I do not like the idea of limiting down a role contest as you are actually encouraging people to role alts and enter with whatever type of role you are requiring.
That being said, I could get over that if it did not seem like every limitation has been self serving recently.
Battle IMM - No mage entrants.
IMM Sphere Love - Love stories even though it was February and somewhat understand
When I played Maelreon (24 int half-drow warrior), I found that stab/artery were okay but found little use of underhand/hamstring/hurl. I suppose that duergar also have a bit better strength and con to take the abuse of dagger specs, so duergar could pull it off. Regardless, I don't think it is going to be a fun primary spec for most people without 24/25 dex.
Fairly competitive - able to kill and be killed, depending on how well you perform and RNG not screwing you over.
As far as builds,
Gnome Warrior - Sword/Whip Autumn/STSF
You have to realize with STSF that you will not be able to win the fight the first time, but you must be able to get out and heal. You must quaff reduce potions like crazy. You can switch out whip for something else,
Three on you gave you the fighting chance to get out. Two on you with one to the east to trip if you fled badly would have been wiser.
Why is the wood-elf using cranial instead of trip when a dwarf warrior is likely going to be wearing a metal helmet?
I mean it almost worked but I don't understand the tactics.
I believe the problem was something like the veil was thin and chaos was tipping and you went and assaulted a chaotic villager. The more recent cabal dogma has been that you can't fix the balance by fighting someone if they are on both sides. It does generally suck trying to keep it all straight though. I would like it a lot better if every time the balance changed it told you, especially
Cloud giants are vuln to wrath, which there are SO many weapons for. The only worse vulns are the iron/mithril vulns. There were a TON of times where wrath + deathblow = dead cloud sword in my try. The mino would be worth it just to not have that problem.
How recently have you had it?
My shapeshifter rankings go in tiers from watching others or having it.
Tier 1 - Keep: Eagle, Falcon
Tier 2 - Keep: Vulture
Tier 3 - Keep or Roll: Owl, Bat
Tier 4 - Roll: Hummingbird, Wasp
If you are rolling a vulture, you have 2/3's odds to not get a stronger form.
If you roll owl or bat, you have 2/3's odds to get an equal or better form.