so basically there are like 10 american farmers in the entire country

June 20, 2010 04:00AM
and the rest of the farmers are mexican illegals.

I guess from that perspective you're right, our taxpayer money is going to rich americans and passing straight by the poor mexicans who actually do the grunt work.

Two things.

First off all, even with the tax breaks and subisides, starting a farm enterprise is expensive as hell. You need a huge plot of land, tons of extremely expensive equipment, seed crop, fertilizer, a reliable source of water, and a couple of years while you wait for your plants to mature. And I know I'm oversimplifying the process a lot. Thus, if you wish to start a -new- farm in the United States, you need to be fairly rich, even if you get a good set of loans. Or you could buy a farm currently in existence, which is also a fairly expensive process and generally beyond the reach of an average middle-class American. The only other way to become a farmer is to inherit a farm and work from there.

This means that a substantial portion of our farmland is owned by... wait for it... rich people. Who thus receive the tax breaks and subsidies, whilst hiring others to manage their land for them. Quite frankly, I'm not particularly surprised. The problem lies primarily within the mishmash of conflicting interests represented by our tax code, not the rich people who hire teams of accountants to take advantage of it.
Subject Author Posted

Rich people suck

HairyOrangutan June 17, 2010 09:06AM

And yet 99% of us desire to be rich. How do we explain that?

Sam June 18, 2010 11:03PM

Re: Rich people suck

Death_Claw June 18, 2010 08:27AM

Old News.

vortexmagus June 17, 2010 02:04PM

Uh. I believe the article stated that the money (supposed to go to farmers) wasn't. (n/t)

BattleCharmed June 17, 2010 06:43PM

It does go to farmers. Some farmers happen to be wealthier than others, thats all~ (n/t)

vortexmagus June 17, 2010 07:27PM

To be a farmer, you must actually work the land. Not just own it. (n/t)

BattleCharmed June 19, 2010 06:55AM

so basically there are like 10 american farmers in the entire country

vortexmagus June 20, 2010 04:00AM

That's funny considering a certain CFer who owns farm land and just got a check like this (n/t)

torak June 17, 2010 12:44PM

So do haters. nt

qurdind June 17, 2010 12:09PM

So does anyone who says "haters"

slimfast June 17, 2010 12:31PM

I Agree With This

wrathpuppet June 17, 2010 12:40PM

Re: I Agree With This

Death_Claw June 18, 2010 08:30AM

I don't hate the wealthy

wrathpuppet June 18, 2010 10:16AM

I hate tools with loud motorcycles

HairyOrangutan June 18, 2010 10:25AM

I have a fantasy

wrathpuppet June 18, 2010 11:28AM

Mine is to be a dominant in my social group.

Batman June 18, 2010 12:04PM

Okay, that one made me laugh good. For. Some. Reason. (n/t)

Jib June 18, 2010 01:36PM

"Why would you be mad at the people who work the system when they're not the ones who implement it?"

HairyOrangutan June 18, 2010 10:12AM

Re: So does anyone who says "haters"

RobDarken June 17, 2010 12:36PM

So, should I say, "So do people who hate people who are doing better in life than them." There ya go. nt

qurdind June 17, 2010 12:35PM

Yeah, because people with money ALWAYS work hard for it