Dude, the best evils think they are the hero.

January 17, 2019 03:40PM
Just remember it goes like this:

1) Lawful evil-you are regimented in your beliefs that you deserve shit, whether or not people want to give it to you. That said, you see the value in allies and being predictable in your evilness
2) neutral evil-basically, if you got allies it's because they benefit you. Never forget that you're the most important person in the world
3) chaotic evil-basically, you can do what you want when you want and you never have to say sorry

Obviously some of these are dumbed down, some of these shade towards religion/cabal choices available, etc

Try playing an evil, it's fun. Just do it with flair, it will be easier to get into the RP.
Subject Author Views Posted

Krogran is gone

Welverin 1560 January 10, 2019 10:12AM

If you delete your champions when you lose an eagle staff, you're going to have a bad time

mcbeth 835 January 17, 2019 05:23AM

what made it gear dependent? were you happy with elf as race for champion? (n/t)

Noone of significance 720 January 10, 2019 02:23PM

Re: what made it gear dependent? were you happy with elf as race for champion?

Welverin 936 January 11, 2019 03:59AM

I guess it is hard to find a cursed staff (I can only think of one); thank you for the explanation/feedback (n/t)

Noone of significance 692 January 12, 2019 04:46AM

Eagle staff and a few others are no drop. Several No_Remove as well. n/t

jalim 682 January 12, 2019 04:59AM

RP gets in the way

daurwyn 845 January 12, 2019 07:04PM

Because you don't think outside of the box. n/t

jalim 646 January 18, 2019 01:06AM

Sounds to me like a weak excuse

daurwyn 804 January 20, 2019 01:47AM

=) n/t

jalim 651 January 20, 2019 02:42AM

Re: Krogran is gone

Jarmel 954 January 10, 2019 11:40AM

His personal beliefs make it difficult for him to get into the head space necessary to truly RP evil.

Dalbrin 822 January 12, 2019 09:03AM

pretty much.

Welverin 848 January 12, 2019 11:09AM

Dude, the best evils think they are the hero.

Sam 797 January 17, 2019 03:40PM

He can only play a monk. The automation of the build is great for him. Puts away the whole thought process. And, monks aren’t allowed in scarab. (n/t)

funnyone 675 January 11, 2019 09:46AM

Pretty sure I made you rage delete at least two characters when I played my Druid....

Welverin 805 January 11, 2019 12:05PM

I'm not even playing and I've made him rage delete 4 guys. n/t

jalim 666 January 11, 2019 12:32PM

It's your greatest talent. Nt

Sam 674 January 17, 2019 03:41PM

Dude, you’re my hero (n/t)

Welverin 689 January 11, 2019 03:17PM

No, this is your hero

Kstatida 695 January 18, 2019 08:05AM

Just like you can only play forum warrior well? (n/t)

bloodmoon 664 January 11, 2019 10:02AM

bloodmoon wins

MiyagiYojimbo 760 January 13, 2019 02:37AM

+1 (n/t)

Noone of significance 649 January 12, 2019 04:47AM

Okay Funnyone, come on man, you have to admit that was freaking hilarious!

Frosty 766 January 11, 2019 10:26AM

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