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When would a bard use nightmare? IS there a use? n/t - Swink 22 years ago

At the very least - Uli 22 years ago

Isn't it two round lag? Why wouldn't they just come back and jump me again? nt - Swink 22 years ago

Not if they are in the death trap. *cackle* (n/t) - Kingsley 22 years ago

Everything is in the sauce eh? Fuck off, its secret. - n/t 22 years ago

Hmm. - Gorach 22 years ago

The only time I have fought Scion(except Stargher)was 5-1. Can you say permalag? - Swink 22 years ago

Geez. - Gorach 22 years ago

I stored your excellent advice in the deepest recesses of my fevered brain. nt - Thanks for replying. Swink 22 years ago

What if your shaman friend with Aristaeia up is about to die? - Seemingly Perpetual Newbie(nt) 22 years ago

Well, in that case.... - The Arcane 22 years ago

I took it to mean make the other guy flee so the shaman can walk away. n/t - Random Thinker 22 years ago

You're right, I'm dumb. (n/t) - The Arcane 22 years ago

Ha. (n/t) - saerb 22 years ago

Re: When would a bard use nightmare? IS there a use? n/t - Spire 22 years ago

Why? What would making him flee and me taking two rounds lag accomplish? nt - Swink 22 years ago

Yes. - Delanan 22 years ago

Re: Yes. - Guy on the Trip 22 years ago

Is bloodstone ancus(sp?) magic flagged? nt - Rager 22 years ago

Well. - Guy 22 years ago

Lol. - Gaplemo nine years ago

I was on that trip. The imm marched that mob right up to us in the suicide woods. - Gaplemo nine years ago

Gets people away from inner guardians into the hands of your 5 friends nt - Nivek 22 years ago

if your waterbreathing is dispelling in combat nt - Daurwyn 22 years ago

Complete. nt - Gabe(VIP) seventeen years ago

help with snare - permanewb seventeen years ago

Re: help with snare - Devildogg7051 seventeen years ago

When you attack someone who is in a snare they are lagged 2+ rounds. - Death_Claw seventeen years ago

Daggers have the chance of cutting loose or something. nt - sleepy seventeen years ago

Seen that once in 5 hero rangers. nt - Someone not special, Esquire seventeen years ago

It helps to be a dagger spec. ~ - _Magus_ seventeen years ago

Bulwark of faith also destroys snares. nt - DurNominator seventeen years ago

Now THAT is handy to know. Nice one. nt - Yhorian seventeen years ago

I don't even know what Bulwark of Faith is. :( nt - Isildur seventeen years ago

High level healer commune that works against lagging. - DurNominator seventeen years ago

Poll - Delete over dire wolf or not? - pollster seventeen years ago

What ive seen from the form is pretty good, give it a shot. nt - Cerunnir seventeen years ago

Trip on a shifter? Geez. That is your kill sealer. nt - Nivek seventeen years ago

against a couple newbies, but anyone skilled will be flying, is why I ask n/t - pollster seventeen years ago

Well, what would you have preferred instead? I heard the wolf pounces sometimes~ - Yhorian seventeen years ago

actually - pollster seventeen years ago

Trip is still neat. You have dispel/earthbind wandage to consider. nt - Yhorian seventeen years ago

Does butt lag these days? - DurNominator seventeen years ago

1 round, like rake. nt - Yhorian seventeen years ago

dispel + trip on a shifter is mean plus it rapes ragers nt - hopelessdwarf seventeen years ago

yeah pounce is so weak who would want that nt - pintose seventeen years ago

What the fuck happened to the pbase? *Boggle* - AA seventeen years ago

I would trade a lot to get trip on a shifter nt - thebigc seventeen years ago

Dire wolf is strong imho - Daurwyn seventeen years ago

Don't delete. It is a good form. - Elemek seventeen years ago

I noticed growl also seemed to affect mob morale. - AA seventeen years ago

Well, is it really okay and perhaps I dont understand something about cabals? - Fortorn seventeen years ago

Re: Well, is it really okay and perhaps I dont understand something about cabals? - WarEagle seventeen years ago

Yes, - Fortorn seventeen years ago

Re: Yes, - WarEagle seventeen years ago

How are you qualified to demand they be booted? - thebigc seventeen years ago

Response - Zridv seventeen years ago

You've got a bard chamoed near the tree - ExPaladin seventeen years ago

How about this? - Essenida seventeen years ago

It's one thing I like about being outnumbered. - Daurwyn seventeen years ago

Seconded, I love this too. nt - Runaktla seventeen years ago

Word. nt - Drokk seventeen years ago

*grumbles* I wish to kill you even more now :) - Fortorn seventeen years ago

Some things - Daurwyn seventeen years ago

That is a unique disadvantage to playing Outlander. - Balrahd seventeen years ago

BTW, I've given tons of Outlanders 1 v 1 over the last year. - AA seventeen years ago

This is your problem, douchebag. - AA seventeen years ago

You DO actually control your own character. - jibber seventeen years ago

You're like those Fortress healers that camp the Maran. - Cointreau seventeen years ago

Don't post things like this with your character's handle. - Death_Claw seventeen years ago

Dear Fortorn. Let me put it in perspective for you. - Drokk seventeen years ago

Let me explain... - Fortorn seventeen years ago

Re: Is is alright? - Drokk seventeen years ago

Standing next to you makes me look straight nt - Richard Simmon seventeen years ago

Then stop being a fag hiding at the tree in chameleon. n/t - Graham seventeen years ago

Sorry about the log in's and out's all. - Elahrairas seventeen years ago

Whats the bug? nt - sleepy seventeen years ago

New page on Familiars started on wiki - infi seventeen years ago

Not sure which link you mean... - Yhorian seventeen years ago

Its missing a lot of information. n/t - Death_Claw seventeen years ago

Cabal item downing changed? - thebigc seventeen years ago

That is really stupid idea I will explain more when I have some time n/t - Elhe seventeen years ago

I completely disagree, it gives a lot of flavor to raiding - NbM seventeen years ago

Thanks. I hope it works out how I intended. nt - The Forsaken seventeen years ago

I REALLY dislike even the thought of this change. - Vladamir seventeen years ago

Not to mention making caballed assassins more powerful - NeverMindTheWarlocks seventeen years ago

You can not hide after battle...for 2 ticks or 3 even. nt - Dervish seventeen years ago

Assassins don't battle. They stalk cabal raiders and get assassinations. - Balrahd seventeen years ago

If it takes you 12 stalks time to get from scion to fortress - Xenoroyal1 seventeen years ago

why should he stalk right one? He can assassinate anyone he wants n/t - Elhe seventeen years ago

What? - Xenoroyal1 seventeen years ago

He's saying.. - Java seventeen years ago

Err, something I forgot to mention.. - Java seventeen years ago

You people are arguing at cross purposes - ExPaladin seventeen years ago

I don't think people will recall and leave the one guy with the item behind. n/t - Balrahd seventeen years ago

That's my problem with it. It virtually guarantees an easy assassination. n/t - Balrahd seventeen years ago

-If- he's stalking the correct person. nt - The Forsaken seventeen years ago

At least half of hero pk won't be able to leave cabal mate due rp reasons n/t - Elhe seventeen years ago

I don't know what you mean. Why? nt - The Forsaken seventeen years ago

Fortress, goodies? People who does not want to be pussies? :) nt - Elhe seventeen years ago

To me it makes outlander and empire a helluva alot more powerful - hopelessdwarf seventeen years ago

That is one thing I agree with... - NbM seventeen years ago

Good idea nt - thebigc seventeen years ago

Wrong it's a great change! ~ - *ORB* seventeen years ago

Some explanations - Elhe seventeen years ago

Also - Elhe seventeen years ago

I think the change was intended to help lesser guys take on more - thebigc seventeen years ago

The only problem I have with it, is that you still cannot drop from inventory. - _Magus_ seventeen years ago

Thieves just got retrieving made a lot easier. Just camp away. nt - thebigc seventeen years ago

Makes air shifters a bit more useful. nt - DurNominator seventeen years ago

Re: Cabal item downing changed? - Gaspar seventeen years ago

Wasn't it capture the flag before too? nt - DurNominator seventeen years ago

Re: Wasn't it capture the flag before too? nt - Gaspar seventeen years ago

Youngin. What the hell is Halo? New fangled FPS. - Death_Claw seventeen years ago

I would propose an alternate route from Empire. - The Forsaken seventeen years ago

Maybe we all will play rugby with items now. nt - thebigc seventeen years ago

I think we need to wait and see how it plays out~ - ExPaladin seventeen years ago

Sadly this will DISCOURAGE cabal wars even more than they are now. - Graham seventeen years ago

cosign n/t - Elhe seventeen years ago

an illuminating scroll. - Cob seventeen years ago

Think it's a minor mana regen bonus. n/t - Terwin seventeen years ago

I think it just gives more max mana. n/t - Xenoroyal1 seventeen years ago

Clarity = +int, clear focus = +max mana - nebel seventeen years ago

Anyone got a summary of last weeks Cabalwars? - Yhorian seventeen years ago

Re: Anyone got a summary of last weeks Cabalwars? - Dervish seventeen years ago

So if you had to pick an underdog or two to try out for? Fortress/Nexus? nt - Yhorian seventeen years ago

Was that the question to me? Can you explain? Whats 'underdog"? - Dervish seventeen years ago nt - DurNominator seventeen years ago

Re: Was that the question to me? Can you explain? Whats 'underdog"? - Cointreau seventeen years ago

Tribunals for now imho. - Dervish seventeen years ago

Well, but here is some nuance - Dervish seventeen years ago

Fortress is 94% and Nexus is 100%. That's hardly underdog. - Xenoroyal1 seventeen years ago

I'm new here. What do those percentages mean? - Java seventeen years ago

Yes. nt - DurNominator seventeen years ago

These numbers are since Sunday, when it gets reset. nt - Yhorian seventeen years ago

these are based on cabal items not power txt - pintose seventeen years ago

If they were in power, they wouldn't lose their items the most. n/t - Xenoroyal1 seventeen years ago

Underdog = Playing against the odds (almost) all the time. nt - Drokk seventeen years ago

Sure. - Pro seventeen years ago

It's a shame you never earned the spelling & grammar medal. ~ - Chalupah seventeen years ago

If you need challenge, go Tribunal - Uli seventeen years ago

You are wrong about Outlanders. Imperials breeds fast, yes. - Dervish seventeen years ago

They delete fast too. nt - big_dave seventeen years ago

Was Vessa's place moved or removed outright? n/t - Lightmage seventeen years ago

Removed. The cloak still exists though nt - Istirith seventeen years ago

I don't think he was looking for the cloak. nt - Drokk seventeen years ago

I gathered, but if the cloak still exists.. - Istirith seventeen years ago

ROFL. ~ - _Magus_ seventeen years ago

Yeah, sucks huh? Think you might know why.. nt - Devildogg7051 seventeen years ago

What was so special there?Its gone so you might fill in the clueless as well :)~ - Rodriguez seventeen years ago

barrier potion n/t - Xenoroyal1 seventeen years ago

Anyone still blow off quests now that edges are around? nt - Inquisitor seventeen years ago

Eh? I'm not sure what you're assuming, but the two are unrelated. nt - Yhorian seventeen years ago

quests can be worth edge points nt - Daurwyn seventeen years ago

This hasn't been my experience - ExPaladin seventeen years ago

Ditto all them, though not entirely sure about age I have a hunch. nt - Yhorian seventeen years ago

As per Daevryn: - casual_player seventeen years ago

Hence...Quests can be worth edge points. nt - Vladamir seventeen years ago

No. txt - Isildur seventeen years ago

Hence .. walking down Eastern Road can be worth edge points. n/t - Balrahd seventeen years ago

No, you could not - Daurwyn seventeen years ago

Re: No, you could not - Isildur seventeen years ago

What I've noticed. - WarEagle seventeen years ago

There's only 5 people that play CF now. And they're one big perma. nt - Java seventeen years ago

Yup. Last night they had 10 characters on, each, the cheaters. nt - DurNominator seventeen years ago

Blame what you wish... - Someone not special, Esquire seventeen years ago

Re: Blame what you wish... - WarEagle seventeen years ago

OMG YOU TOOK MY SKULL RINGS!!! I'M DELETING NOW! - RobDarken seventeen years ago

??? - WarEagle seventeen years ago

No, I'm not talking about what you were. - RobDarken seventeen years ago

Oh alright b/c anyone who disagrees w/ me is wrong. :) n/t - WarEagle seventeen years ago

Always been like that iirc - Daurwyn seventeen years ago

The current crop is particularly spineless. (nt) - Cointreau seventeen years ago

You're pretty much talking about me. - WarEagle seventeen years ago

You're also the guy who would park in his guild when faced with 1-2 defenders. - Vladamir seventeen years ago

Disagree, but no point in going over this. n/t - WarEagle seventeen years ago

I wasn't trying to be combative about it. - Vladamir seventeen years ago

I strongly disagree - Dervish seventeen years ago

Yeah an outlander healer + bioempathy makes for bad retrieval n/t - Random seventeen years ago

Yeah, I am thinking about rolling new Trib, should be good fighting - Dervish seventeen years ago

Fighting against healers is about as boring and one sided as it gets. nt - Someone not special, Esquire seventeen years ago

Scions are not low on numbers in practice - Daurwyn seventeen years ago

6 hours is actually quite a long time. - NeverMindTheWarlocks seventeen years ago

It's been that way for a long time in my experience - I think it has to do with - Balrahd seventeen years ago

Whats your biggest CF weakness? - Tolose seventeen years ago

Mine would be... - RobDarken seventeen years ago

Actually, let me change my answer. - RobDarken seventeen years ago

Curiosity and stupid mistakes like - Dervish seventeen years ago

Definitely Exploring - Kamuela seventeen years ago

Laziness. - Java seventeen years ago

Ditto. nt - DurNominator seventeen years ago

Fumbling in a quick PK situation is other. nt - DurNominator seventeen years ago

balrahd :(.. nt - Jhyrbian seventeen years ago

Many vs. many fights. I miss all the stuff and die every time. n/t - Uli seventeen years ago

The characters are repetitive for me these days... - Falstaff seventeen years ago

Make something new? - Dervish seventeen years ago

Deletion, but not of the rage kind. More of the 'bored of char' kind nt - entropissed seventeen years ago

Re: Deletion, but not of the rage kind. More of the 'bored of char' kind nt - sleepy seventeen years ago

Reckless impulse. nt - Rogue seventeen years ago

Forgetting how much bash pwns nt - NeverMindTheWarlocks seventeen years ago

eczema. nt - Isildur seventeen years ago

Mob deaths. I always con kill myself way way sooner because of them. nt - Vladamir seventeen years ago

You can do a lot by setting a higher wimpy in that front. nt - DurNominator seventeen years ago

I seldom use wimpy. nt - Vladamir seventeen years ago

Controling Servitors - Conji seventeen years ago

You can order yur elementals to do some area affects. n/t - Pro seventeen years ago

A lot of mobs aren't hit by these anymore, I haven't figured out which or why. - Yhorian seventeen years ago

You can not command angels, but - Dervish seventeen years ago

Normally as follows - Daurwyn seventeen years ago

Can also do this with you familiar, if you servitors move too fast. - Yhorian seventeen years ago