Yeah I've had a couple hero conjies before.

October 09, 2019 05:29AM
Conjurer can get very tedious unless you know what you're doing, because dealing with the charmies can be a hassle.

Fortress was ok... Until I got kicked out. :)

I will say that I think Fortress has gotten pussified. Korsgaard already had some pretty strict rules in place, but now with Padwei, things are getting even worse.

Basically, don't kill any good mobs EVER or you're basically screwed. You can have redemption, but it's gonna be a real bitch. This is a decent concept, but THE GAME IS NOT CODED TO BE CONDUCIVE TO THIS CONCEPT. Good luck being an aggressive conjurer and having no goodie kills. Good luck not killing that weak angel who you've been doing everything you can to save, but decides to turn on you while its writhing just before you get your circle drawn. Oh, did you kill that angel (who seemingly had a suicide fantasy)? Well now you're tainted and getting Maran is going to be a BITCH.

You pretty much can't get WANTED now, either. Which restricts RP. There were a lot of very interesting conversations and debates within the cabal when the question of when and where should you get WANTED would come up. Now it's just don't do it or else. I don't think that's what the cabal was meant to be, but whatever. I will say that that mentality has allowed a Mummy to go completely unchecked for the past few weeks and will likely continue. All that mummy has to do is sit in town until 3 or 4 allies get on and go gank everyone they can, which is exactly what he does.
Subject Author Views Posted

Leitha Ar'Er deleted.

K-B 1329 October 08, 2019 07:30AM

you seemed pretty comfortable with conjurer

The Forsaken(VIP) 919 October 09, 2019 04:15AM

Yeah I've had a couple hero conjies before.

K-B 1068 October 09, 2019 05:29AM

It's fine how it is.

Blackstar 997 October 09, 2019 01:22PM

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