You make good points, but I still wouldn't play a cloud warrior expecting to do great against ragers at hero right now.
I am also a weird one who isn't in love with dagger spec. I love spear, mace, whip, and sword though.
If you can point me to the PBF of someone who did it and did great I will believe you. I think it has potential with crashing/greeting, but as soon as they wield a no remove weapon you will have a hard time.
I played Brun recently, a cloud sword/pole gates/landslide. I did some testing, and with mediocre to okay gear I was getting about ~22% extra damage reduction with stone skin/iron skin/a
Incarnadine is just honestly kind of lackluster. *Edit: After some thought, I only see potential on a dexy sword build for the bleeding/dex.
Same general idea
fires/soul - with this build just set wimpy to 0 and gamble frequently.
Different idea
cry/chilling - wait for berserker to bloodthirst, time your cry to a full tick of haste to match them and pummel like crazy. I think you would
Strength 24
Intel 24
Wis 17
Dex 16
Con 17
Chr 12
The idea being an incredibly strong and intelligent race, but so utterly deformed that it is not healthy or agile.
This feels fairly balanced yet interesting. Any intelligence that is under 24 seems just useless. I want more STSF options out there. I want neutral STSF options that are not super gimped.
**** I have no idea why I have an incomplete log saved. I am a complete idiot in the log never trying to get my fire weapon removed and still am having no issues though
**** Sindrai - Have the rest of this log by chance?
With masterful precision, you parry a golden eagle's peck.
You yell 'Help! A golden eagle just attacked me!'
PROTECTED civilized <850/850h 485/594m 5
**** I am still struggling to see if I have a good air form log to show you, but this sort of show cases an arial sword ****
civilized <900/900h 548/604m 1017/1017v 11 PM>
The gate opens and you charge into the Arena grounds.
You are already visible.
A Massive Arena
This arena is seemingly carved from solid granite, forming a pit in the earth
where there was no earth to be