Says the dude whose wife fucks other dudes for money. Fucking cuck. NT

April 28, 2017 12:28AM
Subject Author Posted

Leading cause of (alleged) CF death:

Isildur(VIP) April 26, 2017 08:45PM

It all boils down to 2 things for me:

Jib April 28, 2017 12:32PM

Get your priorities straight.

saagkri April 28, 2017 03:40PM

When we all retire, CF will resurge.

Matrik April 28, 2017 12:37PM

Where is "my wife" option? (n/t)

xrus April 27, 2017 11:39PM

It's only a catalyst

Kstatida April 28, 2017 12:05AM

Wives are bad for player counts

zannon April 28, 2017 03:21AM

I really don't get this.

Matrik April 28, 2017 09:25AM

Are you married? (n/t)

Kstatida April 28, 2017 11:23AM

Eight years. Happily. No kids. (n/t)

Matrik April 28, 2017 12:34PM

I think we've had this conversation before :)

Kstatida April 28, 2017 01:34PM

I don't think we have and your opinion is wrong. Proof inside.

Matrik April 28, 2017 02:18PM

Fake post. (n/t)

Murphy April 28, 2017 02:31PM

Fake Russian. (n/t)

Matrik April 28, 2017 02:59PM

Fake Matrik.

Murphy April 28, 2017 06:18PM

In CF, full looting is not griefing. It's part of the game. On purpose.

Matrik April 29, 2017 06:56AM

The real question is, who are you and what have you done with the real Matrik? (n/t)

Murphy April 29, 2017 07:18AM

I've always advocated full loot/sac. Since day 1.

Matrik April 29, 2017 07:25AM

I don't remember you being this caustic, hateful persona. (n/t)

Murphy April 29, 2017 07:29AM

... really?

Matrik April 29, 2017 07:31AM


Murphy April 29, 2017 07:35AM

Oh, lol.

Matrik April 29, 2017 07:36AM

While this may hold some truth

Murphy April 29, 2017 07:53AM

Let me help correct your thinking.

Matrik April 29, 2017 08:02AM


Murphy April 29, 2017 08:24AM


Matrik April 29, 2017 09:02AM

Re: Yes

Murphy April 29, 2017 09:39AM


Kstatida April 29, 2017 11:00AM


Matrik April 29, 2017 11:32AM

Re: Yes

Matrik April 29, 2017 09:55AM

Re: Yes

Murphy April 29, 2017 10:20AM

Re: Yes

Matrik April 29, 2017 11:31AM

Re: Yes

Murphy April 29, 2017 04:05PM

Re: Yes

Matrik April 29, 2017 04:29PM

I will only care to answer one of these.

Murphy April 29, 2017 04:43PM

You don't have to let me.

Matrik April 29, 2017 04:53PM

Re: Ooo oOo'o oooO oo OOo oO.

Murphy April 29, 2017 04:58PM

It's hard to tell.

MiyagiYojimbo April 29, 2017 11:57PM

*applause* (n/t)

Matrik April 29, 2017 05:01PM

Really need to get that ban lifted. Seriously. No CF and no RP make Matrik something something. (n/t)

Frosty April 28, 2017 06:22PM

Real post. (n/t)

Matrik April 29, 2017 06:58AM

Well it goes like this

zannon April 28, 2017 10:10AM

Maybe I'm just an asshole

Matrik April 28, 2017 10:24AM


zannon April 28, 2017 10:52AM

Ranger is a good point too.

Matrik April 28, 2017 12:33PM

Yeah the only thing I'd be tempted to play these days would be a ranger, or other stealth class which could play with no gear capable of short logins. (n/t)

Jib April 28, 2017 12:40PM

But if we all play ranger it doesn't work! (n/t)

Matrik April 28, 2017 12:41PM

Oh shit. Good point.

Jib April 28, 2017 12:42PM

Transmuters, then?

Murphy April 28, 2017 02:35PM

I wonder if that's still true for jalim. (n/t)

Murphy April 28, 2017 03:28AM

He's a follower

Kstatida April 28, 2017 03:59AM

Meaningless options

DurNominator(VIP) April 27, 2017 09:17PM

Well said.

Death_Claw April 30, 2017 03:12PM

Stay dormant. (n/t)

GoldenApple April 28, 2017 06:35AM

Are you someone new or some old timer's alt account?

DurNominator(VIP) April 29, 2017 01:09PM

Stay please. The world needs more DurNominator.

Matrik April 29, 2017 02:07PM

Re: Meaningless options

Isildur(VIP) April 28, 2017 05:30AM

the disappearance of dungeonmasters (imms, but high caliber, or maybe just more involved)

The Forsaken(VIP) April 27, 2017 12:43PM

Part of the reason I loved 2005-2007 so much was it seemed like there were 4-7 vis IMMs on at all times, all with religions OR involving themselves with mortals. NT

Sam April 27, 2017 01:48PM

How about: Other games got much more fun over time while CF didn't.

PaulO April 27, 2017 10:16AM

That video about skill to power ratio...

laearrist April 27, 2017 05:28PM


PaulO April 27, 2017 06:04PM

That's actually quite good (n/t)

Kstatida April 27, 2017 10:50AM

which ones? txt

Isildur(VIP) April 27, 2017 10:38AM

Why do they need to be free?

Death_Claw April 30, 2017 03:17PM

Most of them.

PaulO April 27, 2017 02:46PM

Re: Most of them.

Isildur(VIP) April 27, 2017 06:19PM

Those are computer games

PaulO April 27, 2017 07:01PM

Some old console games are still great

zannon April 28, 2017 03:09AM

FF6, best FF. DQ3, best DQ.

Matrik April 28, 2017 09:12AM

Some maybe less well known, but super fun games too:

Matrik April 28, 2017 09:17AM

River Ciy Ransom

zannon April 28, 2017 09:27AM

Chains and steel pipes.

Matrik April 28, 2017 09:31AM

Re: Chains and steel pipes.

zannon April 28, 2017 09:38AM

Dest's overreaching needs

crafteddeception April 27, 2017 06:58AM

Re: Dest's overreaching needs

bufu April 27, 2017 12:12PM

But.. the top three possible reasons aren't there.

KoeKhaos April 27, 2017 06:33AM

Of course there are many reasons. Much like in a gang, though, only the killing blow matters.

Murphy April 27, 2017 03:21PM

This. PaulO has some good points too about the design of CF which explains why there are so few new players. NT (n/t)

Drokk April 27, 2017 11:44AM

I vote Russians

Kstatida April 27, 2017 03:02AM

Destroy! For mathe Rusha!!!! (n/t)

ekvilibr April 27, 2017 10:19PM

One with the most frags gets to be the Tsar.

DurNominator(VIP) April 27, 2017 09:19PM

Re: One with the most frags gets to be the Tsar.

Murphy April 27, 2017 09:22PM

Yep. Your own people.

Sam April 27, 2017 09:24AM

Those weren't really their own people tho

Flipside Oreo April 27, 2017 09:05PM

If you want to post bullshit you know nothing about

alex April 28, 2017 04:35AM

Sorry snowflake, for offending your sensibilities, you nationalist fuck. NT

Sam April 28, 2017 09:15AM

Go fuck yourself, sam (n/t)

Kstatida April 28, 2017 09:57PM


Sam April 28, 2017 10:08PM

I think Marcus is european

Kstatida April 28, 2017 05:07AM

Probably a few.

zannon April 28, 2017 05:00AM

It's not the point, dude

Kstatida April 28, 2017 05:16AM

Re: Those weren't really their own people tho

Kstatida April 28, 2017 12:01AM

I don't believe it was incompetence

Flipside Oreo April 28, 2017 11:33AM

We've had this discussion before

Kstatida April 28, 2017 01:28PM

Re: We've had this discussion before

Flipside Oreo April 28, 2017 01:59PM

You quote wrong things

Kstatida April 28, 2017 09:55PM

Good to know how you think in these matters..

Flipside Oreo April 30, 2017 08:10AM

It always amuses me how every culture denies their own mass murder.

Rhyaldrin April 28, 2017 01:01AM

Sorry, dide, the whole idea of that "genocide" was invented in 2004

Kstatida April 28, 2017 01:15AM

We learnt about genocide when I went to elementary school in 1980s

Flipside Oreo April 28, 2017 10:57AM

w/e don't care.

Rhyaldrin April 28, 2017 01:16AM

I don't need to feel better

Kstatida April 28, 2017 01:20AM

You need to feel better.

Rhyaldrin April 28, 2017 01:36AM

+100 Interwebs. I need to get my numbers up! Fucking commie cucks ruining everything. NT

Sam April 28, 2017 04:54PM

That's not about trolling, really

Kstatida April 28, 2017 02:37AM

You're a fucking idiot. So it's not surprising. NT

Sam April 28, 2017 04:55PM

Re: He's using this term unironically for lulz

Murphy April 28, 2017 02:29AM

Unironically for lulz, Murph

Kstatida April 28, 2017 02:40AM

It's very hot today and I'm not keen on linguistic exercise right now.

Murphy April 28, 2017 03:19AM

Well at least we don't have stupid springs and autumns (n/t)

Kstatida April 28, 2017 04:08AM

I think I was pretty fucking clear Murphy.

Rhyaldrin April 28, 2017 02:31AM

*shrug* whatever, if you don't want to explain, I'll just move along. (n/t)

Murphy April 28, 2017 02:34AM

Keep movin we don't serve your kind here.

Rhyaldrin April 28, 2017 02:41AM

Defending villagers? Where?

Murphy April 28, 2017 02:57AM

He hates Glik more than he hates villagers

Kstatida April 28, 2017 02:42AM

Ooooooo, did I crumble a bit of your self-importance that is tied to nationalism? So sorry, you fucking cuck. NT

Sam April 28, 2017 12:29AM

Go fuck yourself, Sam

Kstatida April 28, 2017 12:51AM

Sorry Russian funnyone. But your tears of nationalistic pride are fucking delicious. How's it feel to live in a country that slaughters it's own citizens? NT

Sam April 28, 2017 09:17AM

I know exactly how it feels talking to a fucking idiot

Kstatida April 28, 2017 09:58PM

PS Russians committed genocide on their own people. NT

Sam April 28, 2017 10:09PM

Now you can go and fuck yourself

Kstatida April 29, 2017 12:18AM

It's sad you have nothing intelligent to say. You quote propaganda that furthers your own, sad, nationalistic pride that makes you a fucking simpleton.

Sam April 28, 2017 10:07PM

In case you didn't get it

Kstatida April 28, 2017 11:22PM

Not only are you a STUPID IDIOT...YOU JUST MADE THE LIST!!!!! NT

Sam April 29, 2017 07:26AM

Haha. Be happy we don't slaughter someone else's citizens. (n/t)

Murphy April 28, 2017 02:33PM

Why? Then you'd just be like America ;) NT

Sam April 28, 2017 04:56PM

[] ??? Don't make me laugh.

shaapa April 27, 2017 09:46AM

Now try to guess a country which helped Soviet Union the most in overcoming that famine, asshole?

Kstatida April 27, 2017 09:27AM

*your (n/t)

Rhyaldrin April 27, 2017 05:09PM

IDGAF lol. Russians kill themselves as much as they kill others, just saying. NT

Sam April 27, 2017 12:08PM

That was U.S., you faggot

Kstatida April 27, 2017 01:14PM do you know my "ancestors" lived in the US during that time?

Sam April 27, 2017 01:49PM

I don't care if you have ancestors, fuckass

Kstatida April 27, 2017 11:16PM

Says the dude whose wife fucks other dudes for money. Fucking cuck. NT

Sam April 28, 2017 12:28AM

Well dude, you've just proved yourself being a fucking asshole one more time

Kstatida April 28, 2017 12:52AM


Rhyaldrin April 28, 2017 12:55AM

That's incredible difference between U.S. and Russian cultures

Kstatida April 28, 2017 01:18AM

You're a fucking spaz. Sorry Russian funnyone, it's true. It's DAMN TRUE. NT

Sam April 28, 2017 09:13AM

Take that back!

NbM(VIP) April 28, 2017 09:43AM

The Overlord's Name is Not Yours to Use

Murphy April 29, 2017 08:35AM


zannon April 28, 2017 10:11AM


NbM(VIP) April 28, 2017 10:16AM

Not only that, usually Jerry can actually kill you :) Funnyone just threatens you with terrible things if he ever "wins" a fight between the two of you. NT

Sam April 28, 2017 08:48PM

I thought you were like a retarded Russian matrik...but you're actually like a retarded Russian funnyone. NT

Sam April 27, 2017 01:46PM

You accuse my nation of self-genocide like it's a proven fact, having nothing on your hands

Kstatida April 27, 2017 11:15PM

Go suck Beront's dick, you fucking piece of shit. Eat a fat one. NT

Sam April 28, 2017 12:27AM

If you didn't get it

Kstatida April 28, 2017 12:52AM

Sam hates Russia because it's the hipster thing to do.

Rhyaldrin April 28, 2017 01:06AM

I'm now imagining Sam as that guy from JA who hates Russians. (n/t)

Murphy April 28, 2017 02:27AM

How are you not in a Chechnyan concentration camp yet? (n/t)

jhyrbian April 27, 2017 01:41PM

They were going to send me there

Kstatida April 27, 2017 01:45PM

I should have added pollonium as an option. nt

Isildur(VIP) April 27, 2017 04:33AM

Never add pollonium to anything

Kstatida April 27, 2017 08:39AM

Re: Leading cause of (alleged) CF death:

zanzarin April 27, 2017 02:12AM

Your poll doesnt have

HairyOrangutan April 26, 2017 11:10PM

lol'd at sportsmanship.

MiyagiYojimbo April 26, 2017 09:31PM

Where's all of the above? (n/t)

BlkDrgn April 26, 2017 09:27PM

Where's none of the above? (n/t)

KoeKhaos April 27, 2017 06:35AM

Where's some of the above? (n/t)

Matrik April 27, 2017 12:43PM

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