There was a profound symbolism in seeing a Jewish woman (I think her name was Crain Mrotz) stand in solidarity behind Ilhan Omar during that press conference. Indeed, Omar in fact has much support among liberal Jewish people, who make up the vast majority of American Jews and who overwhelmingly vote Democrat, and she's gaining much ground among progressives across the board.
She, and the Squad, not only are here to stay but they are very likely the future of the American left. Meanwhile, the old white males and racist white women who've voted Trump into office in 2016 are literally dying off as we speak from a combination of old age, suicide and substance abuse. As a young white person, I honestly can't say they'll be missed.
Pepe the Frog is a very apt meme for you lot: A frog in a boiling pot of water, thinking its circumstances comfortable at first, and suddenly realizing -too late- that its time has already passed.