We won't get into the media. It's not like anyone could argue Fox News doesn't paint liberal democrats in a pretty terrible light, much as the other outlets do to republicans and Trump supporters. The media has simply lost the one thing that made it valuable to the public. Objective neutrality.
I know plenty of people who voted for him, most of my family included. None of them are the stereotypical hillbilly middle of the country type people that any one who voted for him is so often falsely portrayed as. They're regular people, and they made a choice, and they'll make another one in 2020, not that it matters in Maryland anyway since the electoral college negates any meaning to the vote.
I still have a hard time trying to believe Hillary Clinton really would have been a better president for this country. I probably just would not hate things quite as much because hopefully she would not have felt the incessant need to tweet out things all day long. Most of which are demonstrably false. But Trump simply could never make the pivot away from campaigner for president to actually being president, and well, that's where we are today and I think is why a large part of the country hates him so passionately. He simply does not know how to rise above things in a manner befitting the office he holds. Who the fuck cares if Alec Baldwin does a shitty impersonation of you on SNL, you're the president of the USA and he's an actor.
1) There are right and wrong ways to execute the laws of this country. Unfortunately, the executive branch too often oversteps it's own authority and engages in quasi-legislating. Not just with Trump, but all president's are guilty of this. Interpreting the law is the job of courts, not executives. OF course the legislature gives too broad a discretion to agencies to begin with. Trump's bigger problem is not having very good people helming his offices. But what highly qualified person would really want to work directly under him anyway? He seems like a very disagreeable person to work for.
2) I have no problem with freedom of speech or peaceful civil debate. I also have no problem with people being responsible and accountable for what that speech is and what it does. The status of political discourse in a civil fashion is appalling in this country. Again, I find Trump to be the result of this degradation of the political landscape, not the cause. People were all too willing to embrace his campaign style instead of reject it. That says more about us than it does about the man smart enough to capitalize on it.
I'm against the overt PCness of our society as a whole, but at the same time, you want to go around inciting people with rhetoric, you're responsible for the result. You want to sling insults, don't be surprised when it comes back on you. Freedom of speech is not a shield. It's a right, the exercise of which can and will have consequences depending on the speech. Now that said, it's a little ridiculous about the sensitivities people claim to have about things. Damned snowflakes.
3) I'm not sure I agree with your statement, but I don't spend time reading economic theory. I do know no CEO is worth anything remotely close to what they are paid, but hey, that's how it is and it's not changing. Instead of letting economic benefits trickle down to the lower wage earners, how about just paying it to those lower wage earners directly. What difference does it make who does the spending after all? If the same 5 million gets spent, the benefit should be the same.
4) The democrats rarely ever have and from a personal view point I rather hate them and their entire stance on most things (but I will always be pro choice). I have voted for one democrat in one election. Most of the time more of my main issues align with republican view points (well libertarian to be honest- but that party is going nowhere) and so I vote for them.
And quite honestly Mitch McConnell is a far more vile person to me than Trump ever could be, and he is a far bigger symbol of all that is wrong with American government.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/06/2019 10:01AM by zannon.