matrik would have kept going.

wrathpuppet 356 April 29, 2015 03:40PM

A character having so much butthurt on a charboard deserves a PBF published. The treat is on me :)

Kstatida 394 April 29, 2015 01:30PM

Now we know it's 115:1, not 115:0 :) (n/t)

Kstatida 319 April 30, 2015 08:16AM

Suicided my criminal flag in organia because i wouldn't fight any kind of guards per role.

shaapa 359 May 01, 2015 03:59AM

Whether you do it on purpose or not it is still a pk death. (n/t)

NbM(VIP) 351 May 01, 2015 05:28AM

Apr 8, 2015 |Lv 51|Organia, the Veil of Shadow|vs 3: <51> Nuerria (2%), <49> Omntur (68%, slice), <41> Hitrilipimi (29%)

shaapa 336 May 01, 2015 05:52AM

Too bad you didn't write a role about dying on purpose to unsuccessfully avoid a PK death. And to think you were doing so well with your stellar RP

Demtok 410 May 01, 2015 09:45AM

Bahahahahahhaa. 25 commander kills. n/t

jalim 327 April 30, 2015 09:32AM

If you were any more up his ass it would be considered body snatching. (n/t)

Demtok 341 April 29, 2015 02:50PM

You despise him so much it sounds mental (n/t)

Kstatida 352 April 29, 2015 09:07PM

THANK YOU! I didn't want to have to be the one to say it.;

Frosty 356 April 29, 2015 03:45PM

don't say 5 bucks is a big deal around here

Kstatida 365 April 29, 2015 09:12PM

The hypocrisy exhibited in this thread is astounding.

Matrik 434 April 29, 2015 12:31PM


NbM(VIP) 411 April 29, 2015 01:14PM

They banned me for that too. Great crowd around the game these days. (n/t)

Matrik 327 April 29, 2015 01:28PM

:( Well shit...

NbM(VIP) 377 April 29, 2015 01:37PM

Yeah, was a half decent response. Unbanned already.

Matrik 380 April 29, 2015 01:40PM

I dunno why wouldn't they make halflings playable.

Murphy 366 April 29, 2015 09:09PM

I want halflings too

MiyagiYojimbo 325 April 30, 2015 12:22PM

svirfneblins occupy their place already, I guess (n/t)

Kstatida 311 April 29, 2015 09:21PM

You were a dick. I hated you. You were a sneaky fucker who would pick the perfect time to sneak up and ruin someones day.

Frosty 414 April 29, 2015 06:08AM

a good presence

silatar 384 April 29, 2015 05:28AM

you're kind of a weird player. anecdote

The Forsaken 416 April 29, 2015 05:25AM

Your character was shit, just like your RP and trigger abuse.

Demtok 408 April 29, 2015 05:12AM

Using the triggers when you look at the monitor and can respond to anything what has happened isn't cheating, you dumb piece of shite. (n/t)

shaapa 322 April 29, 2015 11:22AM

Yes, it is. (n/t)

Frosty 332 April 29, 2015 03:52PM

I'm going to laugh when your deletion doesnt come up because you were denied due to triggers (n/t)

Demtok 312 April 29, 2015 11:49AM

sure it is, your reactions simply aren't near as fast as a trigger. nt

The Forsaken 316 April 29, 2015 11:27AM

And? (n/t)

Murphy 332 April 29, 2015 07:19PM

electronic signals are 60% the speed of light. Shaapa believe he is as fast. The logic of a slow mind. (n/t)

Demtok 330 April 29, 2015 11:53AM

Weak argument, "reaction time" is limited by MUD processing loop which has fixed time requirements (pulses) and also network roundtrip

zoskia 375 April 30, 2015 11:21AM

Ask immortals on the main board. If they say you cannot use triggers while reacting on everything what is happening in MUD i won't do it. (n/t)

shaapa 371 April 29, 2015 11:33AM

You already posted logs using triggers that are not allowed. You hype yourself up to some allstar player but you're just a slow fingered ESL dolt without a care for the rules (n/t)

Demtok 335 April 29, 2015 11:51AM

I wonder how you manage ESL to sound like as an insult :) (n/t)

Kstatida 341 April 29, 2015 01:02PM

It's not supposed to be taken as an insult but as a modifier to the subject

Demtok 387 April 29, 2015 02:57PM

being ESL, I didn't get the meaning of the last paragraph

Kstatida 329 April 29, 2015 09:03PM

It is a play on the idiom "riding someone's balls"

Murphy 338 April 29, 2015 09:22PM

I could come up with only one meaning for riding balls

Kstatida 342 April 29, 2015 09:34PM

Hi on purp with my J's on. n/t

jalim 310 April 29, 2015 03:24PM

Post of the year, right there. (n/t)

Frosty 307 April 29, 2015 03:54PM

Isn't english fun! (n/t)

Demtok 338 April 29, 2015 03:33PM

I don't quite understand how can you "abuse" triggers? (n/t)

Kstatida 333 April 29, 2015 05:48AM

You can't understand how someone is able to cheat? You're either trolling or as dim as an Amish basement (n/t)

Demtok 307 April 29, 2015 06:35AM

I don't understand why you call triggers cheating

Kstatida 379 April 29, 2015 06:54AM

If you have to cheat to compete you should delete.

Demtok 380 April 29, 2015 07:13AM

Re: I don't understand why you call triggers cheating

NbM(VIP) 392 April 29, 2015 06:58AM

Re: I don't understand why you call triggers cheating

Ninall 438 April 29, 2015 08:25AM

Botting is different than hot keys, at that point you aren't playing the game your computer is. n/t

jalim 319 April 29, 2015 06:56AM

My idea is that triggers and botting are different, although you can't do botting without triggers of course :) (n/t)

Kstatida 338 April 29, 2015 07:06AM

I agree with this.

Ninall 394 April 29, 2015 08:30AM

He used triggers to cast sleep on his targets a lot faster than one should be able to manually. It's cheating. (n/t)

Frosty 320 April 29, 2015 06:26AM

Dunno. I use hotkeys to attack $pk target with all kinds of attacks

Kstatida 406 April 29, 2015 06:53AM


NbM(VIP) 448 April 29, 2015 06:56AM

That is not the current CF definition of botting

Ninall 410 April 29, 2015 08:32AM

Um... yes it is

NbM(VIP) 384 April 29, 2015 08:55AM

How about looking at the definition..

Ninall 395 April 29, 2015 10:21AM

Let me break it down for you, and others:

Jib 393 April 29, 2015 12:07PM

Imms could say that using rolling triggers is botting

Kstatida 343 April 29, 2015 10:08AM

I get your idea, it's just that CF rules have different definition of botting (n/t)

Kstatida 328 April 29, 2015 07:03AM

No, they don't. It is just extremely hard to enforce accurately. Blackstone's formulation and all. (n/t)

NbM(VIP) 321 April 29, 2015 07:05AM

Judging from the BOTTING helpfile quote

Kstatida 408 April 29, 2015 07:10AM

Trigger use is separate

daurwyn(VIP) 384 April 29, 2015 07:14AM

I can do the same with

Kstatida 390 April 29, 2015 07:34AM

It's not as effective

daurwyn(VIP) 361 April 29, 2015 07:40AM

Well a ranger using pursue does not know direction either :)

Kstatida 341 April 29, 2015 07:44AM

We are to believe he does tho since he's given the skill

daurwyn(VIP) 342 April 29, 2015 07:47AM

I agree totally that it has nothing to do with sportsmanship

Kstatida 385 April 29, 2015 07:53AM

for high end players (which is a high % of the population) reaction speed is a primary differentiator

Quas 346 April 29, 2015 11:56AM

Wasn't this the AP that was constantly full looting everyone? Yes, another treat from shapa. I love how you can't understand why your villagers get kicked out. (n/t)

funnyone 334 April 29, 2015 01:16AM

Are you the same person as Jalim? You post at the same time and always speak with yourself ... (n/t)

shaapa 286 April 29, 2015 01:40AM

Yes, you solved the ultimate mindfuckler. I am Funnyone. n/t

jalim 309 April 29, 2015 01:46AM

What if.... (n/t)

NbM(VIP) 335 April 29, 2015 03:40AM

Considering the fact that you had no issues PKing non-criminals in a protected city...that was probably the reason. n/t

jalim 337 April 29, 2015 12:25AM

I forgot the moment when jalim became such a whiney bitch.

shaapa 401 April 29, 2015 12:51AM

I'm pretty sure you were the guy I prayed about casting iceball in Galadon trying to hit a thief while a Tribunal.

jalim 407 April 29, 2015 01:13AM

Small anecdote:

Elystan 415 April 29, 2015 08:32AM

:D :D :D THAT WAS MEEEEEE!!! (n/t)

legobelt 356 April 29, 2015 03:24PM

Makes perfect sense

Kstatida 376 April 29, 2015 10:05AM

Actually since Trib is a strictly orderly/lawful cabal IMMs step in constantly when Tribs act deceitful and break the law, it is technically breaking character.

jalim 373 April 29, 2015 03:30PM

Can't an OOC screwup also be an IC screw up?

Elystan 426 April 30, 2015 03:13AM

They can be. My evil provost pkd constantly out of town. Just depends on your role. n/t

jalim 338 April 30, 2015 07:11AM

Well, considering their RP as law enforcere is part of the game balance and mechanics

Kstatida 349 April 29, 2015 09:14PM

Was the thief wanted?

daurwyn(VIP) 333 April 29, 2015 07:15AM

Law says you can use area spells provided you do not harm innocents (n/t)

Artificial 323 April 29, 2015 08:26AM

Depends on leadership and IMM activity. n/t

jalim 350 April 29, 2015 08:38AM

I don't know that iceball falls within that exception.

zannon 387 April 29, 2015 08:18AM

Not that could

daurwyn(VIP) 347 April 29, 2015 11:09AM

Post a log idiot.

shaapa 398 April 29, 2015 01:32AM

Why would I save a log of random pk Spire betrayer #2040 breaking the law? Pray and move on. n/t

jalim 312 April 29, 2015 01:37AM

Such whiney bitch like you would definatelly post the log to the log board. (n/t)

shaapa 361 April 29, 2015 01:41AM

Usually my logs are several months old. I don't like the concept of posting logs with active characters, does more harm than good to the game. n/t

jalim 329 April 29, 2015 01:45AM

By the way it's you who play random #2040 characters and then don't even claim them.

shaapa 349 April 29, 2015 01:47AM

Oh okay, thanks for clearing that up. This character was still an over-conservative, gear-given, lowbie-looting, full-saccing, no-rping, cabal-betraying terd-burglar though. n/t

jalim 319 April 29, 2015 01:52AM

My favorite type of conversations :) Do please go on.

Kstatida 362 April 29, 2015 03:26AM

I can't unless he participates, I think he is on to me. =( n/t

jalim 320 April 29, 2015 03:20PM

I guess we'll have to treat him to some vodka then

Kstatida 322 April 29, 2015 08:51PM

I noticed the same

daurwyn(VIP) 436 April 28, 2015 11:09PM

Yeah that was my mistake.

shaapa 423 April 29, 2015 12:54AM

Good job man

Bemus-ed 392 April 28, 2015 07:36PM

Figured it was you :) NT

Sam 326 April 28, 2015 05:50PM

I pretty much knew, about 2 days ago in a discussion I called it. I thought it was Elystan at first, then I realized only one guy has the aggression Shaapa does. Well done. (n/t)

Gaplemo 340 April 28, 2015 06:23PM

Woah woah woah... No one has the aggression that Shamanman does... even Shaapa! (n/t)

NbM(VIP) 335 April 28, 2015 06:53PM

Shaapa is ESL though. And when he posted some logs you could tell the player was clearly ESL. Narrowed it down to 2, imo, and Kostyan is too bitch to play that aggressive. (n/t)

Gaplemo 310 April 29, 2015 11:23AM

I'd argue Boca and Shaapa are close 2nd's, easily. NT

Sam 305 April 29, 2015 10:42AM

Shamanan's agression with zero pk looses in 200+ hours :P (n/t)

shaapa 334 April 29, 2015 01:11AM

I didn't say that shamanman doesn't die a lot. I just said he is the most aggressive pker (n/t)

NbM(VIP) 307 April 29, 2015 03:39AM

Rolling with zero pk deaths is pretty impressive. Well done. (n/t)

TJHuron 338 April 28, 2015 05:39PM

There's an element of luck in not having 1

daurwyn(VIP) 429 April 29, 2015 07:44AM

What is awesome

NbM(VIP) 407 April 29, 2015 08:00AM

The only correction is that didn't kill Delaed, but stole his bigmammagun (n/t)

Kstatida 344 April 29, 2015 08:04AM

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