Especially when you clearly don't understand them.
If you, as a Maran, tell an Acolyte "Hey.. I need your help or I'll probably die", and the Acolyte doesn't help you.. they're probably being a bad Acolyte. That's obviously vague, but there are many many scenarios where you can force a person into doing something that isn't fun via RP restrictions. Goodi
You read every word. Probably twice. You just didn't like what it said, and had no way to refute it.
You live in a world of delusion and pretend not to see anything that interferes with your self image. It's pretty sad, dude.
When you start randomly capitalizing words, you're not calm. That's just a universal truth. Read your resposne a week from now and you'll agree.
But let me be clear - I don't "not like you". I don't know you. I couldn't name a single one of your characters besides these three consecutive ones (Eilela, Ellania, Jenaheim). Frankly, I don't particular
You seemed like you wanted to know why people disliked your character. I explained to you why I personally disliked your character.
Take the feedback, or discard it. That's up to you. But whatever you do, calm the hell down.
And as far as ME wanting to say no? I do. But it isn't me you're asking the question to.. it's my character. Would my character say "No, so
But I will say I had a good bit of interaction with all 3 of those characters as both. Mostly as an ally, but also a good bit as an enemy (we killed each other a combined like 10 times, I think). If you were to ask me the difference between the attitude/roleplay/personality of those three characters, I'm not sure I could say what it was. That isn't to say there wasn't a difference,
I mean, sure, even IC, Gnimos knows that the Wight was up to something nefarious. But (assuming there were other people in town), bystanders would absolutely think that Gnimos was being more than a little bit corrupt, breaking the law and basically being a hypocrit. Sounds like perfectly fine Entropy behavior to erode the trust in the Provost, by framing him for a crime he didn't do.
I'm telling you what the people in charge of the cabal have said about this. This isn't two valid opinions. It's one person stating factual information, and the other refusing to let go of his own misunderstanding.
You're dismissing my argument, which is based purely on the actual dogma of the cabal. Meanwhile, you're also dismissing the entire cabal because you think the players are.. I don't even know.
The fact remains, Thror himself made the exact same arguments that I'm making now. Let me summarize:
1. Parity is not even remotely close to the same thing as honor.
2. Parity is
You're taunting Villagers with "honor" because they believe in something that isn't even vaguely remotely related to honor?
And you're saying that taunt was successful because other players who were entirely uninvolved in the situation are telling you that you're an idiot? How does that even remotely make sense in your head?
The reason I brought up cupcakes
Graevnik should have shown cupcakes to you when he showed up, instead of bashing you. Too bad you were at the Village, where cupcakes aren't even something worth thinking about.
Two things to point back:
1. Either you or Leuoa definitely cared, because you made that dumb tell immediately after you died. and you left that tell in when you posted the log, when you snipped everything else o
Honor has absolutely nothing to do with the Village. Parity is NOT about honor. Ragers are not required to act "honorable" anywhere, ever, under any circumstances.
It doesn't matter WHY you were there. You were at the Village, fighting a Villager. There's no such thing as a dual at the Village. If you want to do that shit, do it somewhere else. Stalking someone at the Vill
The berserker, who was made Commander, walks in on a guy fighting a Villager AT THE VILLAGE, and does exactly what he is required to do: Defends the village. I don't know why you're winking, but I assume it's because you're dumb enough to think you're clever. But if you're fighting at an enemy cabal, you're an absolute idiot if you think people aren't going
You made a point of repeatedly saying you were intentionally corrupt. So maybe you didn't get "screwed over by Ishuli", after all?
In other words, stop with the weak-ass victim bullshit. Everything that happened to you was your own fault.
But nothing you did in this log even remotely makes any sense from someone who's been around as long as you.
Summoning mobs to the inner when you're not even prepped? Why? You aren't fighting people that are going to do AOE. What was your thought process here?
Faerie fire? I know you said in Discord that it was an alias mistake, but come on man..
Vampiric touch? Really? Yo
You full looted a ton of people as Dhaudeshia. Including me.
You full people. You get fulled. What the fuck else do you expect? If you can't take it, don't do it.
You need to pay attention to what they're doing to you, too.
That wasn't an "easy kill" on Kira's part. It was an easy "I can make my enemy run away". You just didn't run away when 90% of decent players would have. He was probably more surprised that you died in this fight than anyone.
It really doesn't happen as often as people say. But if the mummy spammed a couple commands, it'd work. Good mummys tend to have a ton of dam redux though, so you're hoping for a LOT of luck with fend, cause that'd take forever, especially if you skipped the marshal rally (which would definitely give the mummy a chance to run off).
Fend can really, really mess them up. Any except the truly elite mummys (and liches, if there ever is one), and you'll probably be the favorite with just marshal rally and fend spam.
I've also wondered about a pole spec with the drive legacy. Still need to find them in the right place at the right time (ie, no-recall area), but I could see it working.
Also worth noting, if their
People just decide to delete, and go out with a bang doing something stupid and fun, instead of deleting quietly in their guild.
The biggest exception is when you go back and realize you got full looted, then decide you don't want to play a game with a bunch of idiots that try to make the game less fun for everyone.
And no.. full looting someone and spreading their gear across a maze d
We're not asking if skilled players can be successful. That much is obvious to everyone but you. The question is whether the build is overpowered or broken.
Assuming you weren't lying about the circumstances, there's only one character I killed in the 20s that fits. The character is still active (I think), so I won't post the log or name the character name, but this is the equipment that I was wearing. My damage to you ranged from maims to eviscerates (with a MANGLE charge to start). For your unprotected merc, I was hitting around dism
Your own example disproves your point, but instead of providing evidence to support yourself you just keep making the same baseless assumptions of discrimination.
Here are some facts:
Kanlax was played by an ESL player.
Kanlax was one of the most rewarded players in recent memory.
Kanlax, like most RC winners, recieved a mediocre RC reward.
You don't like the phase wasp.
Do you ha
Tell me what the hell you're talking about and I will.
If you're the idiot that went on an OOC rant about bat, you definitely didn't have the protections you listed though.