You might want to proofread next time.

November 10, 2016 11:35AM
And then have someone else proofread.
Subject Author Posted

1st 100 days

NbM(VIP) November 10, 2016 06:31AM

honestly, not a bad list. (didn't vote for dumpy) nt

The Forsaken(VIP) November 12, 2016 08:45AM

Fun fact: In 2010, Democrats tried to pass a campaign financing transparency law

vortexmagus November 11, 2016 07:36AM

This is politics at its best.

Doof November 11, 2016 07:51AM

Double posted, ignore this one n/t (n/t)

vortexmagus November 11, 2016 07:57AM

Well, I think we don't share some base assumptions

vortexmagus November 11, 2016 07:57AM

The problem is it's become an us vs them, instead of us + them = good for all.

Sam November 11, 2016 08:11AM

Right, but then the question becomes, a mediocre bureaucrat in Washington D.C. more corrupt than a billionaire wall street insider?

vortexmagus November 11, 2016 08:37AM

To be fair

Kstatida November 11, 2016 09:22AM

Then you'll find that the life is not fair, then you'll find that everyone is corrupt

dhargor November 11, 2016 09:01AM

This is.... beautiful. Everything we could have hoped for. LONG LIVE THE GOD EMPEROR! (n/t)

Rhyaldrin November 10, 2016 04:48PM

This is pretty fantastic. (n/t)

Jib November 10, 2016 10:04AM

I bet he goes with the first half

Kstatida November 10, 2016 08:17AM

It's just so.... bleh

torak(VIP) November 10, 2016 07:41AM

Yeah I hate when people use the term "clean coal." But at the same time you should not get to bitch about other people being in denial of climate change.

Frosty November 10, 2016 10:50AM

Well, I'm on the order list for a Tesla roof+pack+car ;) that count? (n/t)

torak(VIP) November 10, 2016 11:58AM

It certainly helps. :) I should specify that I wasn't trying to single you out,

Frosty November 10, 2016 12:14PM

What do you mean 'you people' ? :P (n/t)

Demtok November 10, 2016 12:35PM

You do realize I didn't say that, right?

Frosty November 10, 2016 12:39PM

Not really

Kstatida November 10, 2016 12:09PM

Hey, gotta break a few eggs to make a cold fusion omelette

Demtok November 10, 2016 12:10PM

It would be pretty neat to drive and charge during the day with a solar roof

Demtok November 10, 2016 12:03PM

I dunno if you know this, but the entire earth shares the same atmosphere.

Demtok November 10, 2016 11:00AM

I'll just leave this here

Kstatida November 10, 2016 11:25AM

Point being? (n/t)

Demtok November 10, 2016 11:40AM

Collecting dust (n/t)

Kstatida November 10, 2016 11:49AM

You basically repeated, with different words, what I said with my last two comments. Thank you? ;)

Frosty November 10, 2016 11:04AM

And what I was pointing out is Torak's not wrong, but it makes no sense to chastise him for being 'apart of a problem'

Demtok November 10, 2016 11:08AM

I didn't chastise, and it was not for being "apart of a problem" but rather "a part of the problem."

Frosty November 10, 2016 11:12AM

See, only Vegans living on Mars escape your idea. (n/t)

Demtok November 10, 2016 11:15AM

MY idea? wut? Splain.

Frosty November 10, 2016 11:25AM

That people are not allowed to complain about global warming unless they have no carbon footprint (n/t)

Demtok November 10, 2016 11:28AM

1) Not MY idea. 2) I never mentioned carbon footprint.

Frosty November 10, 2016 11:35AM

You do realize what the C in CO2 stands for, right? (n/t)

Demtok November 10, 2016 11:43AM

You do realize the C in CO2 stands for candy, right?

Frosty November 10, 2016 12:10PM

He didn't say that

Kstatida November 10, 2016 11:30AM

You might want to proofread next time.

Demtok November 10, 2016 11:35AM

Still, he didn't say what you implied (n/t)

Kstatida November 10, 2016 11:46AM

That bitching about climate change deniers isn't allowed unless you're Captain Planet? (n/t)

Demtok November 10, 2016 11:52AM

Ok I've read him once again

Kstatida November 10, 2016 11:55AM

exactly my point, thank you

Demtok November 10, 2016 11:59AM

I still didn't say what you implied. (n/t)

Frosty November 10, 2016 12:11PM

I just saw it as you jumping down Torak's throat about a simple statement about a climate denying president (n/t)

Demtok November 10, 2016 12:40PM

You realize you already said this, right?

Frosty November 10, 2016 01:00PM

He's right on that one

Kstatida November 10, 2016 08:19AM

Yup. Everyone needs to be on board for it to work. Someone wants to tell china to cut their emissions in half? Good luck with that. (n/t)

Frosty November 10, 2016 10:54AM

You mean, we can't just create a little clean air bubble over our area?

Jib November 10, 2016 12:14PM

By the way, a little inside insight for you guys

Kstatida November 10, 2016 10:12PM

Also, you can do lots of other nifty things like sell alternative energy goods and services both domestically and internationally...

Jib November 11, 2016 08:35AM

Well aware that's what is SUPPOSED to happen, but not always what actually does happen.

Frosty November 11, 2016 08:07AM

I actually agree with all his "Washington" stuff (such as term limits for congress, moratorium for lobbying, etc). Some of the other stuff is kinda meh. NT

Sam November 10, 2016 07:16AM

This seems oddly familiar

Demtok November 10, 2016 07:13AM

+1 A perfect 5/7 (n/t)

Bryntor November 10, 2016 06:45AM

Non possible, that means he is the deadman or something n/t

dhargor November 10, 2016 06:37AM

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