You'd be unborn children of the ashes actually, which is totally inferior to elf pretenders :) (n/t)

July 07, 2015 07:19AM
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Subject Author Posted

So where do you lunatics come down on the SCOTUS gay-marriage opinion? (n/t)

wrathpuppet June 28, 2015 04:09PM

I'd like to point out that tax benefits to marriage in general need to be abolished over time.

Scrimbul July 02, 2015 06:04PM

Further reiterate that polyamorous marriages are going to be addressed within the next 20 years, and those cannot be addressed without warping the economy unless you tax them as a pack of cohabiting singles, with or without kids.

Scrimbul July 02, 2015 06:14PM

I never understood the anti-polygamy sentiment in the US.

Rhyaldrin July 02, 2015 06:17PM

Such issues have pure antropogenic origins.

Kstatida July 02, 2015 10:13PM

Polygamy, much like prostitution, is perceived in the U.S. as covering up for crime, child or spousal abuse in most cases. Utah and Texas being the bad apples ruining it for non-puritanical or swinger partnerships.

Scrimbul July 02, 2015 06:18PM

I'd like to point out that taxes general need to be abolished over time.

Rhyaldrin July 02, 2015 06:14PM

As shitty as taxes are, I'd counter by saying nobody wants the government competing in private businesses, which is the alternative to taxation. (n/t)

Scrimbul July 02, 2015 06:15PM

They went the wrong way. Abolish all marriage was the correct answer.

Matrik July 02, 2015 09:53AM

I'm the blast-off bunny

MiyagiYojimbo July 02, 2015 04:51PM


The Faithful of Nazmorghul(VIP) July 02, 2015 11:47AM

He won't be there.

Matrik July 02, 2015 02:16PM

gLasS hOUses

Frosty July 02, 2015 03:39PM

Sorry, I don't speak youtube hipster.

Matrik July 02, 2015 05:58PM

I felt like listening to Rick Astley and therefore clicked. (n/t)

DurNominator(VIP) July 04, 2015 03:55AM

It's funny, you call me the hipster, and you say you don't speak youtube. Then you respond in youtube language.

Frosty July 02, 2015 05:59PM

It's funny, or ironic?

MiyagiYojimbo July 02, 2015 07:01PM

That depends, do you find irony funny? Some people do.

Frosty July 02, 2015 07:34PM

:) (n/t)

MiyagiYojimbo July 02, 2015 09:21PM

Was it Tyrone? (n/t)

Matrik July 02, 2015 07:48PM

I don't get it. (n/t)

Frosty July 02, 2015 07:59PM

I think you do. (n/t)

Matrik July 02, 2015 08:04PM

You've been wrong before.

Frosty July 02, 2015 08:23PM

Name one time. (n/t)

Matrik July 02, 2015 09:01PM

You said lumberjacks are stealthier than ninjas. (n/t)

MiyagiYojimbo July 02, 2015 10:00PM

Hilariously, in the real world they are :) (n/t)

Kstatida July 02, 2015 10:26PM

Now Matrik I can forgive, since he knows everything else

MiyagiYojimbo July 02, 2015 10:36PM

Ah, you people know nothing about lumberjacks

Kstatida July 02, 2015 11:17PM

That's not stealthy

MiyagiYojimbo July 02, 2015 11:24PM

Isn't it obvious that stealth of my knowledge on stealth is outstandingly unmatched?

Kstatida July 02, 2015 11:37PM

So you admit that your original post on the matter was factually incorrect

MiyagiYojimbo July 02, 2015 11:41PM

I merely state that your statement, namely "You know nothing about stealth." is completely and utterly not true.

Kstatida July 02, 2015 11:45PM

I made you lift the shroud of your own stealth knowledge

MiyagiYojimbo July 02, 2015 11:52PM

As expected from the kuji-in tonko sensei

Kstatida July 03, 2015 12:03AM


MiyagiYojimbo July 03, 2015 12:29AM

That sealed it

Kstatida July 03, 2015 12:32AM

They are. Keep trying. (n/t)

Matrik July 02, 2015 10:24PM

Hold on, let me ask Paul Bunyan

MiyagiYojimbo July 02, 2015 11:01PM

Re: Name one time.

Frosty July 02, 2015 09:43PM

Almost. You were so close. (n/t)

Matrik July 02, 2015 10:23PM

Oh my god, don't care, don't care, don't care.

Frosty July 02, 2015 10:46PM

3 of these guys live in the foyer of Frosty's lair. Guess which ones for a prize!

The Faithful of Nazmorghul(VIP) July 02, 2015 08:20PM

Great song. (n/t)

Matrik July 02, 2015 09:05PM

Neil Innes is one of those single-malt guys who had about .004% of the spotlight but had more fun than most.

The Faithful of Nazmorghul(VIP) July 05, 2015 07:52PM

I simply just don't care.

Nurok July 01, 2015 06:38AM


MiyagiYojimbo July 01, 2015 12:57PM

But...but...Jesus... (n/t)

Artificial July 01, 2015 09:21AM

Yeah, don't care about religion either. (n/t)

Nurok July 01, 2015 11:57AM

I'd really rather talk about something like the escalating tension between the USA/Russia, or the REAL issues still present in the middle east.

Kstatida July 01, 2015 06:43AM

we de-escalated russia vs US issues when Carrock bought Beront a keyboard (n/t)

jhyrbian July 01, 2015 08:08AM

You sure that isn't the other way around? :P (n/t)

Nurok July 01, 2015 08:10AM

Is Carrock even american? (n/t)

Kstatida July 01, 2015 09:40AM

Hahaha. That's a good one. nt

Sam July 01, 2015 09:01AM

Should have been done a while ago

Quas June 30, 2015 10:45AM

So does Congress pass an amendment now to explicitly ban homosex marriage?

Kstatida June 30, 2015 10:01AM

Having thought about this I've decided I'm in favour of stricter laws governing both marraige and the validity of sexual consent

Elystan June 30, 2015 03:33AM

Should be legal

daurwyn(VIP) June 29, 2015 07:03PM

The object of offense here is society, not people

Kstatida June 30, 2015 06:27AM

Yeah but whether or not people think it harms society

daurwyn(VIP) June 30, 2015 10:51PM

It's not "falling apart", but rather "becoming weaker"

Kstatida July 01, 2015 12:13AM

Re: their ties to other people are less strong

wrathpuppet July 01, 2015 03:08AM

Basicly, that's the main reason, yes

Kstatida July 01, 2015 06:26AM

With all due respect, go fuck yourself.

wrathpuppet July 01, 2015 07:04AM

That's is why I say "on average"

Kstatida July 01, 2015 07:13AM

Regarding "counter-scientific"

The Faithful of Nazmorghul(VIP) July 02, 2015 08:36PM

Re: Regarding "counter-scientific"

Kstatida July 02, 2015 10:03PM

In that context

The Faithful of Nazmorghul(VIP) July 05, 2015 08:09PM

Re: Carpentry

wrathpuppet July 01, 2015 07:28AM

You try to counter big numbers and statistics with examples, which is counterscientific

Kstatida July 01, 2015 09:46AM

Love is not definable? I disagree. (n/t)

wrathpuppet July 01, 2015 11:07AM

With a clear definition attached, your disagreement would have more weight (n/t)

Kstatida July 01, 2015 11:32AM

Honestly I'm not interested in getting into this with neo-Matrik. (n/t)

wrathpuppet July 01, 2015 12:21PM

You meant to say Neo Neo Sam. nt

Sam July 01, 2015 12:23PM

What is love?

jalim July 01, 2015 11:19AM

didn't read the first post but biologically we can love nothing more then heroine and cocain

Quas July 01, 2015 09:05AM

Heroin will trump a mother's love but cocaine typically won't. (n/t)

Elystan July 01, 2015 09:08AM

Listen, you American asshole.

Rhyaldrin July 01, 2015 03:14AM

I see what you did there

Kstatida July 01, 2015 06:27AM

I've certainly never seen people argue online before.

MiyagiYojimbo July 01, 2015 01:33AM

I don't care for them :)

Kstatida July 01, 2015 01:38AM

Just remember there are no qualifications to be a parent

Demtok June 29, 2015 07:59PM

Of course there is

Kstatida June 30, 2015 06:25AM

It let everyone know Louisiana is stuck in the stone age, if it wasn't already blatantly noticeable

Demtok June 29, 2015 07:39AM

i find it odd that in 2008 Obama said marriage was between 1 man, 1 woman, and that it was a state issue

The Forsaken(VIP) June 29, 2015 04:37AM

I saw that too.

MiyagiYojimbo June 29, 2015 08:43PM

in Soviet Russia

Kstatida June 29, 2015 04:06AM

Also I give it 20-30 years before the same happens in Russia (n/t)

Elystan June 30, 2015 02:42PM

Actually there is a basis behind your words

Kstatida July 01, 2015 12:43AM

There was a huge fuss in Western media over that law

Elystan July 01, 2015 01:24AM

Wrong post reply, I suppose

Kstatida July 01, 2015 01:42AM

Yep, point is I see a lot of parrellels between Russian attitudes of today and western attitudes of 25 years ago (n/t)

Elystan July 01, 2015 01:50AM

Perfectly valid point

Kstatida July 01, 2015 02:25AM


Rhyaldrin July 01, 2015 02:26AM

Finally a valid argument :)

Kstatida July 01, 2015 02:40AM

I'd tell you but I'm just going to copy from wikipedia instead

Elystan July 01, 2015 02:55AM

Thanks, was posting from phone

Kstatida July 01, 2015 06:21AM

You think there's going to be a Russia in 20-30 years? (n/t)

wrathpuppet June 30, 2015 03:17PM

They survived the mongols bro

Elystan June 30, 2015 03:20PM

Gay mongols? (n/t)

wrathpuppet June 30, 2015 03:22PM

That's a damn good question. (n/t)

Frosty June 30, 2015 03:35PM

Re: Gay mongols?

Batman June 30, 2015 03:34PM

He was actually white.

Sam June 30, 2015 04:12PM

He is the only buffer we have against the damnable mongol.

Batman June 30, 2015 04:19PM

So I was searching for a funny pic....and mind = blown.

Sam June 30, 2015 04:35PM

If I were Russian...

MiyagiYojimbo June 30, 2015 04:39PM

PS the link is super NSFW. nt

Sam June 30, 2015 04:36PM

I assumed it was NSFComputer

MiyagiYojimbo June 30, 2015 04:42PM

I like the Roberts dissent way more than I like the majority opinion. (n/t)

Batman June 28, 2015 05:10PM

I have two thoughts on it.

MiyagiYojimbo June 28, 2015 04:46PM

I tend to agree. I think the states have the right to be wrong.

Rhyaldrin June 28, 2015 05:12PM

Yeah, I think government should stay out of marriage too.

MiyagiYojimbo June 28, 2015 05:15PM

I disagree for this particular issue

Quas June 30, 2015 10:50AM

Re: I disagree for this particular issue

MiyagiYojimbo June 30, 2015 11:54AM

The main benefit of marriage is financial. nt

Sam June 30, 2015 12:26PM

And here I thought it was the cake. (n/t)

Batman June 30, 2015 12:30PM

You want a cake, go to baker.

Sam June 30, 2015 12:38PM

Gah, the baker refused to make my Nazi KKK "Gas the Kikes Race War Now" cake!

Batman June 30, 2015 12:55PM

just a silly exaggeration that ignores the real issue

silatar June 30, 2015 01:19PM

I was mainly making a joke....

Batman June 30, 2015 01:33PM

Isn't always another bakery

Quas July 02, 2015 10:45AM

On the same situation I come to the opposite conclusion:

Batman July 02, 2015 11:09AM

DIY is a great option...until you need surgery. (n/t)

wrathpuppet July 02, 2015 12:03PM

The picture is so true (n/t)

Kstatida July 01, 2015 01:23AM

The funny thing is

Kstatida June 29, 2015 04:12AM

.... What?

MiyagiYojimbo June 29, 2015 08:38PM


Kstatida June 30, 2015 06:25AM

Few things.

MiyagiYojimbo June 30, 2015 11:32AM

Re: Few things.

Kstatida June 30, 2015 01:52PM

Re: Few things.

MiyagiYojimbo June 30, 2015 03:37PM

I find the concept of "freedom" somewhat confusing

Kstatida July 01, 2015 12:57AM

How is homosexual marriage demographic suicide?

Java June 30, 2015 10:13AM


Kstatida June 30, 2015 10:21AM

I'm not sure homosexuality works like that

Elystan June 30, 2015 12:34PM

my point is that allowing homosexuality brings inherent advertizing

Kstatida June 30, 2015 10:41PM

Except you don't "create" gays..

Java June 30, 2015 12:19PM

Re: Except you don't "create" gays..

Kstatida June 30, 2015 01:39PM

Homosexuality in men can absoloutely be a genetic thing without killing itself off

Elystan June 30, 2015 02:15PM

I am a strong believer that a human being is above any animal

Kstatida July 01, 2015 01:04AM

Sure they can, but why would they want to?

Elystan July 01, 2015 01:28AM

Living in a low-populated country, I find malthusian philosophy somewhat... unnecessary :)

Kstatida July 01, 2015 01:45AM

Re: Except you don't "create" gays..

Java June 30, 2015 01:45PM

you clearly proved my point

Kstatida June 30, 2015 01:56PM

We don't have family 101 in America

MiyagiYojimbo June 30, 2015 11:35AM

that's clearly not true

Kstatida June 30, 2015 02:02PM

Re: that's clearly not true

MiyagiYojimbo June 30, 2015 03:50PM

And again we're in marketing basics

Kstatida July 01, 2015 12:38AM

I think there's a disconnect here.

MiyagiYojimbo July 02, 2015 09:24PM

I don't talk about popular or public opinion (which are totally manipulatable) actually

Kstatida July 02, 2015 10:31PM


MiyagiYojimbo July 02, 2015 10:41PM

I pointed it out quite obviously

Kstatida July 02, 2015 11:35PM

No sir.

Matrik July 02, 2015 11:55PM

Well isn't that silly explanation, but even if so

Kstatida July 03, 2015 12:06AM

How is it a silly explanation?

Matrik July 03, 2015 08:16AM

Now if you put these as benefits

Kstatida July 03, 2015 10:38AM

I agree.

Matrik July 03, 2015 12:00PM

Is it superior because it's american or is it american because it's superior? (n/t)

Kstatida July 07, 2015 12:19AM

Yes. (n/t)

Matrik July 07, 2015 05:51AM

Thank you! I thought as much. (n/t)

Kstatida July 07, 2015 07:16AM

Manifest Destiny, comrade.

MiyagiYojimbo July 07, 2015 01:37AM


Rhyaldrin July 07, 2015 12:21AM

This may be your greatest post ever. nt

Sam July 03, 2015 08:31AM

First off, your command of the english language prevents you from obviously stating anything.

MiyagiYojimbo July 02, 2015 11:37PM

So you gonna buy or not? It's five dollars! (n/t)

Kstatida July 02, 2015 11:43PM

Buy what?

MiyagiYojimbo July 02, 2015 11:46PM

I find it cumbersome to explain jokes not understood :(

Kstatida July 02, 2015 11:48PM

Too many people in the world anyway

NbM(VIP) June 30, 2015 10:58AM

It's also interesting to see the infographics of population density

Kstatida June 30, 2015 02:04PM

Nah man, gotta stop them Chinese.

Batman June 30, 2015 02:05PM

China is part of south-eastern Asia in my geography :) (n/t)

Kstatida July 01, 2015 01:05AM

I'm with Roberts on this. I see nothing about this involving either due process or the 14th amendment.

Batman June 30, 2015 02:50AM

"nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws"

MiyagiYojimbo June 30, 2015 11:14AM

A few issues with this concept.

Batman June 30, 2015 11:49AM

Baka Battootoko

MiyagiYojimbo June 30, 2015 12:41PM


Batman June 30, 2015 12:56PM

Your 44% right opinion lost to his 56% right opinion. (n/t)

DurNominator(VIP) July 04, 2015 09:32AM

Is "heterosexual marriage" the right, or is it the "right to marry who you choose"?

Java June 30, 2015 12:34PM

I've never had the right to marry who I choose.

Batman June 30, 2015 12:55PM

Re: I've never had the right to marry who I choose.

Java June 30, 2015 01:17PM

Re: I've never had the right to marry who I choose.

Batman June 30, 2015 01:28PM

Ok, let me try again..

Java June 30, 2015 01:41PM

Okay, I'll let you try again.

Batman June 30, 2015 01:55PM

You know me. Intimately.

The Faithful of Nazmorghul(VIP) July 05, 2015 09:05PM

Touch me, sweet miser!

Batman July 06, 2015 03:39AM

*touch* *touch* *touch* *badtouch*

The Faithful of Nazmorghul(VIP) July 06, 2015 08:45AM

For further clarification for anyone interested, equal protections claims and standard of review:

Batman July 07, 2015 11:18AM

Enjoyable read.

Matrik July 07, 2015 11:45AM

Did I mention already that I love Batman?

Kstatida July 06, 2015 04:48AM

Too late. I already told Putin you're a queer.

Rhyaldrin July 06, 2015 05:00AM

The President intuitively tells truth from false accusations

Kstatida July 06, 2015 05:28AM

I love it how discussions on the matter center on legal issues

Kstatida July 06, 2015 12:50AM


Batman July 06, 2015 03:42AM

Positivists think...

Kstatida July 06, 2015 04:38AM

I don't mean positivist as in optimistic. I mean positivist as in legal positivism.

Batman July 06, 2015 06:13AM

I was referring to positivism philosophy

Kstatida July 06, 2015 10:46AM

holy fuck tl;dr

Rhyaldrin July 06, 2015 06:24AM

Say that to my face not online see what happens

Batman July 06, 2015 06:28AM


Rhyaldrin July 06, 2015 06:34AM


The Faithful of Nazmorghul(VIP) July 06, 2015 04:23PM

Man who go to bed with itchy butt...

Matrik July 06, 2015 04:51PM

Too short, didn't diddle.

Batman July 06, 2015 06:37AM

This is why the Germans won World War 2.

Rhyaldrin July 06, 2015 06:45AM

You'd be unborn children of the ashes actually, which is totally inferior to elf pretenders :) (n/t)

Kstatida July 07, 2015 07:19AM

Re: I've never had the right to marry who I choose.

MiyagiYojimbo June 30, 2015 01:28PM

It's a privilege to serve my country

Batman June 30, 2015 01:34PM

They all shall receive dog kuru. (n/t)

DurNominator(VIP) July 04, 2015 09:57AM

Was there a minority report involved?

Kstatida June 30, 2015 09:58AM

Even Tom Cruise was there.

Batman June 30, 2015 11:43AM

Majes perfect sense from legal perspective (n/t)

Kstatida June 30, 2015 02:08PM

Roberts dissent was the only one that made a modicum of sense. Scalia's was mind-bogglingly stupid. nt

Sam June 30, 2015 12:40PM

Scalia was.....Being Scalia....

Batman June 30, 2015 01:37PM

That drawing made me lol. nt

Sam June 30, 2015 01:38PM

About TPP...

Sam June 28, 2015 04:54PM

I've had sex with quite a few lesbians so I am happy they can now legally be as miserable as us "straight" folk. nt

Sam June 28, 2015 04:30PM

That's your revenge on them because sex obviously was rediculously bad

Kstatida June 29, 2015 04:04AM nt

Sam June 30, 2015 12:46PM

His revenge was denying them po-tay-toes

MiyagiYojimbo June 30, 2015 12:48PM

Funny "true" of my nicknames used to be spud.

Sam June 30, 2015 01:09PM

So if a gay guy has sex with a woman once, he's no longer gay? (n/t)

Murphy June 29, 2015 10:53PM

He's only gay if he's a famous artist or musician

Kstatida June 30, 2015 12:55AM

That was a weird double post. nt

Sam June 28, 2015 04:30PM

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