Rogue did, and here's his goodbye.

February 16, 2012 08:21PM
First, I would like to thank Marcatis. I have never played a character this long before in the
decade plus that I have been playing. I must have had like 22 edges with that character.
I think I may have said this IC as well but never have I been made to feel so uplifted, yet so
belittled at the same time. Figuring out whom I was within
my role while following you was truly a test of wit against myself. It's really a damn shame that
my all of my role chapters got wiped. For the masses that are wondering, I had about 10 chapters
worth of my role around the 160hr mark get wiped out. I also didn't have them saved on my computer.

At least 3 pages worth were soley dedicated to a re-written version that closely mirrored the
paladin code but catered to, in my vision, Marcatis. Considering the off-line time I had put in
to write a lot of these chapters and what not, I was pretty disappointed about it. Therefore I
decided to not add anything further aside from that very explaination. Yes, I had a nearly 400hr
hero paladin with 2 virtures and no role, I must have been doing something right.

This Paladin was rolled up right after I deleted Lindu because I really wanted to try out this class.
Lindu empowered by Iunna after about two days. Fzoarn got Marcatis loving after about 3 days. Similar
to my Lindu thread, write your role, note to your Imm, and RP, and adhere to the wizlist, you shoudn't
have an issue with empowerment, if you do, it's probably you. Maybe there's a special circumstance, but
most cases it's probably just you.

Now, I have a lot of very strong opinions, "opinions" mind you, and chances are that most of them will
be challenged by most of you. I will only be making this single post on the goodbye thread to say my piece
regarding a lot of characters and players that have had more than fair chances to say plenty about me. I'll
try to keep things as orderly as possible and address some of the things that seem to be the hot topics.


My request is that the Ignore command to work for notes as well as tells. If I ignore you, that doesn't mean
send me one liner notes. I am ignoring you because I don't want to communicate with you. From a RP aspect, a
Tribunal character, Paladin at that, really would have no desire what-so-ever to talk to a criminal for the sake
of shooting the breeze. When I am getting constant messages from "Someone" tells you: So how are the vegetables today?
while I am trying to conduct an investigation, or three different rangers are each calling me a coward while I am
standing in the prosimy waiting to summon one of them into a locked room, at the same time someone else is reporting
a crime, etc etc etc. I just don't have the time or patience for that. I also as a Tribunal Paladin character AND
player do not feel the need to explain to an Outlander why I am attacking you in the Weald when I have the fetish.
Yes Yindathos, this means you. There is no IC need for me to justify why you are my enemy. I could tell you just want
a chance to be wierd, and you should have been able to tell that I wasn't going to be your entertainment. Go up to a cop
on duty and see how long you can screw with before you get charged with obstruction of justice. This is why half the time
I ignored people after I determined I was through with a conversation. I had a duty to do, and wasting time with someone
while I needed to focus on watching my city was not optional. That, and I am not going to sit there and argue with somebody,
that wouldn't be prudent for a Paladin.

The simple thing for ignore, when you ignore someone, it works for notes, too. You can't unignore someone until you
log out. If you ignore someone for a third time, it should be permanent. Ignore does not hinder RP by any means. Ignore
is used to stop annoying people from being annoying. If I don't want to hear what you have to say through tells, then
come say it to my face. If you're in PK range, there's going to be risk involved. Simple. I reiterate, Tribunal isn't going
to sit there and listen to outlander ranger listen to himself speak anymore than the cop is going to pull over and listen
to a crack head talk the shadow people. They've got better things to do. Get over it.

Seriously though, Ignore should work for notes too. If I ignored you and you sent me notes, I usually just deleted your
notes, or unignored you to let you know I was deleting your notes so you would stop sending them.


Usually, I didn't loot anything, even coins. I had a pretty sweet set for about three hundred hours straight. I never
carried more than two weapons until I got spiritual hammers, and that was only because I looked at those as divine
gifts and even then, I probably carried even less once I got defiance.

I full looted 2 people in 374 hours. One was an orc that tried to bash me down and died in his own spam while I was
investigating another Paladn that killed him in Galadon. While I am in the middle of tells and questioning he tried to
kill me with my protections down and died to guards/shield jab. The mere audasity of trying to kill me while I am about
to and did, warrant another Paladin, to me, felt like an ultimate offense and insult, so I totally looted your ass.

The other was svirf rager. This first time was when he was like lvl 16 for his fourth attack on someone in my city while
I was on duty. Being that he was low lvl and in crap gear I didn't think this was really a big hit for him, especially
being so PK hungry. Considering he took it to the other website and tried character assassinating me with logs, I made
a point to post every log I had showing his berserker breaking parity, attacking my Paladin guild, etc etc on the other
website as well. I think I full looted him about three times. Other than these two characters, I only ever looted weapons
and that was only criminals that were either out of town that I killed solo or were hardened criminals, or criminals I
killed in my jurisdiction. If you died at the Captain, I don't think I looted you, and if you had limited items that were
chaotic, I would sacrifice them, except for svirf rager. I attribute being such a d-bag to him for calling me Rogue in notes
and the OOC tells and all that cool behavior. Maybe it's just limited to me.

Paladin Code:

Now, there's a lot of interpretation here I think, and also a lot of assumption. Nothing seems more OOC to me
than for someone else's character to tell me how un-paladinly I am being. Seriously, that is as OOC to me as someone
saying DUDE what email omg plz kthx? I've passed out ignores for this kind of crap. Similar to an Outlander trying to
argue the nuances of Tribunal Law or something like that. Stick to your roleplay, and not your gameplay.

As I said earlier, I did have a very extensive code written out, however this "fair of speech" that I hear from the
hero paladin that had no virtues, Elanya? Maybe having table manners worked for you, but a paladin to me isn't Emily Post
with a two-handed sword, it's someone that is "Fair". I called a coin a coin, and I treated good people well, and bad
people like bad people. If you were a rebel, a criminal, you were given no quarter, no succor, only severe punishment.

It was very important to me that other Paladins weren't excessive, and I'll get to that later, I made a point to not carry
extra items, and always try to help out people that seemed trustworthy or new. I would give gold freely if asked and almost
always cleansed gear (I'll get to Pro in a bit, too) when asked. I even took an edge for this. Once I got my second virtue
also, I would make sure that any new paladins in the guild got one of my hammers to rank with since they were so dank. I
thought this was a really cool way to share the love, I never heard of these before and think it's cool that I can share
them. Hope I wasn't breaking any empowerment no-no's.

Respect was a HUGE issue with me also. Especially in death. I didn't take kindly to other people looting my kills, especially
kills that I had no intention of looting at all. I specifically remember a time I fragged an imperial duergar at the
Fortress, Liudan? and as soon as he dies, Jammenon rolls in the room and Get-all-coins from corpse, I swear dude if I wasn't
goodly, I would have attacked you right then and there. I was so pissed at you off screen. I'm glad you dropped his gold
after I yelled at you IC, I thought that, along with a lot of things I saw from the fortress IC was pretty damn shitty.

I was kind to good hearted people, and stern where it was neccessary. I also felt I was ready to admit when I was wrong which
I did on multiple occassions to various types of people from newbie-ish characters on up to the Emperor of Empire.

I doled out warrants to the Emperor too, and also Paladins. I put equality and Fairness very high on my pedestal of
priorities with Fzoarn. People have to remember here that I was Sphere Judgment, and I saw the world subjectively. I based
my actions and everything I did moment to moment on how those around me were doing things and carrying themselves, and
continued to judge them accordingly for it.

Let's see...


Mhag: One of Fzoarns early mentors, and also the guy that showed me the shrine. Our IC relationship was a really neat
dynamic and a dangerously treaded line too. Thanks so much for talking those templars into going for walks and forgetting
their cursed shields/swords on the ground. That stuff helped me out soooo much early on and I think we RP'd it beautifully.
I don't know any other way for a Paladin to come across that gear without breaking Role or Align. We got into some interesting
situations, IC you were a very important person in my character's life and I came real close attacking someone for saying
you were cowardly just out of defending your honor.

Naija: Fzoarns other early mentor. IC one of his more treasured mentors, I carried a good many pieces you gave me up into
the 374th hour of my character. You were very special to Fzoarn and I played that out often in game. Not sure why you became
such a jack ass on the other website towards me, but I liked you a lot more IC, OOC I really don't like you at all anymore
and the disease you spread through the forums isn't very helpful. I wish you try to be less negative, especially towards
active characters. You have a lot more potential yet you constantly lie with the dogs.

Yantha: So few words with so much to say. On the poor note, Your hours suck, I know I was around like, all the time, but
you really need to show some more presence. A big part of growing a cabal is being there to water it. That's the only negative
thing I can say about you. Your RP is awesome, your intrigue in Our Lord, is awesome, stick to it. (I could tell you were
really wanting some pointers but the best thing I can tell you is to just face the music and see for yourself) and on PK
you always always always make any situation better. Nothing but a fun time whenever we rolled around, I just wish I didn't
feel like you were observing me so much whenever we rolled around. I really tried to take on this priestly angle so that
we were more of companions, friends, and I couldn be more of your advisor or confident, rather than a subordinate, and I think
I was in a good start in that direction. Thanks for working with me, I was glad to make it to Provincial but after almost
400hrs and having my first loot, and all the negativity all over the boards everytime I look up on top of other things, I'm
done with playing CF for quite a while. As Neppy put it, this is my Best or at least my Best in a long time, so I'm good with
ending on that note.

Ianto: Heh, man we almost set up some really nasty traps a few times. I just am not built for group PK and am way to unpredictable
to really fight in groups. A lot of why I was so reluctant to group with you when I was fighting later on, plus as a Paladin
I didn't want to have to word on you, or watch you die to those nasty UNSPEAK ambushes that I could munch for breakfast. Still, we
had some good times, and sorry I didn't hero you before I took off, I really intended to. I know it can be such a pain to rank
a thief, especially one with ties so well defined. Good luck, they need it

Dijur: Hey, sorry about the CB outburst. Losing cool is one thing, and we all do it. Totally uncalled for on the CB
though admittedly, and that just spreads it into another entirely different and unrelated facet. That was so wrong
of me to do and I apologize for doing that. Especially as your cabal leader that had to be a shitty moment. You looked
very promising and I meant everything I said post-interview. Keep it up.

Tryphen: I have mixed feelings about you. I like that you step up the inductions in while the provost isn't around,
and that you take such a thorough approach to interviewing. What I don't like is your fair weather gameplayer. There's
been a few times where you would log in, ten minutes later log out, while I'm busting my ass against odds to retrieve
or whatever is going on. Even if it's impossible odds and the only option is to try and survive, that's the point. Nothing
chaps me more than fair weather play. I even made a CB comment about it when I was the only one online when you did it one
time. Far as insubordination... Meh. After I made Provincial I outranked you by time in service I am pretty sure. I out-aged
you by a couple years very quickly, simply through play time. By the time I deleted I believe I was above you in seniority.
The same applicant we had an issue about, I personally rejected his pledge and this was supported by the Provost. I don't
understand why IC you wouldn't support this with 2 Magistrates speaking against him, instead you would undermine my opinion
on CB in front of other Magistrates and infront of the Pledge. Maybe I'm wrong here but that seemed like poor form. I removed
myself from the situation and apologized for it, I don't believe you followed up with it at all, either. Don't worry, I
did. However, aside from that one situation, I did like you. I thought it was pretty lame that svirf rager attacked you
during an interview because I looted his weapons, but you took it a lot better than I would have. You come across to me as
a more mind-bender player than a PK'r, and that's cool. You really put a lot of things into perspective for me and I think
you need to force yourself to be much more vocal. Not saying to do what I was starting or trying to do, but something.
Speak up!!

Adapys: You logged in for explore, and were provincial, other than that I really didn't see much of you. You've
got a leader position, Use it!!

Moqor: One of the few evils I vouched for. Kudos for not being buddy buddy with me IC, OOC I thought that was awesome,
IC I was going to possibly kick you out. Don't worry, that was strictly between us. Very nicely done for an evil/paladin
relationship. I really respect the way you worked that angle and from an OOC aspect I can appreciate it without going into
specifics regarding actives. Well done and good luck.

Thyndden: I was impressed from day one. You're next in line in my opinion, so don't prove me wrong. You are certainly
the Tribunal to fear right now from the Outlander perspective. Spend less time wand hunting/exploring and get more vocal.
Shapeshifters have this horrible disease of losing their vocal chords to awesome forms. Don't be that guy. Help your fellow
Shifter Tribunals out that need it.

Tybrin: Very enthusiastic, great motivation. Keep up on the library, and don't forget to Manacle first!! Hope you had
fun in Thar-Acacia, sorry I didn't get a chance to take you to a couple other places I meant to, but at least we got
you what you needed, right? Cool beans.


Some Fortress: For those of you that may or may not know. There were a multitude of issues that arose in Fzoarns
life that caused him to decide to not travel with the Fortress. This occurred around the 100hr mark I believe, and
was put in the Role I think also before it got wiped. I would help them if needed, but I wouldn't group with anyone
in the Fortress while the current leadership existed. This was in large part to about five or six members and their
actions regarding abandoning groupmates, attacking goodly mobs, disrespect, law-breaking, paladin code, bloodthirsty behavior.

Arngrum: Dude. IC, I tried to make a point to let bygones be bygones and get over things with paladins. This is why
we could get along after we had disagreements. I will say this though, when I saw you have two studded bucklers, two defiances,
just a boat load of gear that you were saving for when your paladin buddies logged in, both IC and OOC this just pissed
me off. It's not like I was looking for defiance or even wanted it at the time. However in my warped view, you obviously
had way more than you needed, it should have been sac'd, left on the ground in the guild, or something. Carrying around that
much extra stuff is just wrong for a pally, I think. Granted, you passed me some stuff here and there, and that's cool,
but toting stuff to give to someone later like that, I just don't think I agree with that. I also don't agree with you give
Foratha weapons after I looted her weapons from us killing her. You claimed you didn't agree with breaking her will, but
maybe full looting is breaking will, I took 4-5 items of just whips/daggers which I gave to a city merchant that she can
use cabal powers top get back from over time. You a chaotic-evil dark-elf weapons that promptly went and killed a Magistrate.
I think you should have RP'd a bit more remorse about that than simply "I'm not gon'a break er'will" or whatever it was.
It's clear to me you know a lot of the ins and outs, and where the shiniest stuff is, but I think you should have put a
tighter belt on your RP restrictions in that reguard. I could also be totally off base here. Lastly, you told me when you
delete you would give me your sword IC. You didn't do that, and I felt a little cheated. A low level paladin whom I had been
helping out like I mentioned earlier in the top actually called me to the guild where you left all your stuff, and as a token
of appreciation for my help, let me have first pick on your stuff. THAT, is bad ass RP for a paladin. Well done Dorien!

When you got wanted the last time, and we fought it out for about a real life half-hour, that was cool. Good times.

Jammenon: Do you remember when we were ranking, and I rescued you from your angel that turned on you, twice? Do you
not remember me telling you not to conjure another one with me again because of that or I would leave? I didn't let
you conjure them with me anymore because of that while we ranked from then on out. You didn't even act like it was
a big deal. From a RP stand point, a good, a fortress goodie at that, I would expect a lot more reflection from someone
that just got a paladin in a fight with an angel because of his own magic. Instead, you would scry me, argue with me,
loot my kills, etc. I really started to dislike you. After you started using all caps in tells, I started ignoring you.

Vozmuir: I don't remember exactly why you started being such an ass to me IC. I think it was in Hamsah when I was getting
on to you for attacking someone in town, and I tried to talk to you about the Law and you ignored me about it. So I talked
to veneroth about that and he threatened to kill me if I ever raised my hand to the light or something to that affect. You
never really had anything to say to me after that which wasn't insulting or disrespectful. You would even attack guildguards
in cities I had no jurisdiction in, which had no one in the guild, just to spite me. Later, you approach me admitting you
lied to me about your involvement in a crime, and you want redemption. So what do you do, you just flat out ignore any
future inquiries of other crimes you're involved in. Great goody RP...I'm the disgraceful paladin, right?

Veneroth: A paladin who won't admit to a crime, but will freely blame me for his death when his warrant gets him killed.
Spitting on another paladin does not exemplify the code, either, Ever. That's all I have to say to you.

Tairnaeth: When I came to the Fortress for the criminal inside, I was of the impression I would be escorting him
back to Galadon. He changed his mind. I never attacked him, or anyone else in the area. You chose to
wither me, you chose to Rot me. In my opinion you should lose empowerment and be kicked from the cabal.
I also have never played Fortess so maybe rotting paladins at the Tara'Bal is like beserkers gangingin the ruins.

Vallinane: I don't have too much to say. I tried to help you out after Illanthos and I mended the rift I had with the
fortress. Get you the scrolls and what not. I would approach you with issues regarding other members since
I figured you for some form of leadership. Didn't interact with you too much.

Illanthos: Well, I know from this character and Lindu that you know quite a bit about the game. Honestly, only because
of Marcatis did I really make a point to start talking to you. I really got a smart-ass attitude from you when I was having
issues with the Fortress, and I could come to you about a problem I thought was pretty serious and within five minutes you
would want to sit and have a chat with me about something totally different. In a jaw drop I would just be dumbfounded and
turn you away to deal with what I thought was a more serious issue for you, IC of course. OOC I have no idea how you do it.
I know I personally sent you tons of people to deal with, counsel or talk to. Even with Bojack, I think you and I played
to spectrums for him of very different angles to help him with redemption. We were a lot alike, yet different by extreme.

Furdyk/Twist: Dude, you sounded like a human/forum poster in a dwarf suit. Firstly, thusly, so forth, an such. I think
I said something opinionated to you once about my not traveling with the Fortress in the guild one time and you started
unloading these Points on me. You had asked me something and were continuing to tell me things before I could even finish
answering you or something like that. I don't entirely remember the specifics but I do recall that I was getting the idea
you had a lot more to say than you wanted to hear. I probably just ignored you for that.

I know I missed a bunch but 374hrs is a long character for me, sorry


I've played a lot of Outlanders, so I understand where you're powerful, where you're not, etc. People like Onya telling
me that I am being un-paladinly by waiting to snipe someone because I won't walk into the forest area, bleh. I thought I
spent a lot of hours online in camo myself, but geez, just a sour taste. Some of you guys would not give me a fight, EVER,
unless you were in groups of 3-5. Then have the nerve to talk shit, and wonder why I would ignore you all the time. Also,
when Outlanders are retrieving, why are Outlander Imms/Leaders not stepping up and reprimanding their members for resting
on the High Road? This is obviously an OOC mechanic to safely rest under City Protection while retrieving. Any of my Harbingers
or Nightreavers would have come down very harshly on outties for this. That being said, I think with my build and virtues,
I was a horrible match up for most outlanders. I could shrug off most ambushes if not counterstrikle them outright, most
of the time I couldn't be lagged, I knew a couple rooms in prosimy you can't flee from, and just all around gave everyone
a bad day. I can't blame you guys for ganging the shit out of me when you did, but considering I was the only people really
willing to bring you a fight or something to do with any regularity, it was rather uncalled for going out of your way to
end it. Have fun?

Nivaen, yes, I totally shieldbashed the hell out of you right before the 5 of you raided. That would have been the second
time I attacked someone in town. Meh, no one would believe you, and honestly I lost it in my prompt so I think I had a good
shot at playing it out if I was directly confronted about it by Marcatis. I think as an Outlander Akresius follower that
already said you wouldn't say anything about it, I had nothing to worry about it. The fact that you kept bringing it up
anyways to me, seemed very OOC though, your an outlander and you are that concerned that a Tribunal might have broken a LAW?
Seriously, stick to your RP and stop worrying about mine. Maybe if you weren't sending me so many tells from camo I might have
been more responsive, I just lost patience for you and decided to ignore you as soon as you logged on. I remember you started
sending me notes and I told you I was deleting your notes as soon as you sent them too, because I have no respect for what
you have to say. IC, this was exactly how I felt. OOC I don't feel nearly as oppositional, but if I am ignoring you, or
anyone else, don't write a note. I never did read them anyways.

Foratha: I didn't like you. You used the Galadon guild a lot, if I was my old Nightreaver and found out, I would totally boot
you for that, in a heart beat. You would be lucky if I didn't kill you too. That's bullshit, through and through. You spent
way too much time in Galadon talking smack to people. We had a couple decent fights, but honestly it's when certain prots
were down and I was just plum low on mana. Most of our interactions were you lashing me from behind a group, which is
understandable. Once I got you in your group, once I got you with Arngrum. Rarely you ever gave me a solo fight, rarely. Meh

Yindathos: I got you way too many times, so many that I was purposefully trying to not look for you. It really left a sour
taste for me though when you started demanding explainations for why I would kill you. Especially when we had the fetish
and you were in the next area to Galadon. Or that you would complain to Yantha I am ignoring you and you can't report a crime.
Seriously? wtf is that? You're going to asking me what kind of vegetables I like today and think I'm not going to ignore
you? Maybe that chaotic funny works for your cabal mates, but not for orderly characters. Not for mine. Don't get me wrong,
I've had plenty of Outties that would eat that right up, but Fzoarn is not the characters to sit and have a drink with
your druid. You are a rebel, you are the enemy. You harbor fugitives and further the destruction civilisation. No, I don't
want to talk to you.

There's more, but these ones stick out to me, the rest are either bleh, or I forgot entirely. Mostly bleh


Things have definately changed. There's a multitude of logs I've posted that back in the day would have either gotten
people kicked out instantly, or had people taken to the circle instantly. Maybe it's lack of leadership, or just
generaly apathy, who knows.

Courage doesn't entail stepping out of the village, yelling coward, and running back into the village. Nor does it entail
eyejabbing and fleeing. Or does it entail knifing someone who's gushing while fighitng someone else. I don't understand why
vilage assassins spend half their life following me around when there are always mage classes in pk range on. I don't understand
why it's ok for villagers to break into non-mage guilds because they have a grievance. I don't understand why it's ok
for villagers to kill non-mage tribunals because of a grievance towards another non-mage tribunal. I also don't understand
why it's ok for these same villager/s to send OOC notes accusing the character of the player and not get denied. Meh

Lohakahn: I full looted you three times, and if you ever fell in Galadon in again, I had an alias set up to order
my lieutenants to get all corpse, release lieutants/call lieutentants, get all corpse/release, Just for you.

Djetmai: I think you stole a sword I held onto for about 250-300hrs, I lost it once and got it back. Had a lot of
sentimental value. You also hopped into a couple fights I didn't think you were going to get involved in. Because
of that I figured you just had an issue with me and if you approached me out of town, I would attack you on sight
simply because I knew you were about to move on my aggressively. OOC I thought you were just being a thief, and
that's cool, IC I had to protect myself, rightfully so. Nice char, tough for a thief. When I took the angels wing
edge, you started dropping weapons.

Iepnier: I dunno. At first I kinda liked you, but then I didn't. You talked about honor, but then you looted a sword
from my corpse (which you gave back) You gave me a fight and the only thing you did was spam critical hit. You "never"
gave me a fight again. Maybe if you would have kans'd it woulda went differently. You realise all my power was in my
shield? Trying to assassinate me while sparring with villagers in the arena was pretty jacked up. Bad politics. Between
counterstrike and divine insight, and templars vigilance, I don't think you would have "EVER" been able to assassinate
me. Ever. That was one of the last things on my mind.

Zasmos: You talked a lot of smack to me, but forget that I beat the crap out of you in the arena. You never gave me
much of a fight.

Salyeris: Another talker. You would talk smack to me for wording to heal my mana, but would flee 50 times a minute when
we fought. That's kind of the same thing. It was obvious to me you couldn't really fight at all, but for rp reasons didn't
want to just hot foot it, I get it. The flee every other round and burn off my mana is a good way to drag it out and get
me to just give up. Not very village'y in my opinion but then again, my opinion is admittedly very different that most
everyone else. At least I am entitled to it.

Atracius: Once I picked up the str/dex gear I needed, I gave up about 100hps doing it but yes, I had your number. The hard
part was trying to get you to a place I could finish you at but not put myself in a situation I couldn't get out of. I
remember you were just as active as I during the New Years (Still Sober Since December) so I know you have some highly
honed skills. I've been watching you for a while and really really wanted to close a warrant on you. Well done on several
occassions and you have my empathy for *expletive* stealing your glory.

Forget a few? Sorry


Didn't interact with Empire really, at all. I think all of my kills against you guys just
happened to be because I noticed you around and said hey, evil! DIE!!

Eleagra: I think you're a fair weather player. Bash spam didn't work to well either, did it?

Liudan: You got fragged twice by me, and I kinda feel bad. Wrong place, wrong time. Sucks being
a duergar sometimes and I just couldn't *not* follow you if I saw you heading in a direction.

Seisorald: I have a log somewhere of Veneroth and I summoning you out of the Palace and permalagging
you with shieldbash. Couldn't have gone better. I noticed later in the log that you had Vallinane's
bindings on you, dumb luck. Good timing on Veneroth and I both happening there at the same time just
looking around.

Otuerghad: Audasity. You get Emperor, and go and break the law in the Galadon MS. Nicely done. There was
a nuance of Tribunal I wasn't too familiar with that I later figured out, and apologized to you about
personally. However, your little fit about me not warranting goodes was really uncalled for when you got
wanted. I would have to ask for stats, but I bet I flagged more goodies than evils, or close to it. I
pursued every case I thought I had enough evidence to do so. Personally, I wished you would not hide so
much in my jurisdictions just to get Fort to attack you so I COULD flag them. God I wanted a reason OOC
to nail some of those guys, you just have no idea.


I'm of the school of thought that generally doesn't like nexus. I haven't had a nexun since they were where
Azuremain is. I just can't get past the RP of it. My character's can't decide to forgive and forget just because
your nexan flip flops. Maybe that jives with your nexan, that doesn't jive with me. I tried to keep my distance
most of the time. Sometimes it might have appears to Battleragers that I was working with them, but for the most
part I was not. If I saw a criminal, I went after them. If nexans were raiding, or you as a criminal were raiding
nexus, well that's just too bad, I'm coming.

I don't really have anything too personal for anyone here. Solec, bad luck wording to Galadon wanted, right into
shield bash and lieutenants while convulsing. Lucky day for me. At least you got all your 300 gold or whatever
it was while I was still in lag. Rich bastard


Whiysdan: I gotta admit, rescuing a criminal out of combat on Eastern Road of all places, weak. You must be
a decent Imm since a ton of people kinda flock your way. If you had spent any more amount of time in the Spire
than you did I probably would have done something detrimental to my health to be honest. IC you were trespassing
and my Code regarding respecting the Gods was the only thing keeping me from warranting and attacking you for
intrusion. It wasn't going to last long though, but thanks for at least showing up in good faith and inadvertantly
apologizing. I appreciate it.

Krunk: I'm sorry I never gave you the fight on terms you wanted, but that's not something I am going to do, Ever.
You would spinebreak, drink to full heal, and want me to hang out with champ stand down... I don't think so. After
Lindu lost half his set to war banner, I am not taking any risks with orcs. I'll fight any orc or group of orcs all
day long but the last thing I am going to do is eat bashes that are laggining me. You can complain about it in tells
if you want, I don't really care. My class is going to use the abilities granted to it just as yours will, that's all
there is to it.

Kragg: Our fight in the sewers must have been the first time you fought a shield paladin. I don't think you realised
that I can negate some of your bash lag. You weren't too happy but hey, I didn't loot anything at least.

Um.. Alston/Pro

I've come across you with your character Theollander, and I guess Vallerius.

Firstly, I would like to correct you regarding Vallerius as you have misrepresented our interaction.

I logged into the mud, and there you sit smiling at me. You said to me that you have been waiting for me,
and start pulling all this armor out of your bag. I'm already suspicious because I have never met you
and have no idea who the hell you are. You show me this shopping bag of armor you have ready for me to start
cleansing for you. To me IC, I see a paladin that is storing evil tainted armor, OOC I see some d-bag that
is storing evil tainted armor waiting for a hero pally he knows plays a lot to log in. As per my Code, as per my
role "Holy Ordained Codex of Marcatis" evil tainted items that cannot be cleansed should be destroyed. I told you
that I felt if you had not the means yourself to cleanse the items you should destroy them. It was selfish to
carry them around like that. You start getting an attitude with me, and tell me how I am a bad paladin. I recall
you actually telling me that when you get to my age you are going to duel me. I even sent up a pray that you were
threatening to kill me for not cleansing the armor for you.

This brings me to Theollander, your wood-elf. I recall this character yelling through the area at Fzoarn, AND Lindu,
on two seperate occasions on how you have spoken with An Immortal and I won't recieve my blessings because I won't
leave an area where you're ranking or something like that. Didn't I kill Theollander with Fzoarn when he was wanted?
I believe so, I even got Imm Experience for adding it into my role about it. Then you attacked me after that and killed
yourself to trip lag, didn't you?

Before you start slighting people and calling someone a douchebag, stop taking yourself so seriously and actually hero
a character first. As I recall you were telling a paladin with a leader position, two virtues, full empowerment, that he
is a douchebag and a bad paladin for thinking you are selfish because you are storing evil tainted gear. Right.

The growing population of people with a mentality like you, svirf rager, jalim, and just the overall griefer attitude
of folks that are so beat down emotionally the only way they can feel better about themselves is to try constantly to
beat down the next guy for the entertainment of the anonymous mass, is why this is my last character for probably a very
long time.

Maybe this was my best, I don't think so personally. Definately my longest. I think Aunkdunell or Crendal were
better than Fzoarn, personally, and much more heavily rewarded. As for a first hero goodie, first hero paladin,
first marcatis follower, yada yada, I guess I did ok. Marcatis is a hard follow, used a lot of words I didn't want
to have to dictionary, and losing my role entries really put a hamper on that aspect of my character. Honestly it killed
that motivation.

When I newbie channeled that it had happened, an Imm replied that I can put back in, but don't worry you don't lose your
Imm exp.. I was kinda pissed on the inside. Maybe my priorities are different, Imm Exp is cool and all, but losing all that
info I was basing really screwed me over. I don't blame anyone for it, I just don't like that it happened.

All in all, obviously I loved the character, I dreamed it when I slept, (yes I slept sometimes) and without the ignore
command I could never have lasted this long. Unfortunately it has become painfully obvious I am not wanted here nor
there, not welcome, not appreciated, and as the staff have gotten extremely laxidasical in enforcement, the playerbase
or at least a growing portion of it have become increasingly unbearable to deal with. I took some old ps3 games back
and paid 1.97 on a trade in for Skyrim, and loving it. Sobriety is awesome too, three months now. You would be amazed
how much money you save when it's not going getting smoked or drank. Yay me.

Subject Author Views Posted

Who played Fzoarn?

BlackFire 679 February 15, 2012 05:52AM

Rogue did, and here's his goodbye.

vladamir 577 February 16, 2012 08:21PM

Since it sounds like you think I might have been talking about you

daurwyn(VIP) 511 February 17, 2012 01:44PM

I wouldn't say "most"

Splntrd 495 February 19, 2012 07:24AM

If Rogue is implying something about Elanya because of her 0 virtues

starbright 541 February 17, 2012 07:12AM

I lolled at this. (n/t)

DurNominator(VIP) 380 February 17, 2012 10:59AM

Reminds me on Lerimos never asking for a leader weapon :( Kasty just forgot (n/t)

hopelessdwarf 413 February 17, 2012 09:37AM

Not a lot I disagree with in his post.

The Forsaken(VIP) 413 February 17, 2012 05:32AM

"Everyone here"

Splntrd 425 February 19, 2012 07:28AM

I consider him delusional on the level of funnyone

vortexmagus 530 February 17, 2012 11:43AM

Oh he's right about plenty of things. Doesn't take away from the fact he's a lunatic, though.

Coumidin 466 February 17, 2012 11:39AM

I kinda hated Fzoarn IC. That's when I didn't know it was Rogue. NT

Sam 458 February 17, 2012 06:27AM

My bad experiences

starbright 495 February 17, 2012 07:20AM


rotnac_doraj 552 February 17, 2012 07:38AM

I have got nothing against Rogue, so here's an exercise for you.

starbright 560 February 17, 2012 08:01AM

Something else to add

bloodmoon 418 March 01, 2012 07:40AM

Exceptional Post!

thinhallen 389 February 17, 2012 06:59PM

extra correction

Quas 482 February 17, 2012 07:50AM

Of any immortal, I'd guess Marcatis to least likely give to the undeserving. (n/t)

Matrik 388 February 17, 2012 07:54AM

Have you seen some of the characters he keeps in position in the Tribunal? nt

crafteddeception 392 February 17, 2012 10:35AM

No, but I'm not really interested in your judgement of any characters. (n/t)

Matrik 431 February 17, 2012 10:36AM

That doesnt mean that your statement isnt false. Marcatis is rather easy.

crafteddeception 438 February 17, 2012 10:51AM

None of the immortals are hard.

Matrik 438 February 17, 2012 11:08AM

I'm hard

HairyOrangutan 466 February 17, 2012 11:33AM

No what my mom said.

Matrik 420 February 17, 2012 12:02PM

I'm sure marcatis is a nice enough guy.

vortexmagus 525 February 17, 2012 08:13AM

I suspect Marcatis is on more than any other imm but Raybaer.

The Forsaken(VIP) 434 February 17, 2012 08:53AM

He does play from work...

zandorix 412 February 18, 2012 05:22AM

I doubt that. Didn't Zulghinlour say once he just leaves his imm logged in even when hes not there? (n/t)

Gaplemo 267 February 21, 2012 07:32AM

TF excluded Raybaer from the Imm gorpu of his statement. (n/t)

DurNominator(VIP) 371 February 18, 2012 06:07AM

+1 n/t

Forsooth 424 February 17, 2012 07:25AM

Jeez, and I thought Jindicho's goodbye was long. NT

Sam 433 February 17, 2012 04:36AM

About you attacking me...

zandorix 502 February 17, 2012 02:26AM

Want to call attention to this right here.

Sam 471 February 17, 2012 04:38AM

Its just a game, don't make a fetish from it, don't live inside, whole rest of things from CF summary less then one easiest RL problem nt

zanzarin 445 February 17, 2012 12:11AM

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like? (n/t)

Artificial 478 February 17, 2012 12:37AM

Daw, you two have joined the Engurd fan club too?! Welcome! (n/t)

Matrik 389 February 17, 2012 06:32AM

When do I get my complimentary tiny iron dagger? (n/t)

Artificial 451 February 17, 2012 11:32AM

Entry-level members get a tiny pyrite dagger (n/t)

HairyOrangutan 422 February 17, 2012 11:34AM

Your goodbye just made you look worse than I thought you were. And yes, I avoided you like the plague for about 80ish hours of Foratha's life.

deriveh 514 February 16, 2012 11:05PM

Wow, I've read about 60% of that shit

alex 440 February 16, 2012 10:16PM

Things get tough go OOC, yet again :)

crafteddeception 544 February 16, 2012 09:32PM

Fucking sickening is all I have to say. No role and 2 virtues. Lolz. Marcatis really wants Tribunal back in power. n/t

Jerrokrar 451 February 16, 2012 09:19PM

....Did you actually read the whole thing?

vladamir 489 February 16, 2012 10:32PM

Honestly Vlad. . . who can be fucked to read that garbage. After I read how he justified full-looting lowbies, I stopped reading :) n/t

Jerrokrar 440 February 18, 2012 07:38AM

+ 1 (n/t)

NbM(VIP) 443 February 18, 2012 07:40AM

If you didn't read it, you might not want to respond to it. You just sound dumb. (n/t)

vladamir 283 February 18, 2012 10:29AM

Excuse me, Jerrokrar can speed read that whole thing in 3 seconds. He just has a much higher level of reading comprehension than you, which makes his comments look retarded to lesser mortals such as we. (n/t)

Artificial 387 February 16, 2012 11:48PM

Oh my sincere apologies then. Carry on. (n/t)

vladamir 431 February 16, 2012 11:52PM

ugh I read this whole post. I don't know what to do now. (n/t)

subov 403 February 16, 2012 08:54PM

Holy shit, I had a much better opinion of this character before his goodbye.

vortexmagus 479 February 16, 2012 08:44PM

Sorry meant for above n/t

hug 446 February 17, 2012 04:28AM

Couldn't have been Pro

HairyOrangutan 418 February 16, 2012 04:00AM

My vote is on Alston as he always acts the same way on the forums.

tesline 466 February 16, 2012 02:59AM

I doubt it's Pro.

Java 468 February 16, 2012 03:58AM

Fine. Enough already. Stop guessing. I returned to CF and had fun with my first trib since Farnsworth. Get over it. (n/t)

alansmithee 408 February 15, 2012 04:20PM

Lies! (n/t)

abernyte 415 February 16, 2012 11:49AM

Is this Bizarro world? (n/t)

Jib 377 February 15, 2012 08:21PM

Considering Daevryn's comment, and your resume... I'd say quit trolling =P

TripHitNdip 488 February 15, 2012 05:43PM

Bitter old man role play "Fuck you!" two virtue's, and elanya had none? (n/t)

funnyone 368 February 15, 2012 04:40PM

Was a fun run

crafteddeception 561 February 15, 2012 01:53PM

did you really play Fzoarn? n/t

zandorix 445 February 15, 2012 02:46PM

Admirable troll sir. Well played.

jalim 560 February 15, 2012 02:10PM

At this point I'm 99% sure it was Rogue. Who's on this page? (n/t)

wrathpuppet 452 February 15, 2012 01:46PM

Probably Rogue. But that's just Graatch's Alt. nt

Isildur(VIP) 426 February 16, 2012 03:26AM

rogue or robdarken is my vote (n/t)

Quas 418 February 16, 2012 01:46AM

I'm with you. All the tactics scream of Rogue. Particularly the cheap summoning of mobs crap. n/t

Jerrokrar 493 February 15, 2012 06:06PM

My vote was Rogue, and I didn't know alot of Fzoan, except hearing conversations between him and others in the same room. (n/t)

funnyone 435 February 15, 2012 04:03PM

If funnyone and I agree on something it's automatically true. (n/t)

wrathpuppet 433 February 15, 2012 04:32PM

Stevers. n/t

jalim 437 February 15, 2012 12:40PM

What's funny is I think there is already Fzoarn 2.0 roaming around in elf form. (n/t)

ORB 377 February 15, 2012 12:20PM

Through detailed research and analysis, I've determined the following statement to be true: If a character deletes, it was played by legobelt. (n/t)

paulstrack 421 February 15, 2012 10:29AM

This is true.

legobelt 467 February 15, 2012 10:38AM

Except Fzoarn lasted longer than 48 hours of playtime NT

Quixotic 433 February 15, 2012 11:52AM


legobelt 526 February 15, 2012 11:59AM

Insert front kick into bottomless pit of despair nt

undead_irish 421 February 15, 2012 10:51AM

Whoever it was, I was shocked that they got 2 virtues (n/t)

hopelessdwarf 385 February 15, 2012 10:08AM

My guess was rogue.nt

BlackFire 411 February 15, 2012 09:26AM

My guess is also Rogue. (n/t)

DurNominator(VIP) 414 February 15, 2012 04:22PM

It was definitely either Rogue or Pro. NT

Sam 404 February 15, 2012 09:35AM

Isn't rogue banned here again? If so could he have posted those fzoarn logs? N/T

zandorix 409 February 15, 2012 09:52AM

I dont really keep up on whose banned sorry. nt

BlackFire 429 February 15, 2012 10:45AM

Either Rogue, Funnyone, or Pro. I couldn't fathom it being somebody else. (n/t)

EntropyGnome 487 February 15, 2012 09:07AM

I think it's Funnyone--he replied in support of many of the logs "Fzoarn" posted (n/t)

zen 451 February 15, 2012 01:41PM

Yes, it's me, and my play style of a one move character. I did not play that bore of a character. I admit my characters. Guess again. (n/t)

funnyone 477 February 15, 2012 03:56PM

My guess is whoever Alston is on the official forums. Or legobelt or funnyone. Hell they might all be the same person. ~

_Magus_ 514 February 15, 2012 08:51AM

O.o (n/t)

legobelt 470 February 15, 2012 10:24AM

Re: O.o

Quixotic 546 February 15, 2012 11:58AM

"hell they might all be the same person"- hahaha n/t

zandorix 395 February 15, 2012 10:06AM

It wasn't Pro (Alston)

wrathpuppet 451 February 15, 2012 09:49AM

That was just a misdirection

HairyOrangutan 529 February 15, 2012 01:42PM

This post by Alston is what began my suspicion:

_Magus_ 508 February 15, 2012 09:27AM

I don't think that Pro would say things like 'Fuck you' or 'What the fuck' IC. (n/t)

DurNominator(VIP) 443 February 15, 2012 09:08AM

You are probably right in that regard. Rogue or Funnyone though? Easily possible. (n/t)

EntropyGnome 435 February 15, 2012 09:13AM

I dont cuss. Although, there are alot of characters right now that do. (n/t)

funnyone 474 February 15, 2012 03:59PM

Pro n/t

kadsuane 486 February 15, 2012 08:57AM

Was it funnyone? N/T

zandorix 409 February 15, 2012 08:29AM

You can be sure Funnyone and Jerrokrar will never play goodies. (n/t)

Matrik 449 February 15, 2012 08:50AM

funnyone fully admits he can't compete at hero so if its a hero its not funnyone (n/t)

Quas 435 February 16, 2012 01:47AM

Yes, that's what I said. Stay off the weed. You aren't the sharpest tool in the shed. (n/t)

funnyone 411 February 16, 2012 12:50PM

Good thing he is a mace spec (n/t)

Matrik 438 February 16, 2012 12:51PM


NbM(VIP) 447 February 16, 2012 02:27PM

I've played many "Goodies" and am playing one right now. The thinking some of you have just makes me laugh. (n/t)

funnyone 428 February 15, 2012 04:06PM

Jerrokrar's played multiple in the past. nt

Isildur(VIP) 420 February 15, 2012 08:59AM

Including Kegren. GOD that character was shit. NT

Sam 388 February 15, 2012 09:34AM

Delalken or whatever. *groansauce* (n/t)

HairyOrangutan 475 February 15, 2012 01:46PM

Ilvakihj as Captain wasn't bad. n/t

Jerrokrar 441 February 15, 2012 06:07PM

Ilvakihj wasn't too bad, I kinda liked him.

deriveh 507 February 16, 2012 11:22AM

Abruham rinkin (n/t)

Matrik 300 February 16, 2012 11:26AM

I'm fairly 100% certain Jerrokrar is playing someone else.

TripHitNdip 453 February 15, 2012 09:11AM

Me too. (n/t)

wrathpuppet 422 February 15, 2012 09:15AM

Based on my years of research in customer service and customer relations, I can tell you I know who it was. However, I also know that telling you would be a mistake. (n/t)

Matrik 474 February 15, 2012 07:05AM

I am Spartacus. (n/t)

Artificial 434 February 15, 2012 06:45AM

I am Spartacus... n/t

Jiijjustan 479 February 16, 2012 08:30AM

I'm the real slim shady.

vortexmagus 475 February 15, 2012 06:44AM

It was me, but I was pretending to be the forsaken the whole time, hence the confusion.

bell 486 February 15, 2012 06:43AM


The Forsaken(VIP) 555 February 15, 2012 06:10AM

You all only hated me because I was beautiful. NT

Batman 415 February 15, 2012 06:02AM

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