That was 3 of my chars in that goodbye, you sure did live a long time!

April 15, 2012 02:42AM
Yeah, that cleave with Cawr was hilarious! I was totally stunned! And with Fjodir at the nightwalker... Ooh, I wish I had cursed as well. ;) You were so tough to pin down it was ridiculous.
And as Foratha I had tons of fun running with you.


1: Putting that many hours into Danntruso while still having Onya holding all that sweet ass gear just rubs me the wrong way. You say you had 2 hours/week, Danntruso was played way more than 2 hours/week. (I know since you and I have roughly the same online hours.) Poor form on that one. :( Really makes me thinks less of what would've been a truly awesome char.

2: Even as Foratha I was somewhat annoyed with you wording out or fleeing with like 500-800hps in every fight, the fights that were just a lost cause I get, but there were some you could've stayed, taken a chance and came out on top. ;) (Not like Foratha, Foratha was meant to be more of a balls to the walls.) but you were just way to conservative for my taste.
Subject Author Views Posted

Onya Stargaze: Goodbye's and thoughts. (Long)

K-B 551 April 14, 2012 11:50PM

: Onya Stargaze The one that got away, again and again and again and again :)

wishore 212 April 17, 2012 06:27AM

So you were Gleebrok and Mhag.

K-B 224 April 17, 2012 09:00AM

fantastic run

morocco 200 April 17, 2012 02:26AM

Thanks alot.

K-B 161 April 17, 2012 06:17AM

Just one question, I only ever had 1 interaction with you

Sugabear 279 April 15, 2012 08:24AM

Onya wasn't interested in fighting just to fight.

K-B 287 April 15, 2012 08:38AM

Loved Onya. One of my favourite characters to interact with.

BattleCharmed 181 April 15, 2012 05:46AM

Appreciated. I enjoyed it as well. nt

K-B 155 April 15, 2012 08:06AM

Zrrrrrrrrg. n/t

jalim 130 April 15, 2012 05:11AM

That was 3 of my chars in that goodbye, you sure did live a long time!

deriveh 187 April 15, 2012 02:42AM

It's funny how everyone thinks Danntruso took time from Onya...

K-B 217 April 15, 2012 08:34AM


Gaplemo 214 April 15, 2012 09:35PM

He had a role. He should be applauded for living to until Age-Death. Whine whine whine. nt nt

crafteddeception 136 April 15, 2012 09:39PM

You are an illiterate fool. None of what I said had anything to do with a role. (n/t)

Gaplemo 121 April 16, 2012 12:50AM

I'm sorry, what constitutes whining for you?

Artificial 175 April 15, 2012 09:47PM

Most of what Gaplemo posts.

crafteddeception 175 April 15, 2012 09:57PM

Yeah Nep seemed to love his I'm a giant pussy role. :P (n/t)

ORB 119 April 15, 2012 09:43PM

I think you read Nep's post wrong.

crafteddeception 178 April 15, 2012 09:55PM

Either way he was a big pussy. Of course I'm sure his outlander BFF's loved him. (n/t)

ORB 114 April 15, 2012 10:37PM

Lol. And the hater party continues.

K-B 213 April 16, 2012 11:00AM

Zaan and Pyrox only ones around during that time, and you wouldn't come out of the woods with Zaan around.

ORB 205 April 16, 2012 12:35PM

Typical situation. You hold the Scepter, me or me+somebody comes to reraid, you don't come, we continue and take fetish, you don't come. n/t

kostyan 145 April 15, 2012 01:17AM

Bullshit dude. I do not remember that at all.

K-B 233 April 15, 2012 08:04AM

Just ignore Kostyan like the rest of us. Life will become much more enjoyable. (n/t)

BattleCharmed 145 April 15, 2012 05:40PM

Sure sure, the truth hurts. Just close your eyes and go back to magic pony land. n/t

kostyan 126 April 15, 2012 08:47PM

I love magic pony land.

BattleCharmed 182 April 16, 2012 05:06AM

Don't hj the thread. I am more proud of backstabbing and anatheming you.

kostyan 244 April 16, 2012 05:30AM

Re: Sure sure, the truth hurts. Just close your eyes and go back to magic pony land. n/t

RobDarken 213 April 15, 2012 08:52PM

Definitely this. (n/t)

BattleCharmed 117 April 16, 2012 05:09AM

And I remember that clear. You never defended unless you had advantage aka 2 raiders 3 defenders. And thats lol. End of story. n/t

kostyan 136 April 15, 2012 08:08AM

Logs or it never happened. (n/t)

alansmithee 123 April 16, 2012 04:46AM

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