Not as much as you'd think. TBH I've always been an RP guy. NT

June 07, 2010 07:46PM
Subject Author Views Posted

I wasn't going to post this, but Splntrd's post on officials made me change my mind.

LogFiend 770 June 07, 2010 08:48AM

You guys just need to drop this dead horse, GET OVER IT and don't do it again nt (n/t)

Zheeser 198 June 08, 2010 07:53PM

Imms have been complete dicks lately, the main reason why I quit the game. nt.

aussie13 278 June 07, 2010 09:25PM

Re: Imms have been complete dicks lately, the main reason why I quit the game. nt.

Bendak 369 June 08, 2010 03:35AM

You all forgot how much Valguarnera sucks. nt

Cosimo 229 June 07, 2010 09:05PM

Imms need to shake the sand out of their vaginas. I think they should just do a gecho and ask the players to send up a prayer doing a yae/nae re: orcfest (n/t)

kravidian 909 June 07, 2010 05:03PM

It's okay, my post was taken seriously.

Batman 292 June 07, 2010 05:06PM

SERIOUSLY, ATTN: Everyone needs to play for themselves, avoid the staff as much as possible and CF becomes golden again (n/t)

NbM 250 June 07, 2010 05:49PM

I've already been doing this and having an absolute blast with my current. Maybe my favorite char ever so far. NT

Sam 245 June 07, 2010 07:07PM

You're also on a PK roll. That always makes the day better, right? ~

_Magus_ 206 June 07, 2010 07:20PM

Not as much as you'd think. TBH I've always been an RP guy. NT

Sam 201 June 07, 2010 07:46PM

Orcfest, in terms of OOC, isn't any different than say, The Rites.

_Magus_ 360 June 07, 2010 12:27PM

Orcfest is great and I love the borderline rp. Really.

The Forsaken(VIP) 338 June 07, 2010 02:37PM

<3 nt

Batman 262 June 07, 2010 02:40PM

Re: Orcfest, in terms of OOC, isn't any different than say, The Rites.

Isildur(VIP) 356 June 07, 2010 02:04PM

Re: Orcfest, in terms of OOC, isn't any different than say, The Rites.

Death_Claw 298 June 07, 2010 03:45PM

Re: Orcfest, in terms of OOC, isn't any different than say, The Rites.

Isildur(VIP) 266 June 08, 2010 06:44AM

Let him who is without sin cast the first stone. NT

Batman 221 June 08, 2010 07:54AM

Re: Orcfest, in terms of OOC, isn't any different than say, The Rites.

Stevers 268 June 08, 2010 06:51AM

And even if people did roll up in response to that, it wouldn't be nearly as entertaining. (n/t)

Scrimbul 246 June 07, 2010 02:15PM

Bingo (n/t)

bell 238 June 07, 2010 01:10PM

I understand the point the Immortal is trying to make.

BattleCharmed 365 June 07, 2010 11:58AM


briartangle 329 June 07, 2010 12:12PM

What's wrong with roleplaying a chaotic stupid orc as a "retarded, attention-whoring moron"?

PaulO 276 June 07, 2010 02:06PM

Because Orcs aren't stupid or moronic. They just lack a higher intelligence. (n/t)

BattleCharmed 227 June 07, 2010 03:28PM

Dude chicks aren't not men they just lack dicks.

Starscream 295 June 07, 2010 03:46PM

Yeah, obese people aren't fat, they just lack skinnyness. NT

Batman 246 June 07, 2010 03:37PM

I don't see orcs as stupid at all. Just because a being has low intelligence...

BattleCharmed 282 June 07, 2010 12:19PM

The SC was posted yesterday in a log.

Stevers 335 June 07, 2010 10:39AM

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