Log Board


Just wanted a fight - LogFiend seven months ago

Equipment is one of the worst implementation elements of CF - Quas seven months ago

viera: vs flistibbis - starbright eight months ago

no more logs from viera until xzelyx and erorm delete (n/t) - starbright eight months ago

viera: vs gaelisar, azren - starbright eight months ago

viera: vs a lot of fort - starbright eight months ago

viera: vs korgo, nhrible part 2 - starbright eight months ago

after this fight i was somehow thinking he had Fires as a 3rd legacy (n/t) - starbright eight months ago

viera: vs korgo, nhrible part 1 - starbright eight months ago

viera: vs srinissi part 2 - starbright eight months ago

i can see sri going g damnit im cursed.... to late - TRIBUNAL six months ago

straight up Fort-lander-ing. nt - The Forsaken(VIP) seven months ago

Funny, I remember being pleasantly surprised Sri was NOT Fortlandering.. - starbright seven months ago

viera: vs srinissi part 1 - starbright eight months ago

viera: and yala vs korgo and arrthenu - starbright eight months ago

viera: and yala vs korgo at tree - starbright eight months ago

viera: vs makdran - starbright eight months ago

viera: rp log, proposing to vaskal <3 - starbright eight months ago

vaskal > xzelyx. who has a baby with the enemy cabal leader? suck it sulirye (n/t) - starbright eight months ago

viera: and a late-joining seraphis gang lyranthir. commentary for fighting champs - starbright eight months ago

viera: and felar chief mercilessly gang ruvende - starbright eight months ago

viera: push into village for ruvende - starbright eight months ago